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Different prices for packs

Different prices for packs

Jun 12, 2019, 14:4906/12/19

Compare new deals.

21.99 EUR pack VS 19.99 USD pack.

and this one

21.99 EUR = 24.89 USD

1 ancient shard we can buy for 90 gems. So for 800 gems i can buy 8.88(9 shards).

So for me:

9+4(13) shards + 600k silver = 24.89 USD.

For him:

17 shards + 700k silver = 19.99 USD.

Jun 13, 2019, 02:3006/13/19
Jun 13, 2019, 02:56(edited)

TurboLv said:

Compare new deals.

21.99 EUR pack VS 19.99 USD pack.

21.99 EUR = 24.89 USD

1 ancient shard we can buy for 90 gems. So for 800 gems i can buy 8.88(9 shards).

So for me:

9+4(13) shards + 600k silver = 24.89 USD.

For him:

17 shards + 700k silver = 19.99 USD.


If we are to make accurate assessments of these packs we need to keep it to one currency, due to the stores(google or apple) having control of this. 

many thanks
Jun 13, 2019, 06:4106/13/19
KiwiMcSheep said:

TurboLv said:

Compare new deals.

21.99 EUR pack VS 19.99 USD pack.

21.99 EUR = 24.89 USD

1 ancient shard we can buy for 90 gems. So for 800 gems i can buy 8.88(9 shards).

So for me:

9+4(13) shards + 600k silver = 24.89 USD.

For him:

17 shards + 700k silver = 19.99 USD.


If we are to make accurate assessments of these packs we need to keep it to one currency, due to the stores(google or apple) having control of this. 

many thanks
Cmon... If we want to be more accurate... for me 17 shards + 700k silver would cost 40 USD , thats twice the price for same content. No way that because of google there is so big difference.
Jun 13, 2019, 11:5606/13/19
Jun 14, 2019, 08:52(edited)

More offers in same currency. Can't post it here as using my mobile.

----- Updated-----

2 Offers I've got today. Spot the difference. 😂  Both 49 pounds.

11 voids, 1kk silver, 700 crystals

7 voids, 1kk silver, 1750 crystals

So 4 voids =1000 crystals. Or 25 energy refills.🤣

Jun 21, 2019, 18:4206/21/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

I can assure you that they are not "shady" or "not listening", they are listening... Proof to this is the double packs where you were provided a choice between a cheap pack and a more expensive pack, this was developed as a response to these exact threads I refer to, as it was previously suggested by a group of players. 

...Really? You can ASSURE us that they are not shady? I understand that you are their moderator, but you cannot lie and say that you can ASSURE us. We, the player base, have been extremely taken advantage of by Plarium's "charge more to the players that spend money on our game!" tactics. 

The last time I checked, offering packs with: 

1) the same items 

2) different quantities of those items and 

3) for the same exact price 


Jun 28, 2019, 17:4606/28/19

I'd just like to reiterate that it's frustrating to see this kind of disparity:

vs. the objectively worse offer I'm given and therefore WILL NOT buy:

If I had the $50 offer I would have bought it. The fact that I could pay ~$100 for two of the other pack and get 20 voids vs. paying $100 and getting 15 shards in my pack is insulting. I don't care that there are a few extra gems and brews - all I want right now is a void legendary, so all I want to buy is void - but not when the offer is trying to rip me off due to my spending tier.

The 1.8 update is going to have to be pretty incredible to keep me around. I'm tired of expressing my frustration at being taken advantage of with these packs and seeing very little change on that front. 
Jun 28, 2019, 18:2806/28/19

Carrotfish said:

I'd just like to reiterate that it's frustrating to see this kind of disparity:

vs. the objectively worse offer I'm given and therefore WILL NOT buy:

If I had the $50 offer I would have bought it. The fact that I could pay ~$100 for two of the other pack and get 20 voids vs. paying $100 and getting 15 shards in my pack is insulting. I don't care that there are a few extra gems and brews - all I want right now is a void legendary, so all I want to buy is void - but not when the offer is trying to rip me off due to my spending tier.

The 1.8 update is going to have to be pretty incredible to keep me around. I'm tired of expressing my frustration at being taken advantage of with these packs and seeing very little change on that front. 

Just to clear a few misunderstandings, That's not $50 USD, that's 54.99 EURO. 54.99 EURO = $62 USD roughly. 

so you would be comparing 10 voids for $62 USD ($6.20 USD per void) and 15 voids for $99.99 USD ($6.66 USD per void), which is pretty similar. The 10 void offer also has less gems for the value which further balances the two packs out. These two offers are not that different. If we are going to make a case, we need to compare deals that are considerably different. 

Differences can be found between spending accounts and non-spending accounts. That's where we expose Plarium. 

Jul 19, 2019, 06:4207/19/19
Hello! I would like to emphasize that, right now, we are in the process of reviewing our current offers, analyzing different patterns and statistical data, developing new ones and trying various mixtures. The process is ongoing so you will see more modifications in this area in the future. Ideally, we want to arrange it so that every player could find some offers that would interest him/her and be affordable.
Mar 2, 2020, 00:0403/02/20
This is still happening by the way, just to be clear. apparently nothing has been done.
Jul 29, 2020, 20:4507/29/20
Jul 31, 2020, 20:29(edited)

I have figured out the hustle. After opening a second account and having purchased a few times in the original account, this is how it works. First, to be clear they do offer more amounts of items for the higher cost. The problem is, once you have made your purchase, they ONLY will offer you the higher priced items. For example, on my lvl 50 account that I had bought several items on, The Great Tome Pack is $49.99 for 10x Legendary Skill Tome x 10 Silver x1.5M Gems x 1000. On my level 41 account that I have never purchased anything, The Great Tome Pack is $9.99 for Legendary Skill Tome x2 Silver x300k and Gems x200.

If you spend money say goodbye to the $9.99 Great Tome Pack! Hello $49.99 Great Tome Pack! You won’t be able to find a lower price anymore. You are stuck with high priced items cause they know you will buy. I have been watching this for around a month since I noticed it. I always get offered higher price items on account I spent on. With the exception of Artifact Packs, those are same over both accounts and they offer the same items. So community manger am I wrong? I have never spent a dime since. I never will, it’s an over priced con job.

Below are pictures from the same day but the first is from account I spent money on and second from ftp account where I spent no money.

Jul 30, 2020, 06:0207/30/20
Jul 30, 2020, 06:03(edited)

There may have many salesmen who are responsible for each regions/countries, they can sell whatever they want with [suitable prices] as long as they earn more profits for the company. 

P/S: digital items, all of them, could be from $0 to $100,000. Cost $100,000 is when it is rare & useful. Cost $0 is when someone could make 100,000 of them in 1 ... millisecond. 
Jul 30, 2020, 16:3607/30/20

there's no surprise here lul 

they are greedy so they've made an algorithm that sells you stuff, if you bought stuff you'll get bigger prices, cuz they hooked you in, i remember seeing this in a vid from hellhades and it even had a post from greedarium discord where someone from greedarium or affiliated with them stated there's an algorithm designed for this

just stop buying! all it will provide is little value in game for hard earned money and a lot of frustration afterwards when you realise you payed a lot for close to nothing in game
Jul 30, 2020, 16:5207/30/20
just look at todays prices for 41 blue shards and few other items £99, or 40 blue shards and other stuff for £54.99 , prices dont compare to other pay to play games this one seems its for the millionaires in Abu Dabi 
Jul 31, 2020, 16:5607/31/20

Everyone in here sounds silly.. Its as simple as QUIT buying their packs. They know how unfair their loot box mechanic is. Me personally, I felt so cheated when a year ago I spent 60$ to get 9 rare and 1 epic characters that I said I wouldn't buy sh*t else from this game. And I haven't since. 

Quit buying. A drop in their sales is all it'd take 😁
Jan 6, 2021, 01:4301/06/21
Jan 6, 2021, 01:52(edited)

Unfortunately 2-3 days ago I was exposed to their same extremely immoral and atrocious approch and bought some packs after begin to play for the first time since I liked the game. When Raid youtuber ASH showed his in game deals from his new F2P account at 29 December 2020(I watched it 2-3 hours ago), I realized that I was extremely overpriced compare to offers made to him over same packs. Offers made to him either has more resources or way cheaper than mines. 

I played lots of similar games, but I never run into this much shameless, shady and immoral sales approach in my life. 

I took lots of screenshot and download pictures of deals from different players and I will show these to my students in University as a really immoral example about how you should not cheat your customers in marketing and sales if you don't want to be a shortlived company in any industry. 

This game will be certainly the last Plarium game that I will continue to play and the money I spent for your packs will be the last money I spent regarding packs. 

I believe brand of Plarium in mobile gaming industry will be named as notorious in the near future. A very bad brand management. Shame on you.

Jan 6, 2021, 12:3401/06/21

I see mods responding to other threads, they are intentionally avoiding this thread. Gotta love it!