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Last time i put money in Your game

Last time i put money in Your game

May 30, 2019, 14:4005/30/19

Last time i put money in Your game

IT s the last time i put money in this games. Every time i think, Yes now i get a legend after paying, but no

I am level 44 now and got no legendary char. 

So i gone be smart and put no more money in this game anymore
May 30, 2019, 16:5905/30/19
This game is looking more and more like a scam as time goes on. I have opened more than 5 support tickets in-game and through this site. All of which are just closed with no help given. 
May 30, 2019, 18:3305/30/19

Guys, honestly get over it. A guy in my clan is level 53 and has no legendary, but still runs a team of epics with over 100k power in the arena and sits in Gold Tier IV. Does 7 million damage to Clan Boss per hit.

The beauty of this game is that the Devs are protecting the rarity of Legendaries. Take Heroes of Dragon Age, for example. That game had great graphics and was almost identical to this game. But it died a few months after launching because, soon enough, people were fielding full teams of Legendary champions. It forced the Devs to implement huge amounts of power creep, and to continually release newer and better champions which negated all the old champions and tech.

What this game is doing is smart. Keep Legendaries very rare. The way it should be. And still give Rares and Epics appeal and great utility.

As The Incredibles said: "Once everyone is incredible, no one is".
May 30, 2019, 18:4305/30/19
Totally agree, the fewer legends the better.
May 30, 2019, 20:0805/30/19

fran51ce said:

 Every time i think, Yes now i get a legend after paying, but no

I am level 44 now and got no legendary char. 

Because u pay - doesn't mean u should get legendary.

I got my 1st(currently the only one) legendary at lv51 or 52.

And u will put money again and again in this game. Maybe even have done that after creating this topic.
May 30, 2019, 21:5205/30/19

Oblate said:

The beauty of this game is that the Devs are protecting the rarity of Legendaries. Take Heroes of Dragon Age, for example. That game had great graphics and was almost identical to this game. But it died a few months after launching because, soon enough, people were fielding full teams of Legendary champions. It forced the Devs to implement huge amounts of power creep, and to continually release newer and better champions which negated all the old champions and tech.

What this game is doing is smart. Keep Legendaries very rare. The way it should be. And still give Rares and Epics appeal and great utility.

As The Incredibles said: "Once everyone is incredible, no one is".


This is well said and couldn't agree more, the charm in this game is that you can do very well with generally all rarity of champions, My arena team for nearly 7 months was all epics and held my position in gold IV quite successfully(even when arena was ridiculously hard), though just a side tip, getting champions is only one part, gearing them is a whole new kettle of fish.

May 30, 2019, 23:4805/30/19
May 30, 2019, 23:50(edited)

I'm level 37 and have THREE legendary champions. Queen Eva, Cupidus and Roshcard the Tower. Aside from the menial amount of money I've spent in comparison to some of the folks who have undoubtedly spent thousands of dollars, I consider it extremely lucky that I managed to get Three pretty good legendary champions before reaching level 50 and before completing Brutal campaign on 3 stars. I think that legendaries should stay exactly as they are in terms of drop rate and for good reason.

Heck, there are some rare champions that are better than legendaries. Just look at some of the starting champions for instance. I'm fairly new to the game and havent been playing but for maybe a little over a month. I have a lot to learn about the game because it's very in depth and has a lot of moving parts. I look forward to fleshing out my account and building my team's of champions. My only real complaint would be with some of the tactics used in an effort to get people to spend money. Events and packs I'm looking at you!
May 31, 2019, 07:5705/31/19

Yes get over it!

I got my first Legendary at lvl 50 and i havent spend much money in it.
May 31, 2019, 08:3205/31/19
May 31, 2019, 09:14(edited)

You know what sucks more than not getting a legendary? Getting one that sucks. Today I got my first legendary, the chat today was this "random: Got Rae" "random: Got Big Un" "random: Got Rhazin Scalehide" ....... and there's me: Got Black Knight. I went from ultra happy hyped to dissapointed and almost wanting to delete this game faster than Usain Bolt.

The problem isn't even the rarity, it's the fact that some legendaries suck more than some good rares. Keep legendaries rare, that's fine, but make them worth the effort.
May 31, 2019, 09:1705/31/19


I wouldn't write champions off so quickly, some have more refined purposes or they are as apparent as others, but they are generally all good, some just need some extra thought around them.

Grats btw


May 31, 2019, 09:2705/31/19

150 + blue shards , 10-12 void shards , 6 sacred shards = no legendaries, no good team for clan boss, my farmer is exe,i'm lv 48-49

check discord to see pro players  that said  to me : sorry bro, but  i don't see any good champ from you for  CB , just athel and apoth

no good healer - only rares, no tank, no big aoe hero

time to stop playing this game

May 31, 2019, 11:4505/31/19
my first Leg was at lvl 47. Lord Shazar. He is beast in Arena and with him im now in Gold 4. at lvl 50 i got my second Legendary - Errol. Both from Blue shard. dont know how much i opened till then and no Legs. But im happy with 2 of them, because of hard time getting them.
May 31, 2019, 15:1805/31/19
May 31, 2019, 15:23(edited)

I understand the whole point of rarity and all, but oftentimes it feels so f*ed-up. Recently, I opened 4 sacred shards, about 10 voids and 50+ ancients - I only got a couple good epics. While my clan mate opened one sacred and one void and got Lyssandra and Sir Nicolas.

Am I happy for my clan mate? Yes. Am I jealous? Yeah. Do I feel like I'm wasting time in this game? Most certainly. With all the hard work we put into this game, we ultimately let the RNG decide whether it's gonna be rewarded with some decent champ or simply flushed down the drain.

It's like, you go to work every morning, at the end of the month you get your paycheck randomly for 2K to 10K, in a random currency. Oh wait no, it's not your paycheck - yours is next month, most likely, 6% chance.

My only hope is fusion, which is "just around the corner" and I got like 200 useless champs to fuse. I'm pretty sure with my luck, once fusion is out, I'll be missing that 201-st champ to complete it.

May 31, 2019, 16:0205/31/19

imo you are more likely to get legendaries from an ancient shard than from a sacred shard merely because of quantity, which makes paying money for sacred shards pointless... the whole reason people are frustrated is because they have paid a lot of money for their shards, while I for one am not disappointed in the results from sacred shards i have used because i got them free from various gameplay rewards

bottom line is if you're not happy don't quit, just stop spending
May 31, 2019, 17:0805/31/19
It's good that legendary's are rare, that's the idea.. and 6% chance is 6% chance. You can open a million shards and not get one, that's a good thing. 
Jun 1, 2019, 03:3106/01/19
EVERYONE can get Arbiter for FREE. Just takes time so you always have one legendary to look forward to. And I pulled Relic Keeper from a AS. Just when I was thinking how fucking long it would take to fuse for him. Ha! I'll keep playing. 
Jun 1, 2019, 17:5606/01/19

The real problem is not the RNG but the KRNG  AKA Korean RNG.The Koreans perfected this in their MMOs by putting time limits on drops and rolls.SO if an account's limit for blue shards is between 4 and 6 every month and you got 5 first week,it's very unlikely to see another until the end of this period.

If you have 1000 Ancient shards,but the daily/weekly/monthly  limit for legendary drops was achieved on the server,you will not get any,same goes for gear and stat rolls and upgrading.In some Korean MMOs we used to enhance,upgrade and open loot boxes right after the server passed 12AM or after maintenance when the server resets.

...And yes i seen this first hand on the coding in some KMMOs on private servers,so no,it's not made up.

This is why the game is not based on pure RNG(which is wildly accepted in casinos and any luck based games)but on time limit RNG which is basically scamming...

Jun 1, 2019, 20:1006/01/19
Jun 1, 2019, 22:05(edited)

The real problem with this game is the unrealistic way of acquiring skill tomes. Are they farmable on brutal campaign nodes? Otherwise, I've only seen them through the limited time events, like summons rush, or artifact rush. Everything else is relatively achievable, ie., the skill trees (albiet a pain in the ass how they are awarded, but doable over time) leveling, and ascending. But acquiring enough skill tomes to max out a set of 5 champions seems a very long process (unless you spend real $$ of course). 

And by the way, not being able to pick which skills you want to use those tomes BS!
Jun 3, 2019, 16:5206/03/19

KiwiMcSheep said:


I wouldn't write champions off so quickly, some have more refined purposes or they are as apparent as others, but they are generally all good, some just need some extra thought around them.

Grats btw


Well normally I'd agree with you, but Black Knight is flawed to the core, his abilities are really low for a legendary rarity. Have a look at most of the legendaries, they got so much text with what they do it's amazing, taunt, AoE, lifesteal, shield, dmg buffs, 3+ hits etc. 
First the normal attack of the Black Knight is just an attack, just that, with provoke, i can get that on 5+ rares, with the same normal abillity.

Second his buffs, this is okayish, some rares even got higher values, but I'll give credit to the fact that is only on 3 cooldown.

The third ability is another low ability that makes no sense, it's AoE, and deals more dmg as the champion has lower HP, but let's take arena for example, by the time my hero is under 50% half of the enemy team is already dead, so I'm missing alot of DPS, and don't think the dmg is huge, it's not, I've tested with him at 10% hp and it deals the same dmg as my Kael's first ability (they're both lvl50 and geared the same).

Lastly passive, this is the best part, not only it needs a HUGE amount of damage for him to take so it triggers (30% HP in one hit) but it can trigger early on, example from 100% to 70%, it makes him UNABLE TO DIE for 1 turn, it's already too much hp for him to benefit from this, his turn comes, he does something, the buff expires, cd 2 rounds, in two rounds next in arena he dies. So you get 0 benefit.... 

And this is just one of many flawed legendaries. The only one i've tested, so yeah, I'd say he's pretty bad, cause I have it, and I've tried everything, it doesn't work. 

Jun 3, 2019, 19:5206/03/19
Rng is rng, I have opened 300+ voids over all of my accounts, not a single purp legendary. Someone will win the lotto, and someone's going to lose. It's the law of averages.
Jun 3, 2019, 20:0306/03/19
58lvl and no legend heroes. Its very cool, very cool...