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Trading  Champions

Trading Champions

May 8, 2019, 01:0705/08/19

Trading Champions

They should make this as a thing especially with the release of the referral program.
May 8, 2019, 10:1405/08/19
May 8, 2019, 10:14(edited)
Hello! While this may sound as an interesting idea, we are not going to make it possible. The whole concept of the game presupposes receiving champions in the process of playing. Simply exchanging them with other players would simply be unfair in a way, could cause unexpected consequences in terms of maintaining the game balance and potentially lead to cases of abuse. We do have, as it is, a lot of ways in the game to receive Shards and summon plenty of champions :)
May 8, 2019, 16:2005/08/19

jea, unfortunately, while green shards give you mostly green heroes and blue shards give you mostly blue heroes,

i have cracked 5 or 6 yellow shards and not gotten a single yellow champ...

if that is intentional, perhaps the color of the shard should change? or it should be communicated that in this instance, you can not expext to get champs that match the shard´s color?

feels very frustrating the way it is implemented.

Aug 26, 2020, 14:4808/26/20

yea what the heck guys you should fix that like you literely have to get 9 sacred shards just to have a 5% chance of pulling a legendary

Nov 21, 2020, 03:1911/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 03:24(edited)

What's unfair is the ratio of recieving a decent champion even on a 'rush' 

(For example I purchased a $25 void rush and landed 1 decent champion the other six were basically doubles I already had or food)

Or completing a pretty lengthy checklist for a sacred shard and cashing it in even during a specialty run, and getting something far less than extraordinary 

I refuse to dump hundreds into a game that not only deals percentages that are so low that going a week or more without playing is somewhat relaxing without having to think about getting throttled down an entire level on classic arena daily if I dont log in or actually taking the time AND money I have put into a game that, in hindsight, could have bought a ps4 or 5, the end being countless hours of quality free time spent, albeit gradually/eventually, than a game that started out grand and actually decreased in value after spending money, rather than how it should 

Even as a pay to play game, there are so many aspects of the game that need tweaking to even make it worth the pretty high prices which, very well could be, one day, absolutely worth dishing out cash for but unless something incredible and/or miraculous happens, that seems highly unlikely 

Nov 21, 2020, 03:2311/21/20

The need for energy and its replenishment in my opinion is my biggeat peeve with this game

I expect that from casino slot machine cell phone games but not a turn based rpg. Compare to proper pc or console games.. its just not "classy" for a game like this to get so cheap and petty

Nov 21, 2020, 18:5511/21/20

I think plariuim is bias towards members who don't pay to play . I have seen some great epic champions in epic and play nearly.3 years  I still get dregs of epic champions  I have seen exactly3 hexia epic champions of which I juse got one plus 1 fb account an 1 other they are totally bias  how can one compete against some epic.champion if you canthink get the same totally.unfair gonna disband my clan and stop playing again can't take is bias towards me and my  other account  never get anywhere unless you spend money and like vikings where I spent thousand's same story game chases continued interuptions  fed up with plariuim 

Jan 6, 2021, 14:2701/06/21

That's being a little over dramatic

You honestly think that the reason you haven't gotten any good champions is because Plarium is out to get you because you dont p2p?

I'm not going to drag this out but I will tell you this, I have, i believe 8 legos, probably 10-12 void epics and several other decent champions 

I RARELY pay anything, I mean less than 12 bucks in well over a year so that's not the case

Funny story, I received a Scyl of the Drakes couple days ago, from an ANCIENT shard. Its definitely doable even if you aren't spending money all the time 

Jan 6, 2021, 17:4901/06/21

Pay or not, it really is maximum effort for minimum returns.

Jan 6, 2021, 18:0301/06/21

I have three legendaries that I got when free to play, just got them from ancient shards! only a few but I got lucky. After that, I did spend an amount of money because I got an interest in the game.

I am happy with how much I can get for free and I don't mind buying things as long as there is value. Two biggest issues for me are:

- Energy is very low and limits my playtime

- Cost of packs change, which has meant I've stopped buying them, unfortunately, because they go beyond my budget. 

Jan 6, 2021, 18:0901/06/21

I bought a thirty dollars pack but I did it because I figure, no one would buy one....but I seriously have to suggest that you do not buy it.


Dear God, 

Be careful with your money...

Jan 27, 2021, 21:0401/27/21

Well after my last two purchases, I splurged for whatever reason, around $60, I can tell you guys that I will never buy anything for Raid ever again. I received a bunch of crap not even worth listing 

I'm highly considering not even bothering playing anymore 

Mar 4, 2021, 11:2403/04/21

you should be able to trade if your in a clan though

Mar 4, 2021, 15:0803/04/21

blue shards can give legendary champion - True, they have the highest probability of giving a lego champ

yellow shards give legendary champions - once in a blue moon, least probability , not really.

no point buying shards - True

Plarium wants to control who gets what champion - absolutely true

Plarium does not want to give any choices or increase chances of getting a particular champ - True

Mar 4, 2021, 15:1103/04/21
Phill Love

I think plariuim is bias towards members who don't pay to play . I have seen some great epic champions in epic and play nearly.3 years  I still get dregs of epic champions  I have seen exactly3 hexia epic champions of which I juse got one plus 1 fb account an 1 other they are totally bias  how can one compete against some epic.champion if you canthink get the same totally.unfair gonna disband my clan and stop playing again can't take is bias towards me and my  other account  never get anywhere unless you spend money and like vikings where I spent thousand's same story game chases continued interuptions  fed up with plariuim 

actually it is the otrher way around, if you pay once, plarium will  offer expensive offers/packages

once you spend a certain amount, you will always get more expensive offers.

Mar 4, 2021, 15:1603/04/21

blue shards can give legendary champion - True, they have the highest probability of giving a lego champ

yellow shards give legendary champions - once in a blue moon, least probability , not really.

no point buying shards - True

Plarium wants to control who gets what champion - absolutely true

Plarium does not want to give any choices or increase chances of getting a particular champ - True

If you're referring to the fact that ancient shards ( blue ) are available in larger quantities in game as opposed to sacreds ( blue ) that has nothing to do with the probability of getting a legendary champion out of either . 

Mar 4, 2021, 15:2603/04/21

yea what the heck guys you should fix that like you literely have to get 9 sacred shards just to have a 5% chance of pulling a legendary

actually, you have an equal probaility to pull a duplicate so by that logic you have a 2.5% chance to pull a duplicate

Mar 4, 2021, 17:4603/04/21
ben lol

you should be able to trade if your in a clan though

no that is impossible, you cannot exchange 

Aug 19, 2021, 11:1308/19/21

yea what the heck guys you should fix that like you literely have to get 9 sacred shards just to have a 5% chance of pulling a legendary

...the last 2 ancient shards i opened both were Legendarys (Bad-El-Kazar and Lyssandra)

Aug 19, 2021, 12:2908/19/21

Well - legendary heroes shouldnt be easy to optain. A suggestion for those of u who is having a hard time getting the right guys:

Get a clanboss team that can make it at nm or even unm

Its paying the shards back for u

Im free2play and currently i have 10 sacreds (in about a month), just waiting for the 2time event (which i will recommend that any f2p-player do)

Trading would be unfair to those players who have given sooooooo much money to get their champions. 

Aug 19, 2021, 12:3608/19/21

as to those of us who buys stuff,,,, i have been lucky and unlucky buying,,,,, its like entering a lottery,,, sometimes u win, sometimes u loose. 

Seriously,,, those of u who thinks that plarium is trying to give u bad champions - please get to see a doctor - its all numbers

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