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Golden gem legendary drop rate is abyssmal

Golden gem legendary drop rate is abyssmal

May 3, 2019, 02:2905/03/19

Golden gem legendary drop rate is abyssmal

As the title says for how hard it is to aquire one these gems and the money you have to spend in the game to not take 2 years to get even remotely close to end game is crazy all chats online in the game ive been seeing have been complaining about summon rates being terrible some people spending over 1000 dollars with no legendaries to show for it. With that ammount of money those people should have every single champion. You need to adress this drop rate issue or this game will be dead before its even a year old
May 3, 2019, 08:1605/03/19

i said this many times before, but i honestly think the rates themselfs are fine as they are and that they don't need to be changed

but my problem and biggest concern is that we don't have that many oppurtunities to get shards, so i rly hope they will introduce new content where we will be able to get more shards and increase the drop rate for shards from dungeons, arena/clan boss/clan chests and increase the amount we get from market

they could even put something like void/sacred shard pieces to shop and chests

May 3, 2019, 10:1105/03/19
You can get sacred and voids shards from Nightmare clan boss. If drop rates are so great have fun chasing the drop rates on sacred and void drops from CB. May RNG be in your Favor...
May 3, 2019, 11:2005/03/19


In my humble opinion, it is too high, it should be even lower.
There are too many legends, and this is just the beginning.

May 3, 2019, 12:4405/03/19
Trebort said:


In my humble opinion, it is too high, it should be even lower.
There are too many legends, and this is just the beginning.

True to a certain point...most of them are useless, and one can not pick the one he/she wants...not to mention legs tomes are very hard to get.
May 3, 2019, 13:0805/03/19

If drop rates are lower a lot of F2P will never get a legendary. if the only sacred shards they get are from Month end they will get on Avg 11 per year when on average it takes 17 sacred shards to get a legendary and that's being generous.

And P2W will keep on spending to get legendaries leaving the hard working players way behind.
May 3, 2019, 21:5605/03/19
Sounds like good deal for the company. If a 1000 folks spend 1000 dollars, super. They know the odds. There will be always some yahoo downloading a game and getting addicted enough to pay.   But who is smarter, som3one who pays or spends hours daily grinding?.
May 3, 2019, 22:0205/03/19
Usually the people with allot of legendaries are spending 5-6k on the game tough 
May 4, 2019, 14:3805/04/19
I got three and feel like they are nothing special. Lower drop rates would be fine with me.