Weird summoning
This is actually not to complain. It's just a bit strange. When you summon a Mystery Shard (green) you usually get a greyish blue color and out comes a common (1 start) champion. Sometimes you get a green color and then an uncommon (2 star) champ. And rarely you get a nice and clear blue color and you get a bit excited, because you expect a rare (3 star) champ to show up. And if you are really lucky it's a nice and strong one. So far so good.
BUT, recently I've noticed that this isn't always true. I've just summoned 332 green shards and this is what I got: Mostly greyish blue (all 1 stars), a bunch of greens (all 2 stars) and 9 blue (? stars). You see this "? stars"? Out of this 9 blues this is what I got:
3 ok champs (two which I already had)
2 Jaeger (2 star!)
4 Aristocrat (2 star!).
So 6 times I was happy for a second and then very disappointed. And then I lose a bit interest with the game.
My suggestion is that the dev should fix this issue before too many players lose interest. It's hard enough to get an epic, especially a legendary champ, and these small dissapointments doesn't actually boost players to buy any packs.
Or is it just me?