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Why I am Upset about the Divine Scroll Drop Rate Increase

Why I am Upset about the Divine Scroll Drop Rate Increase

May 7, 2019, 15:1805/07/19

Why I am Upset about the Divine Scroll Drop Rate Increase

Less than two weeks ago, I began the process of repeatedly running through the Minotaur dungeon in order to max out masteries on my champions.  Since then, I have earned 5,133 divine (red) scrolls.  At an average of 4.5 scrolls per run, this represents approximately 1,141 runs through the Minotaur in addition to those required to obtain the lower-tier scrolls.

Today, changes were made to the game that will allow players to earn scrolls twice as quickly as they could in the past two weeks.  If I have started running Minotaur tier 15 today instead of two weeks ago, I would have saved 570 runs, on average.  This represents 7,980 energy and (given an average of about 3.5 minutes/run) over 33 hours of play time.  Additionally, because I used gems to refresh my energy for Minotaur runs in particular, this represents a cost of 2,660 gems.  Even if I account for natural energy regeneration over this period, I certainly spent over 2,000 gems just on this group of divine scrolls.

Was this worth it?  I thought so at the time.  I enjoy the game, and wanted to max out my masteries.  But it’s clear that I would not have spent this time and money if I’d had any indication whatsoever that changes would be made to drop rates.  This was not a decision that the developers made recently, and they could have informed us of the intention to change drop rates weeks or months ago, even if they hadn’t yet zeroed in on specific numbers.  

I understand that changes are made to games all the time, and that changes to things like champion power are inevitable.  I frequent the Plarium forum, the Reddit forum, and the official Discord channel.  Over the past week or two, I’ve been recommending to clan-mates and on Reddit that players wait for mastery respecs because of the change to WM, and wait for skill book allocation because of changes to champions.  In other words, I’ve been trying to use the information available to help other players make the best possible decisions.  

Unfortunately, I feel that the lack of communication about upcoming changes caused me to spend 33 hours and 2000+ gems that would not have been necessary if I’d waited two weeks.  Now, the time and money I spent feels like a complete waste.

I often defend companies (and have defended Plarium) when players say they are “entitled” to things.  As a player, however, I do feel entitled to be able to make informed decisions about how I spend my time and money in a game.  Because I didn’t know of the impending changes to Minotaur rewards, I wasted my time, my in-game resources, and my money.  

On a final note, let me say clearly that I think this is a good change for the game, overall.  I am glad that other players will not have to spend the same amount of time that I did on the Minotaur.  I’m not saying that this change is bad; rather, I’m saying that it was handled badly by the developers and/or CMs, and that it represents a significant disrespect for the time and energy of players.

May 7, 2019, 15:2305/07/19

Finally someone who does not rant but is able to articulate in a meaningful way.

I totally agree that it feels bad when you put so much effort into something that is now much easier to achieve (especially since you invested not just time but gems) - the problem is how could they compensate you for that? We all can't really prove that we did what we did JUST and ONLY to reach Giantslayer...and how much could they give us back? I f you only put your free energy in it would you get the same compensation than someone who bought a lot of gems to do the same?
May 7, 2019, 15:2805/07/19
May 7, 2019, 15:29(edited)

addmeister said:

the problem is how could they compensate you for that?

I think there's a pretty reasonable solution.  Take the number of divine scrolls that players have obtained up to this point, divide them by 4.5 (the average number of Mino 15 runs required) and then by 2.  If my math is right (it's the math I used in the OP), this should give us the number of additional Mino runs we needed to complete to get the current number of scrolls.  Multiply that by 14, and then mail us that amount of in-game energy.

They could automate this process, so they wouldn't need to deal with support tickets from each player individually.

It's not a perfect solution-- it won't give us back our time or gems or anything else, and it assumes that players farmed Mino 15 and not an earlier tier.  However, it at least shows that the developers care about the time and energy we put into their game.

May 7, 2019, 16:0905/07/19
No compensation for this is a giant middle finger to your veteran community. Its cool, we've all just stopped caring.
May 7, 2019, 17:4605/07/19

I see your point. But honestly I dont think it will happen. From a player perspective, I don't see a problem giving out x amount of gems per hero with giant slayer, for example. But when you think about how many players has giant slayers on several heroes, it becomes a very high accumilated amount of gems, handed out for free. 

While I think that's a fair compensation to make, depending on the amount, I don't think Plarium agrees that they need to make this decision. If that was the mindset they had, they wouldnt be making a mobile game.

If I turn out to be wrong though, Ill eat my words.
May 7, 2019, 17:5305/07/19
Compensation for veteran player NOW! plarium pls omegalul
May 7, 2019, 18:1505/07/19

ZenZombie said:

I see your point. But honestly I dont think it will happen. From a player perspective, I don't see a problem giving out x amount of gems per hero with giant slayer, for example. But when you think about how many players has giant slayers on several heroes, it becomes a very high accumilated amount of gems, handed out for free.

Yeah, that's why I'm suggesting in-game energy rather than gems; they're not going to give out that much premium currency.

But I totally agree that any compensation is unlikely-- I'm just saying I think it would be fair.
May 7, 2019, 21:2205/07/19
May 15, 2019, 19:12(edited)
This is by far the most pinpoint accurate thing I've read all day. Well spoken Orynn. I'm sure there are so many of us that know this pain. Makes me feel sick thinking back to the days soloing my exe through mino for days on end.
May 7, 2019, 21:5205/07/19

Well said. I voiced my opinion about this as well in feedback and suggestions forum - but yours is much better. 

I also doubt any of us will see any sort of action for them to redeem themselves and support their efforts of being a different type of company (one that cares, in short (read on google play)).  

However, Orynns math is accurate for my situation as well. I spent most of last week farming mino, nonstop once we learned of war master getting changed. I spent over 2.7k gems in energy refills strictly running mino 15. 

My thoughts on this currently are Im not going to spend as much as I previously was unless there is an attempt to correct this... Misguided sale or until Ive felt I stopped buying enough in-game items valued about the same as I spent farming mino. I would also encourage anyone else that agrees with this problem to voice their opinion and speak up as well.

And on Orynns last note, I, again, agree with the change because I know just how long it takes for one champ to get enough scrolls for the top tier mastery. But it makes me wonder if the patch info that was "leaked" was really unintentional. One could make the argument it was purposefully leaked so people would spend more time, gems and money farming mino before this change was made. I dont beleive that but Im not going to blindly follow either.

Please take this into consideration and at least attempt to keep your word about being "better".
May 7, 2019, 22:1805/07/19

Hello All

Thanks for your feedback, I have now highlighted this post to the CM's for review.

many thanks
May 8, 2019, 16:5305/08/19
KiwiMcSheep said:

Hello All

Thanks for your feedback, I have now highlighted this post to the CM's for review.

many thanks
Thank you
May 8, 2019, 19:0905/08/19
Is the scroll rate drop truly double what it was? Or only at certain levels on Mino?
May 8, 2019, 20:2905/08/19
May 8, 2019, 20:31(edited)

Tell me about it. Two days before this update, a wild card pack was advertised to me with 1500 gems. Bought it and used it to help finish my first GS/WM mino run. Literally right as I was finishing getting to GS, this patch drops.

I have never regretted in-game play, pay and effort so much. The lack of communication regarding upcoming changes is baffling. Launching Tournaments and advertising packs that people will buy with arena tokens only to have a complete server breakdown in day one is baffling.

Plarium was bought out for $500million in 2017 and Raid itself has profitted. I've spent over $700 alone in the past month or so. I'm confused how this is possible to handle so poorly. I own and run a software company myself and I'd be fried by my clients for this kind of thing.

At any rate, I'm disappointed but not surprised. I'm happy for the change as well, just distraught by the lack of communication which completely affected my in game experience.

Unless reparations are made, I will be extremely hesitant to make any purchases in the future. And I don't want to have to be hesitant towards making in-game decisions but it's come to that as well.
May 8, 2019, 21:4705/08/19

I have decided to do a little bit of research. My efforts have lead me to numerous stories and situations very similar to this one. To my surprise, all it takes is a number of complaints to one or many of these organizations:

Better Business Bureau

International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network

Federal Trade Commission

Consumer Complaint Center

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

I would hope that the CMs or whoever is in charge try to do the right thing...
May 16, 2019, 19:1605/16/19

So any update on this from the devs? 

Having spend 2 weeks straight in mino and wasted all my time and resources I am very discouraged. I went all out on mino just to get ahead of others. But the irony is I am behind everyone else because they  farmed gear while I wasted my gems on mino and now that they can get mino done in half the time I am left behind. 

It has gotten to a point where I am afraid to grind anything else in this game as I don’t know what to expect next, due to the fact that we are not well informed on the upcoming changes in this game.

I understand that there will be changes in games that will require grinding new gear based on the meta, or work on a new champ that would replace old one after a nerf/buff, which is quite normal. But increasing the drop rate by 100% without any heads up is definitely not normal.

All we are asking for is to be better informed of the upcoming changes. At least a week ahead of time, Not 2 days after the patch is available to be downloaded in the App Store. Thanks in advance.

May 17, 2019, 09:1105/17/19

waffenmc2 said:

So any update on this from the devs? 

Having spend 2 weeks straight in mino and wasted all my time and resources I am very discouraged. I went all out on mino just to get ahead of others. But the irony is I am behind everyone else because they  farmed gear while I wasted my gems on mino and now that they can get mino done in half the time I am left behind. 

It has gotten to a point where I am afraid to grind anything else in this game as I don’t know what to expect next, due to the fact that we are not well informed on the upcoming changes in this game.

I understand that there will be changes in games that will require grinding new gear based on the meta, or work on a new champ that would replace old one after a nerf/buff, which is quite normal. But increasing the drop rate by 100% without any heads up is definitely not normal.

All we are asking for is to be better informed of the upcoming changes. At least a week ahead of time, Not 2 days after the patch is available to be downloaded in the App Store. Thanks in advance.


Overall im really happy that they have increased these drop rates, i have spent months and thousand of gems to get most of my champions up to scratch regarding scrolls, i remember spending so much time at first, it gets easier the more champions you complete.

Now all my new champions that i get will be able to join the fight quicker ...especially when it comes to the clan boss, as personally i never run champions on the clan boss that dont have gs or wm.

Alot of players asked for this change, scrolls were a very hard grind and now this definitely makes a difference in the whole balance of the grind to get a champion to lvl 60.

Though i agree a roadmap would be very useful in this case for us players to make better choices knowing whats to come, so i will continue to provide all feed back to the CMs/devs.

May 17, 2019, 13:3505/17/19
KiwiMcSheep said:

waffenmc2 said:

So any update on this from the devs? 

Having spend 2 weeks straight in mino and wasted all my time and resources I am very discouraged. I went all out on mino just to get ahead of others. But the irony is I am behind everyone else because they  farmed gear while I wasted my gems on mino and now that they can get mino done in half the time I am left behind. 

It has gotten to a point where I am afraid to grind anything else in this game as I don’t know what to expect next, due to the fact that we are not well informed on the upcoming changes in this game.

I understand that there will be changes in games that will require grinding new gear based on the meta, or work on a new champ that would replace old one after a nerf/buff, which is quite normal. But increasing the drop rate by 100% without any heads up is definitely not normal.

All we are asking for is to be better informed of the upcoming changes. At least a week ahead of time, Not 2 days after the patch is available to be downloaded in the App Store. Thanks in advance.


Overall im really happy that they have increased these drop rates, i have spent months and thousand of gems to get most of my champions up to scratch regarding scrolls, i remember spending so much time at first, it gets easier the more champions you complete.

Now all my new champions that i get will be able to join the fight quicker ...especially when it comes to the clan boss, as personally i never run champions on the clan boss that dont have gs or wm.

Alot of players asked for this change, scrolls were a very hard grind and now this definitely makes a difference in the whole balance of the grind to get a champion to lvl 60.

Though i agree a roadmap would be very useful in this case for us players to make better choices knowing whats to come, so i will continue to provide all feed back to the CMs/devs.

Keep up the good work Kiwi
May 17, 2019, 19:5905/17/19
May 17, 2019, 19:59(edited)

KiwiMcSheep said:

waffenmc2 said:

So any update on this from the devs? 

Having spend 2 weeks straight in mino and wasted all my time and resources I am very discouraged. I went all out on mino just to get ahead of others. But the irony is I am behind everyone else because they  farmed gear while I wasted my gems on mino and now that they can get mino done in half the time I am left behind. 

It has gotten to a point where I am afraid to grind anything else in this game as I don’t know what to expect next, due to the fact that we are not well informed on the upcoming changes in this game.

I understand that there will be changes in games that will require grinding new gear based on the meta, or work on a new champ that would replace old one after a nerf/buff, which is quite normal. But increasing the drop rate by 100% without any heads up is definitely not normal.

All we are asking for is to be better informed of the upcoming changes. At least a week ahead of time, Not 2 days after the patch is available to be downloaded in the App Store. Thanks in advance.


Overall im really happy that they have increased these drop rates, i have spent months and thousand of gems to get most of my champions up to scratch regarding scrolls, i remember spending so much time at first, it gets easier the more champions you complete.

Now all my new champions that i get will be able to join the fight quicker ...especially when it comes to the clan boss, as personally i never run champions on the clan boss that dont have gs or wm.

Alot of players asked for this change, scrolls were a very hard grind and now this definitely makes a difference in the whole balance of the grind to get a champion to lvl 60.

Though i agree a roadmap would be very useful in this case for us players to make better choices knowing whats to come, so i will continue to provide all feed back to the CMs/devs.


Yeah I love the change overall. I guess a roadmap would help us with planning our resources wisely in the future.

Thanks a lot for responding and taking our feedback to the devs.
May 22, 2019, 13:0105/22/19
May 22, 2019, 13:02(edited)
Hello all! I apologize for taking this long to reply here. We do understand your point, however, the fact that now Masteries cost less does not devalue their activation profit when they used to cost more. Basically, we were all under the same conditions then and it took certain amount of time and energy to open this or that Mastery, we all are under the same conditions now, too. We did get our edge from Masteries in the battles that took place before the change in Scrolls. We will try to notify you about releases in a timely manner, too. Accept our apologies for the misunderstanding in the past.