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Artifact storage space: give us more, pls!

Artifact storage space: give us more, pls!

May 20, 2019, 17:5605/20/19

Artifact storage space: give us more, pls!

I tired to pick up artifacts from my mail box.

We have a 200+ spots for champions. Each champion can carry 6 artifacts. So storage size for artifacts must be at list 1200 slots, not a 500.

I not going to sell 4* blue artifacts or higher, they are always need somewere. You are forcing us grind MORE artifacts with damn challenges, but you didnt give us enough space to store all of them. Fix this, pls, ASAP, aswell as lagging in the inventory.


May 20, 2019, 23:0005/20/19

Plague said:

I not going to sell 4* blue artifacts or higher, they are always need somewere.

They are not. Nobody needs boots with flat hp, or defense-set items that rolled every upgrade for the flat attack substat.

I agree there should be some way to expand the item inventory, but there's just no reason to hold onto every single item you find. A large fraction of the stuff you're keeping is trash.
May 21, 2019, 07:5405/21/19
May 21, 2019, 10:26(edited)

Brightlinger said:

Plague said:

I not going to sell 4* blue artifacts or higher, they are always need somewere.

They are not. Nobody needs boots with flat hp, or defense-set items that rolled every upgrade for the flat attack substat.

So toxic, lol. It seems you have seen my inventory, yeah? All artifacts there selected for certain champion types and will be needed in future faction wars. You even don`t think about why I have wrote about 4* blue staff. That`s because I can see in 8 lvl upgrades their best stats. And items with junk or weak stats are sold long ago.

For now I have 16 free spots left at all and every day I getting at list 2 decent artifacts from CB. I can put it on potential FW participants, but 1st I`d prefer to see that FW and how it will really works. Because removal price for 4* and 5* and no possibility to fast determine on which hero exactly I put that beautiful 5* purple cruel gloves with atk and crit modificators... 

So in 8 days I will be need to put part of that artifacts on heroes. And then to spent a lot of my time just for searching correct art piece when I will need it.

That`s your future, my dear toxic trolly Brightlinger. But as life shows, so toxic persons rarely playing good and running away to the other games before they encountering such problems. So my words here are just wasted. Shame.
May 21, 2019, 08:3105/21/19

Hey all

Great idea, more space. Ill pass the feed back on.

I only like to keep the best of the best ive farmed, though this does leave me with only a little bit of space.

May 21, 2019, 08:3205/21/19
Don't store trash and space will be enough... 
May 21, 2019, 10:0405/21/19
May 21, 2019, 10:05(edited)

KiwiMcSheep said:

Great idea, more space. Ill pass the feed back on.

I only like to keep the best of the best ive farmed, though this does leave me with only a little bit of space.

Thx, KIWIMCSHEEP. I guess it just need to check statistic on old active players about their max filled inventory size daily, and how much mediane value of artifacts which are entrapping directly in mailbox daily for all daily active players.

Besides, if your inventory is maxed and you tapping on the artifact in the mailbox - artifact will be immidiatly lost. I guess its a bug. Lost a lot trash artifacts because pop-ups with worning about out of free space was popped with huge latency.

May 30, 2019, 15:4805/30/19
Yes! An option to add more artifact storage please. 
Aug 24, 2020, 05:0708/24/20
Make it work like champion storage space.  Increase the base amount of space and then let us buy more space.
Oct 6, 2020, 05:4610/06/20

We have been requesting more storage for artifacts for a year and what do they do?  Introduce a forge that makes MORE artifacts we want to store and still no place to put them.  My storage only has 5* and 6* artifacts and only ones with primary % stats...and I am STILL out of storage constantly.  Add more storage or at least let us buy more!

Introducing 4 more artifacts with 6 types each with dozens of combinations of stats without adding more storage was a terrible design decision and made an already frustrating aspect of the game an even worse user experience now. 
Nov 15, 2020, 10:4311/15/20

I can't believe nothing has been done about this, even lower level players run out of space for artifact storage, please add feature to buy more artifact storage in game, thanks!

Nov 15, 2020, 11:0311/15/20

It's coming - they've mentioned it several times in the plans for the near future. Seems to be a server capacity issue that prevented them from doing it earlier, apparently it would take up quite a lot of resources to significantly increase the artifact cap. 

Nov 15, 2020, 11:0611/15/20

@markeagles8008 seriously though... Why? A lot of the artifacts are trash. Everytime my artifacts storage hit 600 I can easily clear them to 400+

And even then I usually sell 70% of the artifacts after I got them from the dungeons.

Know what artifacts and stats that you like, and just sell any that are not those.

Nov 15, 2020, 17:0611/15/20

@markeagles8008 seriously though... Why? A lot of the artifacts are trash. Everytime my artifacts storage hit 600 I can easily clear them to 400+

And even then I usually sell 70% of the artifacts after I got them from the dungeons.

Know what artifacts and stats that you like, and just sell any that are not those.

Just shut up plz newbie fool.  we top dogs only kept less than 0.5% loots we farmed and our stash already full, plus most of 300 vault champions equiped with overflown gears.  So even if they gives us 700 more space is still not much.  And we only kept epic/leg pieces with good synergies godly stats, the energies we spent farming in a week is 10 x more energy than you will ever spent in your raid life time.

Nov 15, 2020, 23:0411/15/20

@badsad if they're that good... Why aren't they in any of your heroes? Because you already have better ones, meaning they're useless, meaning you jeed to clear them.

If I got an artifact that I score 8/10, they'll be in a hero, but if all of my usable heroes already at minimum equipped with 10/10, that 8/10 is useless.

I maybe a noob in the game, but I think my inventory management is highly better than you are.