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What gear sets are viable?

What gear sets are viable?

May 30, 2019, 15:2805/30/19

What gear sets are viable?

I know there are the in-game suggestions for what sets to use on each champion. However, there are a lot of sets that are completely overlooked on that list. I would love to get some feedback on what some of your more experienced players think of some of these sets that don't seem to be in the suggestions. 

I figure it is a given that cruel, immortal, divine life, etc., that have the suggested base stats, but additionally carry another bonus as well, is already preferable over strength or HP alone. I am not going to even address the obvious ones like those. However, these ones have abilities unmentioned at all in the in-game suggestions and are definitely worth considering imo:

1) Lifesteal – I have this on two of my strongest damage-dealers, in conjunction with a strength set. It works wonders for survival, as with their AoE attacks, they can oftentimes top themselves off without the need for any healer. I feel the damage lost from going lifesteal instead of 2 more strength sets is well worth it for survivability. Overall, based on my own experience, my damage-dealers tend to do more damage overall with this set than with 2 strength ones, since they survive longer and as such can hit more times overall.

2) Poison – While I don't use it currently, I feel an HP percentage-based dot like this could be great for high HP bosses. It is definitely something I am considering for clan bosses and possibly dungeons down the road.

3) Shield – I have one of these on one of my high HP champions. The 30% initial shield from a high HP champion can be great, especially when looking to level up low-level champions (aka food) that themselves have the defensive equivalent of wet tissue paper. I currently only have it one on my highest HP champion. On a high HP champion, it seems very useful in just about any battle.

4*) Relentless – This one is currently my absolute favorite. Getting an extra turn AND blowing through cooldowns faster, without worrying about things like ACC and res. Yes, love it! I have one on my top attack champion (Nethril) and one on my Shaman (more frequent resurrections). Hands down the best imo.

Honorable mentions:

* Retaliation. I want to like this set. Situationally in frequent AoE fights (bosses or arena with lots of AoE), I think this could be great with certain champions. Or, in situations where you have someone with the ability to absorb for others (redirect damage, provoke, etc.). However, it seems too situational to me to really be that viable most the time.

* Stun – With an AoE champion that already requires high ACC for its own skills, I feel this can be great. I don't have the set yet, nor do I have an AoE champion with high ACC, so I have yet to try it out personally. Certainly not something I'd use though without a pre-existing high ACC on a champion.

No idea why these other sets are never suggested, but hoping in an update down the road, they will be considered in the suggestions as well.

May 31, 2019, 00:4605/31/19
Most of them are useless or very situational. Check this.
May 31, 2019, 03:3305/31/19
kalo said:

Most of them are useless or very situational. Check this.
I appreciate it, but that is fairly worthless.  The person is just a good writer.  However, they don't have any actual numbers or data to back it.  So, it is just their assumptions based off their personal experience.  Not that reliable, but I do appreciate you trying.  Thank you.