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Champion Ability Details Needed

Champion Ability Details Needed

May 17, 2019, 18:3005/17/19

Champion Ability Details Needed

I just got a Lord Champfort. He has a passive ability that grants him a shield (for me i upgraded it) every turn. I kind of regret it though because there is absolutely no clarification for how powerful that shield is. Is it a flat percentage, diminishing returns, a fixed scale?  There are many champions in this game that leave me with a vague sense of uncertainty. I don't want to see "this ability scales with [insert random stat]." I want something much more quantifiable. Something much more tangible. Is there a forum post anywhere that goes into number detail for each champion(or all champs in general)? If not I would vastly appreciate it if something like that could be made. I'm just a little tired of guessing because the difference in outcome can make a champions tier night and day. After all, a reoccurring extra 1500 hp is much stronger then 150.

Kind regards,

May 17, 2019, 18:5305/17/19
May 17, 2019, 18:54(edited)

Agreed. Many of the ability descriptions are nebulous and leave the player uncertain as to how effective the ability might be.

Another good example is Peydma's "Appropriate", which steals enemy buffs. It doesn't give a % chance of stealing a buff, it just says that it steals buffs. I assumed that this meant she has a 100% chance of stealing buffs, but I have learned that the boss can resist the steal in the Magic Keep, as can enemy players in the arena. I would love for this to be clarified.

May 17, 2019, 19:5805/17/19
So I at least know the answer to your problem Oblate. This game uses a 2 step check process for all debuffs. First it has a flat percentage check to see if the ability procks. In your case, 100% chance will always pass this step with a success. Next it fights your accuracy against the targets resistance. I don't know the exact equation but if the targets resistance beats your accuracy the debuff will fail. 
May 17, 2019, 20:0005/17/19
Agreed. There are way too many instances of gray space in this game.