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Quickest way to earn arena medals?

Quickest way to earn arena medals?

May 24, 2019, 01:3305/24/19

Quickest way to earn arena medals?

Seems like once I get up to a certain point, finding people I can beat is VERY difficult.  Is this why some people put only one or two champions on as their defense?  Do they intentionally do this to make it easier for them to win battles?  Tempted to do so myself, as it seems like it would make it easier to find other players I can beat, as right now, it is rare that I come across one I could even *try* to take each time I reset it.

But anyway, since you don't actually lose the arena medals when you lose a battle, but every time you win one you gain them, seems like this makes sense to earn arena medals as quickly as possible, right?  Use a poor defense to keep your rating down, but then use a strong offense to win those arena points, right?  Unless it makes you drop a tier, like from silver to bronze, seems like the awards at the end of the ranking period isn't any different anyway, right?