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Help at crossroad in Raid

Help at crossroad in Raid

May 10, 2019, 18:2005/10/19

Help at crossroad in Raid

Hi all

I am playing this game now for nearly 3 weeks and loving it. But i have now come to a crossroad i would love some advice from more experienced players

Where am i now?

  • I have 3 level 50 chars: Kael, Sinesha and Apothecary
  • I have all skills maxed on Apothecary (i didn't realize the books where scares until it was too late) 
  • Only ascended Kael 3x 
  • I have several (near) level 40 chars, most notably: Executionar, Shaman, Jizoh, Juliana, Sentinel, Heiress, Karam, Galek, Warpriest 
  • I have nearly cleared Brutal, but none of my level 50's can solo it (even though i have some epic lifesteal gear, the stats are apparently not good enough) . Kael can solo part of Hard

Since i can't solo brutal yet, i am in doubt what to do: what is best to focus on now:

  1. Should i go for 4 level 50's first and farm gear and potions in dungeons first to improve my level 50's. And which champion would you recommend next i level to 50? 
  2. Or should i focus on getting 1 of these to level 60 first so i can farm better? Which char is best for farming given the ones i have (incl the level 40's) 

I read that both Sinesha and Executionar are good for farming. But Sinesha uses her Nr 3 skill at random in campaign (even when she is only one standing). And executionar's counterattack skill is on a 7 turn cooldown

Please, any suggestions are welcome :)
