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Newbie looking for some direction :)

Newbie looking for some direction :)

Oct 5, 2022, 06:3610/05/22

Newbie looking for some direction :)

Hi RSL Forumites. 

I started playing casually and now just passed 30 days. I think I have been quite lucky to get a few good champions and have done a little research and tried to focus on the recommended ones. I am still trying to get to grips with mechanics, gear and what to do, so I've just been farming 12-3 to build feeders.

Kael, first to 60 masteries and booked, and that helped with farming campaign. Then as I reached enough feeders for a second 60, Tayrel landed in my lap so I gave him everything. I almost  enough for a 3rd 60 now, and have been thinking of either giving them to Apothecary, Ultimate DK, Melga Steelgirdle or maybe even Ruel the Huntmaster, but I got Skullcrusher from a blue shard, and I understand he is good for Clan Boss, which I believe that I should be working toward. 

Here is an image of my roster. Any helpful advice will be appreciated. Fwiw, just about every Arena battle I fight in has an Ultimate DK in defense and although Roric Wyrmbane might not be a great hero (??) I find his stun ability invaluable in suppressing DK. Alternative suggestions are welcome!  

Options for 3rd 6* :

Melga Steelgirdle (although Ultimate DK currently does all my healing/defense)

Ultimate DK

Apothecary (I do have High Khatun now as well)

Roric Wyrmbane

Ruel the Huntmaster

Other Epics I have are: Masamoto, Fang Cleric, Jinglehunter, Jizoh, Lodric Falconheart, Shaman, Souldrinker, 

Other leveled Rares: Warmaiden, Frozen Banshee, Warpriest (and 2 additional unleveled Kaels)

Other Uncommons: Armiger, Dhampir, Saurus, Sniper, Outrider, Shieldguard, Soulbound Bowyer, Dervish

Common: Death Hound


Oct 5, 2022, 07:4910/05/22


I believe I'd go UDK next as he's the most likely to help you in overall content. From there, we have a few options: Skullcrusher for Clan Boss is a great place to go, Frozen Banshee for Clan Boss/Dragon, and then I think I'd consider one of Melga (reviver), Apothecary, maybe High Khatun. Overall you have some extremely strong options to start out. :)

Oct 5, 2022, 07:5910/05/22

Thanks dthorne! I think you are probably right about DK. 

Nov 7, 2022, 12:3711/07/22



I now have enough feeders to make another two 6 star champs. I think I probably just need a team that can help me get through Dragon 15 - 20 (I have been able to set my team to beat Dragon 18 on auto, but it runs about 8 minutes).

If anyone has some spare time, I'd be very grateful for opinions. I've been thinking of trying to build a team around Farrakhin the Fat for Arena, but don't have many useful heroes with A1 aoe. 

Nov 7, 2022, 13:0611/07/22

Fellhound for fast farming ?? If you do, easily reach the another lvl60 characters, because thats a 5sec farmer. Just your energy set limit for exp grinding.

Nov 7, 2022, 14:0511/07/22



I now have enough feeders to make another two 6 star champs. I think I probably just need a team that can help me get through Dragon 15 - 20 (I have been able to set my team to beat Dragon 18 on auto, but it runs about 8 minutes).

If anyone has some spare time, I'd be very grateful for opinions. I've been thinking of trying to build a team around Farrakhin the Fat for Arena, but don't have many useful heroes with A1 aoe. 

I wouldn't build an arena team around Fahrakin, not when you already have Nekmo, Tayrel and Kael built. Frozen Banshee is a Goddess against clanboss and good against Dragon, and So is Occult Brawler. Apothecary is great in dungeons. How are your books?

Nov 8, 2022, 05:2911/08/22

Thanks for the reply! :D

For Clan boss I am generally using UDK, Tayrel, Skullcrusher, Kael and Fahrakin

Kael is fully booked, (Tayrel's A1 is 4, A2 is 1, and A3 is 2), Nekmo has no books, DK has A1 at 2 and A2 at 4, Skullcrusher has no books, Fatty has 1 on A1. Apothecary is full, Frozen Banshee is full. None on Occult Brawler yet.  

I have no legendary books spare atm, but 10 rare and 10 epic books waiting to be used.

Nov 8, 2022, 12:2811/08/22

You mihgt also want to consider running Potion dungeons to ascend the champs you have.

I cringe a bit, if I see Nekmo, a great champion, at level 60 but with only 1 ascension star..;-)

Nov 9, 2022, 05:4711/09/22

I will attend to that right away. I'm not 100% clear on the full benefits of the ascension aspect of things yet. I'd been farming spirit keep in the last few days for the superior potion mission, so I should be able to give him a few more pink stars now.  

Nov 9, 2022, 06:2711/09/22

I will attend to that right away. I'm not 100% clear on the full benefits of the ascension aspect of things yet. I'd been farming spirit keep in the last few days for the superior potion mission, so I should be able to give him a few more pink stars now.  

Oh, with ascending the champs, you get only a minor increase in attributes.

The most beneficial effect is that with 5* you can equip an amulet and with 6 * ascension you can equip a banner....

Nov 9, 2022, 07:1011/09/22

Thank you Matrim! I have him on 4 stars now, so I'll try get to 5 for the Amulet benefit. 

Nov 11, 2022, 14:2911/11/22

Thanks for the reply! :D

For Clan boss I am generally using UDK, Tayrel, Skullcrusher, Kael and Fahrakin

Kael is fully booked, (Tayrel's A1 is 4, A2 is 1, and A3 is 2), Nekmo has no books, DK has A1 at 2 and A2 at 4, Skullcrusher has no books, Fatty has 1 on A1. Apothecary is full, Frozen Banshee is full. None on Occult Brawler yet.  

I have no legendary books spare atm, but 10 rare and 10 epic books waiting to be used.

I don't think Occult Brawler needs books. I would build up Apothecary next, then see where in the game you struggle the most.