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Different prices for packs

Different prices for packs

May 28, 2019, 18:1005/28/19

Different prices for packs

My friend just got the same First Blood pack that I bought for HALF the price!!  

In my country that is considered illegal Plarium. 
May 28, 2019, 22:3105/28/19
May 28, 2019, 22:46(edited)


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks
May 29, 2019, 12:0105/29/19

KiwiMcSheep said:


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks

It was the First Blood pack as I just wrote and my friend bought the exact same one for half the price. I don't have a screenshot of my friends game. But we discussed it at the same time we compared it. It was the exact SAME pack for two different prices.

Selling the same thing in a store but giving different prices to different people is illegal under consumer law. 
May 29, 2019, 12:2305/29/19

dblomgren said:

KiwiMcSheep said:


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks

It was the First Blood pack as I just wrote and my friend bought the exact same one for half the price. I don't have a screenshot of my friends game. But we discussed it at the same time we compared it. It was the exact SAME pack for two different prices.

Selling the same thing in a store but giving different prices to different people is illegal under consumer law. 

First Blood is just name of the pack. Content can be completely different.


Your pack had: 1000 gems, 1m silver etc

Friend pack had: 2000 gems, 5m silver etc

Names of the packs are the same, but content differen.
May 29, 2019, 12:2505/29/19

Read my post again. It was the same.... 

TurboLv said:

dblomgren said:

KiwiMcSheep said:


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks

It was the First Blood pack as I just wrote and my friend bought the exact same one for half the price. I don't have a screenshot of my friends game. But we discussed it at the same time we compared it. It was the exact SAME pack for two different prices.

Selling the same thing in a store but giving different prices to different people is illegal under consumer law. 

First Blood is just name of the pack. Content can be completely different.


Your pack had: 1000 gems, 1m silver etc

Friend pack had: 2000 gems, 5m silver etc

Names of the packs are the same, but content differen.

May 29, 2019, 19:2905/29/19

dblomgren said:

KiwiMcSheep said:


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks

It was the First Blood pack as I just wrote and my friend bought the exact same one for half the price. I don't have a screenshot of my friends game. But we discussed it at the same time we compared it. It was the exact SAME pack for two different prices.

Selling the same thing in a store but giving different prices to different people is illegal under consumer law. 

Lol good luck trying to make them agree to their shady tactics. Your only options are to quit the game or stop buying packs. Personally, I spend a lot of money in this game and have been complaining about the unfair pack prices based on buying pattern, I even created several tickets to support.

They always come back with the same answer “we are not forcing you to buy the packs, it’s your choice whether you want to buy the packs or not”. So I took his advice and stopped buying. But I feel cheated for buying overpriced packs in the past when few of my clan members only paid half the price.

They don’t care buddy. They created this game for money and as long as they are getting it, they don’t care! But good luck.
May 29, 2019, 21:5005/29/19

waffenmc2 said:

dblomgren said:

KiwiMcSheep said:


Please take note of the contents, they will be different, some packs will have more contents, others with less. The difference in the price indicates the difference in the contents. 

Any chance you might be able to provide a screenshot of the two packs?

many thanks

It was the First Blood pack as I just wrote and my friend bought the exact same one for half the price. I don't have a screenshot of my friends game. But we discussed it at the same time we compared it. It was the exact SAME pack for two different prices.

Selling the same thing in a store but giving different prices to different people is illegal under consumer law. 

Lol good luck trying to make them agree to their shady tactics. Your only options are to quit the game or stop buying packs. Personally, I spend a lot of money in this game and have been complaining about the unfair pack prices based on buying pattern, I even created several tickets to support.

They always come back with the same answer “we are not forcing you to buy the packs, it’s your choice whether you want to buy the packs or not”. So I took his advice and stopped buying. But I feel cheated for buying overpriced packs in the past when few of my clan members only paid half the price.

They don’t care buddy. They created this game for money and as long as they are getting it, they don’t care! But good luck.


I can assure you they do care, but those packs are different if there is a next time you're able to get screenshots, please share them.

I have been directly passing up information and feedback regarding this subject, and they have started to make changes, an example of this is the 2 pack deals that you would of notice is new( though you may or not depending on how long you have played).

The pack's price scale with its contents.

many thanks

Jun 4, 2019, 16:5306/04/19

There is no excusing direct disparity like this. 

Just FYI, a friend who's a mega whale (he makes literally millions USD every year and is known to practically finance gachas one handed)  posted this and said "Reasons why raid is losing my wallet. This scummy nature actually made me slow down/slowly not even log in."

I know the devs seem to only care about their biggest whale and only take note when that's the bottom line being affected, and this is a direct case of these shady (possibly illegal?) pricing mechanics doing just that.

This is someone who spent over $60k USD on another gacha I play with him, that I brought in, and now you're losing him due to the sketchy, indefensible pack mechanics.

Take note, or don't - it's entirely on you. You're running out of time to retain your new players, Plarium - particularly the big ticket ones.

Support needs to be more responsive, and the devs need to be actually communicative. That's how you keep spending players. Unfortunately, at this point, I have almost no hope of that actually happening when it's been months and so much has gone unaddressed beyond "the dev team is looking at it."

Jun 5, 2019, 01:2506/05/19
Jun 5, 2019, 09:0006/05/19
Carrotfish said:

There is no excusing direct disparity like this. 

Just FYI, a friend who's a mega whale (he makes literally millions USD every year and is known to practically finance gachas one handed)  posted this and said "Reasons why raid is losing my wallet. This scummy nature actually made me slow down/slowly not even log in."

I know the devs seem to only care about their biggest whale and only take note when that's the bottom line being affected, and this is a direct case of these shady (possibly illegal?) pricing mechanics doing just that.

This is someone who spent over $60k USD on another gacha I play with him, that I brought in, and now you're losing him due to the sketchy, indefensible pack mechanics.

Take note, or don't - it's entirely on you. You're running out of time to retain your new players, Plarium - particularly the big ticket ones.

Support needs to be more responsive, and the devs need to be actually communicative. That's how you keep spending players. Unfortunately, at this point, I have almost no hope of that actually happening when it's been months and so much has gone unaddressed beyond "the dev team is looking at it."

Can't wait to hear back from mods on this one. 
Jun 5, 2019, 11:1606/05/19
Jun 5, 2019, 13:16(edited)

If previously they were trying to hide the price difference, now they are just doing it openly. All those posts from CM and Mods, that "the devs listen to our opinion and make changes" - bulls**t to that.

From the previous topic:

Link to the topic:

Jun 5, 2019, 18:2506/05/19

kalo said:

Carrotfish said:

There is no excusing direct disparity like this. 

Out of curiosity, which one is the whale, 150 or 450 gems per pack?

I'm not sure - it was pulled from the main Raid Discord channel. I'd assume the whale would be the one that got the worst offer, as those of us who have dumped loads of money into the game seem to be given objectively worse offers for more $. 

Main issue is Plarium are shooting themselves in the head with this. By doing shady things like this, they might be making more in the short term by fleecing their players (which is insanely immoral and shady), but they're screwing the game's long term potential.

When you burn whales, they move on - and in this case, they just lost a whale that could single handedly buy out the company if he chose. In the past he's actually sued a gacha company for doing something similar - and won.

If the devs are smart, they'll do something about this.

I agree the dual-screen packs that Kiwi mentioned are a step in the right direction, but that needs to be the rule, not the exception - and even those have like two tiers of scaling.

Unfortunately, too, for those of us who have already spent heavily on the game, there's no getting back the money we lost. It's just a pretty disheartening situation all around. If I'd have known how shady Plarium was with packs BEFORE I'd bought in heavily, I would have taken my money elsewhere as well. Alas, I don't have that kind of disposable income, so I'm trying to make the best of it and just crossing my fingers that they actually do something about how shady they've been. 

I won't hold my breath, though. So far it simply seems like the devs don't care, which isn't a good look - but if they don't care, they don't care.

Jun 5, 2019, 20:2106/05/19

They increase prices on packs after you make a purchase. They figure if you are willing to make one purchase, they will up the price on you for future purchases to increase their profit margin.

If you fail to make another purchase after a period of time, they will lower the prices down for you again. It is a VERY shady business tactic that is insulting to their paying customers, but one they are obviously using.

No matter how much you complain, the company won't do anything about it. Plarium is a business, and like any business, they seek to maximize profits. This tactic, while underhanded, increases profits substantially. Sadly, this tactic is becoming quite common amongst these types of games.

Anyway, just accept that you will have to wait weeks or months after you make a purchase for your prices to drop back down again. Keep comparing your prices to your friends so that you don't get ripped off, and just be patient. Or, if you are that impatient, you will just have to pay more to have your competitive edge.

Note that this tactic does have two advantages:

1) More profits for Plarium means a greater likelihood they will keep putting money into developing the game (so more future content for us).

2) This tactic keeps those who "pay to win" from having as big of an advantage, as the more they pay to win, the more it costs them.  Personally, I like the idea of Plarium using at least some method to ensure those who spend money don't gain a huge advantage over me without spending a huge amount of money.  ;)

Jun 6, 2019, 04:5806/06/19
I see mods responding to other threads, they are intentionally avoiding this thread. Gotta love it!
Jun 6, 2019, 06:2706/06/19

Angry Lady said:

From the previous topic:

Can't compare these packs - they are completely different...

Example, if u didn't noticed: 48.99 pack.

1) 9x rare, 4x epic tomes, 1.5m silver, 1500 gems.

2) 7x epic, 3x legendary, 1.25m silver, 1250 gems. (ofcourse, this pack is a lot better imo, but u can't compare them).

Jun 6, 2019, 09:3306/06/19

TurboLv said:

Angry Lady said:

From the previous topic:

Can't compare these packs - they are completely different...

Example, if u didn't noticed: 48.99 pack.

1) 9x rare, 4x epic tomes, 1.5m silver, 1500 gems.

2) 7x epic, 3x legendary, 1.25m silver, 1250 gems. (ofcourse, this pack is a lot better imo, but u can't compare them).

Can't compare? Price is the same. This is simple math, slightly above elementary school - remove same items from both packs, which are 4 epic tomes, 1.25. silver and 1250 gems. What's left is:

1) 9 rare tomes, 250K silver, 250 gems

2) 3 epic tomes, 3 leg tomes

As their price is the same, this means that "9 rare tomes, 250K silver, 250 gems" equals "3 epic tomes, 3 leg tomes". Which is some real BS.

Jun 6, 2019, 10:1706/06/19

kalo said:

TurboLv said:

Angry Lady said:

From the previous topic:

Can't compare these packs - they are completely different...

Example, if u didn't noticed: 48.99 pack.

1) 9x rare, 4x epic tomes, 1.5m silver, 1500 gems.

2) 7x epic, 3x legendary, 1.25m silver, 1250 gems. (ofcourse, this pack is a lot better imo, but u can't compare them).

Can't compare? Price is the same. This is simple math, slightly above elementary school - remove same items from both packs, which are 4 epic tomes, 1.25. silver and 1250 gems. What's left is:

1) 9 rare tomes, 250K silver, 250 gems

2) 3 epic tomes, 3 leg tomes

As their price is the same, this means that "9 rare tomes, 250K silver, 250 gems" equals "3 epic tomes, 3 leg tomes". Which is some real BS.

Yes prices are the same, but content is different so u really can't compare them. And as i said: pack with legendary tomes are a lot better. But still u can't compare them.

In CARROTFISH screens 4.49 AUD packs have same content, just 1 pack has almost 3 times more.

Jun 6, 2019, 10:3806/06/19
That was my point exactly. If previously the offer was "different" (one alot better than other), now it is just simply halfed in value for the same money. 
Jun 6, 2019, 20:4206/06/19

Mili said:

I see mods responding to other threads, they are intentionally avoiding this thread. Gotta love it!

It's because they know very well what Plarium is doing.  The only responses we will keep getting is "I am forwarding this up the chain so that you are heard."  However, it won't change anything.

Fact is, if you guys want to pay to win, the more you pay, the costlier it gets.  Here's a better idea - actually EARN what you get in the game by playing it.  I can't say I feel bad for those looking to pay their way to the top.  ;)
Jun 7, 2019, 01:4006/07/19
Jun 7, 2019, 01:50(edited)

TurboLv said:

Yes prices are the same, but content is different so u really can't compare them. And as i said: pack with legendary tomes are a lot better. But still u can't compare them. 

In CARROTFISH screens 4.49 AUD packs have same content, just 1 pack has almost 3 times more.

I'm confused, why can't I compare them? Am I not allowed to? You yourself are comparing them by saying that "the one with legs is better". Their price is the same, which means that the monetary value of their contents is supposed to be equal. Which leads to:

"9 rare tomes, 250K silver, 250 gems" equals "3 epic tomes, 3 leg tomes"

In adequate world every item has it's monetary value. Bundled in a pack such items may only have some sort of overall discount.

Both these cases (this and CARROTFISH) however just show that (a) there's no adequate set price for any item in the game and (b) Plarium overcharges some people whenever they feel like it. Or you know, maybe it's just a bug and they'll fix it soon.

Jun 7, 2019, 01:4606/07/19

I like how they released "double offers" to fix one problem, and turned it into a bigger problem. Think about it - standard offer for a high-spender is the same price but 10 times worse than premium offer for low-spender. Whales must be pissed.