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Artifact problems

Artifact problems

May 23, 2019, 01:5705/23/19

Artifact problems

I know you guys want us to waste silver on equipping and unequipping artifacts so you can get us to spend real money to get more but with the limited storage of artifacts we are forced to sell artifacts that may be useful when they are buffed (yeah i am looking at you avenger(should be 100% chance to counter on crit)) or that are useful but we are saving to rank them up for the right champion that can use them. I also want to experiment more with artifacts but the cost to remove the higher ones is just to high for me to test and play around with.  I think we need a change.

I have a couple suggestions to fix this.

1. Simply remove the cost or cut it drastically (10% of what it is currently at) then we can store our artifacts on characters we have collecting dust and not worry about the cost to remove them. As it is right now we actually lose money removing an artifact to sell it, that makes NO sense.....

2. Expand the storage capacity to around 5000, why is there even a storage limit so low, does it take up to much memory or something?

Another major concern i have is the fact that we do not even have 6* artifacts in the live game right now, it feels like not having them is just a cash grab as EVERYONE is going to want to get new artifacts when they are introduced since they aren't there from the start whales will probably go crazy and you guys will cash in big time (Removal costs had better be removed when this happens, so why not just remove it now...)
