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Which 4 star to Upgrade Rank?

Which 4 star to Upgrade Rank?

May 10, 2019, 18:3105/10/19

Which 4 star to Upgrade Rank?

Hey folks, I've been playing for about a month and a half.  I've got 3 rank 5 champs and a bunch of 4s to consider moving up.  I'm not a fan of PvP but will do it for the daily quests and this past tournament - seems like high speed and good AOE are the rule of thumb there.   I've finished all three levels of the campaign but am 14 stars short of that final sacred shard on brutal.  

I am mostly focusing on missions and challenges and doing the occasional dungeons (which is starting to make me feel what my endgoal is but I'll deal with that later ;-) )

I run clan boss in my own clan that I  created to get the Mission accomplished (it's actually called Mission Complete). I get about 2.3 mill dmg on easy.  If I stick with the game I'll probably hand over my guild to a casual player and get a competitive one.

I have all of the champs needed for Relickeeper but am waiting until I come across the mission or challenge that calls for fusing him.  I'm not sure which it is.

My current 5 stars are Kael, Galek and Doompriest.

I have a bunch of 4 stars: Conqueror,  Doomscreech, Sorceress, Warpriest, Guardian, Jizoh, Shaman, Thenasil, Executioner, Jotun, Apothecarey, Lich and Frostbringer. (I have spare copies of all of the Relickeeper ingredients)

I'm leaning toward promoting Executioner because I hear good things about him for powerleveling and grinding (I mostly aoe through everything with Kael right now)  I'm also considering Sorceress to have a 'Red' attacker since I'm blue-heavy right now.  I use Doomscreech with Shield set on tough campaigns/dungeons right now so he's an option too, but he has middling reviews.

Also, my current clan boss comp is Kael, Galek, Doompriest, Jotun (hate the 75% on his HP Burn but still better uptime than Whelp) and Thenasil.

Any advice, rules of thumb or philosophies welcome! - I've got the four star 'uncommons' ready to go, just need to make the final decision.
