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Damage based on ATK and DEF

Damage based on ATK and DEF

May 17, 2019, 05:3705/17/19

Damage based on ATK and DEF

How is the damage figured for an attack based on both ATK and DEF? Fellhound’s ravage for instance.
May 17, 2019, 07:3805/17/19
Jun 13, 2019, 23:0706/13/19
What about based damage that is [Defense][attack] is that multiplied or added?
Jun 13, 2019, 23:3106/13/19
you wont actually know until plarium released that info. the same way we dont know the probabilities of getting superior, greater, and lesser potions in keeps, or the drop rates of certain rank of artifacts and accessories in dungeons. 
Jun 14, 2019, 18:0806/14/19

derekc said:

How is the damage figured for an attack based on both ATK and DEF? Fellhound’s ravage for instance.

From what i'm finding, is that all attacks are based off of ATK unless noted in the text, not the little notes at the bottom.  So if the flavor text says damage proportional to def, then it does def, otherwise, it is all ATK.  There needs to be some cleanup of the notes on the skills badly.
Aug 8, 2019, 08:0208/08/19

can someone from plarium please clarify this

i really would like to know

i thought i was lucky when i got warchief, but this champ is total crap. its attacks say they are based on defense, so i pushed his gear with defense and he deals just 500-1000 damage to champions or bosses. which is a joke, especially for a legendary.

so what is the formular to calculate the damage based on def (or HP). would i be better to get attack ?

and as sidenote, pleas buff warchief. the champs is really useless for a legendary (or make him epic)
Aug 9, 2019, 09:2208/09/19

hello ? is there anyone of plarium working here ?

this topic is actually really old, why is it not possible to respond ?

isnt that part of the job description for a community manager ? is this community management ? i mean the forum is really not that big, even with the other plarium games, the job here would be pretty easy for 1 community manager alone and I know there are more

Aug 9, 2019, 10:1208/09/19

Stayed away from Defense champions exactly because I do not fully understand how to equip them.

On some Defense heroes skills may scale on both attack and defense.

But for some only DEF is mentioned on the skill description.

Is the only advantage of equipping and leveling up a 5 star attack weapon on such a hero to get more substats at level 4, 8, 12, 16 or does the higher attack add anything on defense only characters?

Aug 14, 2019, 22:1108/14/19

As far as I know (e.g. read here in this forum or from own experience) the attack value has no effect on defence related attacks of defence champs. You must increase the defence value to increase damage output (and critdamage of course). Without increased critquote and critdamage the damage won't be that good. 

So, yes, a weapons main stat attack won't do anything good to a defence related attack. 
Aug 15, 2019, 05:1908/15/19

WenSon said:

can someone from plarium please clarify this

i really would like to know

i thought i was lucky when i got warchief, but this champ is total crap. its attacks say they are based on defense, so i pushed his gear with defense and he deals just 500-1000 damage to champions or bosses. which is a joke, especially for a legendary.

so what is the formula to calculate the damage based on def (or HP). would i be better to get attack ?

and as sidenote, pleas buff warchief. the champs is really useless for a legendary (or make him epic)
I have the same issue. 

I stack defense on champs with attacks based on defense and they hit with pillows.  What gives?

Aug 15, 2019, 05:5208/15/19
The damage a champion does is specifically based on the stat it indicates, for example: tayrel - dmg based on DEF: attack and hp will do nothing to heighten his damage whatsoever, some champions damage multipliers may be low [kind of like warcheif] where he also relies on his passive to do damage, if they have 2 stats: i.e mortu-macaab [attk][hp] they'll both scale towards your overall damage but usually 1 is better than the other, stacking attack on mortu made him hit like a pool noodle, i then stacked hp and he hit like a truck even though it said attk and hp scales towards it. 
Aug 16, 2019, 00:3208/16/19

Hidden multipliers.

you can set special conditions to estimate them

theres many clues around 
Nov 21, 2019, 13:5011/21/19
The multipliers should be made public.  Summoner's War does it. 
Nov 22, 2019, 19:0011/22/19


IF we have to pay to just experiment to find this out, THAT IS DUMB.  Keep telling your DEVs to get rid of this stupid cost. 

OpheliaA1 said:

Hidden multipliers.

you can set special conditions to estimate them

theres many clues around 

Nov 23, 2019, 12:5611/23/19

madfox said:


IF we have to pay to just experiment to find this out, THAT IS DUMB.  Keep telling your DEVs to get rid of this stupid cost. 

OpheliaA1 said:

Hidden multipliers.

you can set special conditions to estimate them

theres many clues around 
I dont see big problem of that.
1500/silver is not too much.
You can easly farm them.
Yes,you can safe less silver if you change too many times.
I cant classificate ' dumb'.
But they can change that.

Nov 23, 2019, 13:0111/23/19

derekc said:

How is the damage figured for an attack based on both ATK and DEF? Fellhound’s ravage for instance. work or procs?!
50/50 % chance?!
They.must explain that.
But im sure the game has issues,like this one too.
Of course the game is not whithout issues.
I guess this is a bug.

Feb 16, 2020, 13:1002/16/20
my lightsworn has 5000+ def, so why in the freaking hell is he weaker than 2300 ATK hero 
Feb 17, 2020, 21:5402/17/20
Feb 17, 2020, 21:55(edited)
franzgarcia323 said:

my lightsworn has 5000+ def, so why in the freaking hell is he weaker than 2300 ATK hero 
Def champions must be broken now. I have tried maxing Warchief in many ways (cost me a lot of silver) and only def seems to give some damage, but way lower when compared to any HP/ATT champ.  To say that Warchief alos rely on his passive is a huge joke. His passive is also broken after some nerf. Dont even proc Masteries as it should. So result is that this Legendary is very useless. Why they keep doing chamges that leave Legendaries to guard the vault is beyond me. Every Legendary should have some use somewhere in the game. 
Feb 19, 2020, 14:2802/19/20

As an answer to the first post. If the damage scales of both attack and defence, it means that increasing both stats will increase the damage of that skill. So: Damage = (ATK x k1) + (DEF x k2), where k1 and k2 are multipliers. Plarium never states what these multipliers are, and many players don't like it. Some are doing their own testing to figure it out.

Most champions who have double-scaling are hurt by it.

As an example, Skullcrusher's A1 is based only on his DEF. One person calculated that the multiplier is 3.7. So Skullcrusher's damage = DEF x 3.7

Peydma's A1 is both DEF and ATK based. The same person figured out that her multipliers are 1.2 for DEF and 1 for ATK. And she attacks 2 times. So Peydma's damage = ((Def x 1.2) + (ATK x 1)) x 2. However, her base attack is pretty low. And on champions who do damage based of defence it's always best to stack defence because it increases their damage while also increasing survivability. So most people don't get any attack for Peydma. In the end, the part that really matters is (DEF x 1.2) x 2 = DEF x 2.4. That is much less compared to Skullcrusher, or Tayrel or other champions that are based only on DEF. 

So Peydma is hurt by the double-scaling. And most champions are. The only exceptions that come to my mind: 1. Mountain Kind whose multipliers are just ridiculous. They were made that way after all the outcry and after everybody called him rubbish. So Plarium just made him OP. 2. Champs who do damage based on enemy max HP because they can do a lot of damage to bosses.

Multipliers for some champions are all over the place and don't make sense. Torturhelm's A1 scales of both ATK and DEF, and his A2 scales of HP. Nobody knows what is the reason of that, why were some champions designed like that. But in the end of the day most of them are hurt by it, gearing them is hard and awkward and they don't do as much damage as champions who scale of only DEF or only ATK.

Apr 4, 2020, 01:1004/04/20

Do you happen to know if VorpalRabbit’s point about how damage scaling tags apparently aren’t trustworthy, and the actual description text is usually/always the indicator of what ability damage scales from, is still true?  I just started in March, but I feel like I’d‘ve seen some outrage in chat by now, even if it’s old news by this point.

Or, since some damage scales by much higher multipliers, maybe some of the 1x multipliers are just deceptively subtle, and the difference it made in test damage looked like it was within the margin of error, and VorpalRabbit was never correct?

why so mad said:

As an answer to the first post. If the damage scales of both attack and defence, it means that increasing both stats will increase the damage of that skill. So: Damage = (ATK x k1) + (DEF x k2), where k1 and k2 are multipliers. Plarium never states what these multipliers are, and many players don't like it. Some are doing their own testing to figure it out.

Most champions who have double-scaling are hurt by it.

As an example, Skullcrusher's A1 is based only on his DEF. One person calculated that the multiplier is 3.7. So Skullcrusher's damage = DEF x 3.7

Peydma's A1 is both DEF and ATK based. The same person figured out that her multipliers are 1.2 for DEF and 1 for ATK. And she attacks 2 times. So Peydma's damage = ((Def x 1.2) + (ATK x 1)) x 2. However, her base attack is pretty low. And on champions who do damage based of defence it's always best to stack defence because it increases their damage while also increasing survivability. So most people don't get any attack for Peydma. In the end, the part that really matters is (DEF x 1.2) x 2 = DEF x 2.4. That is much less compared to Skullcrusher, or Tayrel or other champions that are based only on DEF. 

So Peydma is hurt by the double-scaling. And most champions are. The only exceptions that come to my mind: 1. Mountain Kind whose multipliers are just ridiculous. They were made that way after all the outcry and after everybody called him rubbish. So Plarium just made him OP. 2. Champs who do damage based on enemy max HP because they can do a lot of damage to bosses.

Multipliers for some champions are all over the place and don't make sense. Torturhelm's A1 scales of both ATK and DEF, and his A2 scales of HP. Nobody knows what is the reason of that, why were some champions designed like that. But in the end of the day most of them are hurt by it, gearing them is hard and awkward and they don't do as much damage as champions who scale of only DEF or only ATK.

Apr 5, 2020, 00:5404/05/20
Apr 5, 2020, 03:44(edited)

According to Stew, HH, Chosen, and DM when a skill is based off 2 stats like with Peydma (Atk,Def) it pulls more from attack then defense.

 So it's not half and half and more 75% and 25%. The first half of the text in the skill is predominant stat.

This what the devs explained to them.

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