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Arena Math and Power Calcs

Arena Math and Power Calcs

May 13, 2019, 15:4105/13/19

Arena Math and Power Calcs

Last night I went to bed with about 1070. Woke up this morning <1000. Checked the log. Only 2 losses. Played a few games ended up with 997. Played one more and won. Score 999. How does that compute?

How is power calculated? I’ve gone against 13k and lost and I have 22k. Seems like defense isn’t considered. And why am I given a choice to play someone that is plus/minus 5-7k from my power calf?
May 13, 2019, 16:2005/13/19

Sevali said:

Last night I went to bed with about 1070. Woke up this morning <1000. Checked the log. Only 2 losses. 

Its Monday reset. Every Monday your rank resets to the start of your current arena tier.

Team power includes masteries, gear rank and level, etc. You can win against team +20k stronger then youes if that team builded around junk champs like 4 exe`s, for example. Or can luse to the team 20k lower then you because it has full circle dmg immunity and you have nothing to dispell it.

May 13, 2019, 21:3805/13/19
May 13, 2019, 21:38(edited)

Sevali said:

Last night I went to bed with about 1070. Woke up this morning <1000. Checked the log. Only 2 losses. Played a few games ended up with 997. Played one more and won. Score 999. How does that compute?

How is power calculated? I’ve gone against 13k and lost and I have 22k. Seems like defense isn’t considered. And why am I given a choice to play someone that is plus/minus 5-7k from my power calf?

U are matched vs +- same rank. 

I'm in gold IV and i have opponents there 50k+ power higher than me. 

I have won teams almost twice stronger than my team - so it's not about power. 
May 13, 2019, 21:5305/13/19

Sevali said:

Last night I went to bed with about 1070. Woke up this morning <1000. Checked the log. Only 2 losses. Played a few games ended up with 997. Played one more and won. Score 999. How does that compute?

How is power calculated? I’ve gone against 13k and lost and I have 22k. Seems like defense isn’t considered. And why am I given a choice to play someone that is plus/minus 5-7k from my power calf?

Hello Sevali 

Yesterday was arena reset, where your points are reset back to its starting point of that tier and a reward is provided for the tier you were in at the time of reset.

For example, I am currently in Gold 4, I had 3199 arena points, yesterday with the weekly reset, I was reset to 2900 points and given the gold 4 tier chest. If I'm attacked at this point and my defense loses it would put me into gold 3.

Regarding power rating, it's not the "end all" advice, this indicates that they may have good gear, skills may be upgraded, what level they are and if they are ascended. I run 4 epics for the fun of it in gold 4 where their combined power level is 130k, it's common for them to go up against 150-200k legendary teams and win easily. The arena is more about team composition and strategy. 

May 13, 2019, 22:5005/13/19
Thank you all for replies. It's quite helpful.