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rare champions drop rate on campaign missions

rare champions drop rate on campaign missions

Jun 3, 2019, 22:5506/03/19

rare champions drop rate on campaign missions

Of my experiences the the drop rate of rare champions inside the campaign missions is hardly limited too.

Can any moderator confirm the exact limits of rare champions inside the campaign, please?

Is it like 5 per week or rather 5 per month? 

Jun 3, 2019, 23:5506/03/19


As I can't provide you the drop rates of champions because well they aren't even released to us. 

I can tell you that the chance of a champion dropping from campaign regardless of difficulties is the same BUT, once the champion has been selected from the loot pool, harder difficulties have better rates of getting a rare champion over a common or uncommon then easy, so in this case Brutal is your best chances to get them. 

so to clarify, there are 2 rolls involved here.

1st, what will you get out of the categories of loot available.

2nd, (if champion) what champion you will get. - here is where the chances are increased on the harder difficulties, the harder the difficulty the higher the chance that a rare will drop(/selected).

I hope that helps.

many thanks.

Jun 4, 2019, 19:4606/04/19

Hello Kiwi,

thank you for your detailed response!

From my personal experiences can I confirm that rare champions drop relatively easy for the first time but than become actually really "rare" on easy difficulty. I got half of all available champions just by completing the campaign on easy, but farming the same chapter for experience gave me just a second copy of a champion I already have after one hundred other runs!

Other on hard mode, where I got the same rare champion three times on one day. In the worth case after 20 attempts - so I guess a 5 percent drop-rate is typically on hard mode.

Just yesterday during the event did I run over 70 times the champaign on hard without even a single drop. So I guess there is also some kind of lock-mechanic involved. Anyways, today was all fine again and a rare champion popped right on my second run.
Jun 4, 2019, 22:4406/04/19
Jun 6, 2019, 18:4806/06/19
Predakhan said:

wow, then I have to had very lucky this one day! Thank you for the info!
Mar 14, 2020, 08:0403/14/20
There is a actual list of drop rates if you go to fusion and hit the ! Icon it will tell you the drop rates 
Mar 14, 2020, 08:0603/14/20
There is a list of the drop rates if you go to portal and hit the “!” Icon 
Mar 14, 2020, 10:1203/14/20

lentzwansley said:

There is a list of the drop rates if you go to portal and hit the “!” Icon 

This is not what the OP ask. He ask about drop rates of those rares, that you may get from campaign, not the drop rates of shards. Both have nothing in common.

Mar 19, 2020, 19:3803/19/20

KiwiMcSheep said:


As I can't provide you the drop rates of champions because well they aren't even released to us. 

I can tell you that the chance of a champion dropping from campaign regardless of difficulties is the same BUT, once the champion has been selected from the loot pool, harder difficulties have better rates of getting a rare champion over a common or uncommon then easy, so in this case Brutal is your best chances to get them. 

so to clarify, there are 2 rolls involved here.

1st, what will you get out of the categories of loot available.

2nd, (if champion) what champion you will get. - here is where the chances are increased on the harder difficulties, the harder the difficulty the higher the chance that a rare will drop(/selected).

I hope that helps.

many thanks.

A disclaimer (and kind of a TL;DR) before the novel: A complete explanation might actually be more concise than answering every single question in my wall of text, but asking specific questions seemed better than just vaguely saying "can our Australian Kiwi [suspicious af lol] be more specific?"  And I'm not actually expecting any one person to answer all these questions (even ignoring the points I said might be unimportant), but any additional info from anyone would be sweet (in which case, thanks!).

I'm having some difficulty envisioning precisely what changes when not all champions have dropped for me yet, and a new champion drops for the first time -- all difficulties initially had the same chance of dropping that particular champion, but now that it I have gotten it (only if it drops in campaign, or does the probability change the first time I receive the champion, regardless of where I got it?), it's more likely to drop on higher difficulties than lower ones?

BUT that part might not be important to understand, since I imagine I will spend more time after the point where every campaign-droppable champion has dropped.  So I assume the change in probability when a champion first drops is mostly irrelevant, or indirectly relevant -- once that change has happened for each champion, how do things work?

Do the overall odds of the first result being "champion" change?

Once Valerie drops for me in Kaerok Castle, for example, Conqueror become more likely to drop (relative to Valerie, as part of that second roll, but that's "Valerie or Conqueror?" is a subset of all possible results, so the absolute chance of "I'm doing this mission once and x champion might drop" also increases?)?  Well, that's a question I said is probably less important.

Once all six champions have dropped from Kaerok Castle, is my chance (on a given difficulty level) of getting a Valerie duplicate the same as my chance of a Conqueror duplicate?  I guess if specific drop rates aren't disclosed, then the answer can only be either "no one knows" or "in such cases, the drop rate for any rare is the same as unknown the drop rate for the other rare(s) in that same loot table."

If a particular champion hasn't dropped for me yet in campaign (or if I've never gotten it from anywhere, depending on the "received from anywhere" vs "received from campaign" question), farming for it on a higher difficulty won't increase my chance of getting it?

Mar 19, 2020, 19:4703/19/20
lentzwansley said:

There is a actual list of drop rates if you go to fusion and hit the ! Icon it will tell you the drop rates 
Not only is the question clearly about campaign drop rates as Daering pointed out, but the question is also about periodic limits (which might not exist in this case, but I've seen similar limits for similar things), and if such limits exist for shards (even less likely, but still), those limits clearly aren't addressed in the a actual list...
Mar 19, 2020, 19:5303/19/20
Mar 19, 2020, 19:53(edited)

Predakhan said:


Overall, 2.4% of drops are rare champs?  This is probably the most useful detail out of the whole dissertation I asked for in my long comment (and I didn't actually even ask for this).

Obviously not official, but if this is a fairly accurate number based on gathering data (or data mining), you're the hero of every discussion I've seen about drop rates.

Mar 31, 2022, 10:4403/31/22

Who can please tell me what is the drop rate of "nothing, except silver" (otherwise known as the drop being empty) on campaign missions?

Mar 31, 2022, 19:2903/31/22

Pretty low, but it does happen.

Apr 1, 2022, 15:0904/01/22

Who can please tell me what is the drop rate of "nothing, except silver" (otherwise known as the drop being empty) on campaign missions?

Can seem higher than it actually is if, like me, you occasionally accidentally leave AutoSell on during your Auto Battles.