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Atur and kallia combo team

Atur and kallia combo team

May 2, 2019, 18:1705/02/19

Atur and kallia combo team

Anyone who has this combo, please read and comment if you're willing, thanks in advance for your time. So I finally got kallia. I'm trying to find the most viable situations for them. They seem to have great survivability. With her hp burn I think they could be great in clan boss, maybe equip her with toxic gear for added poison, or just stack acc, and speed? Next would be an arena team, they have mixed affinity, him magic, her force, plus he gets immunity to sleep, stun, and freeze. And has provoke, I currently have him stacked with 2 sets of hp  Gear and speed but I could see putting freeze gear as a good option. He  will provoke then when they hit he can freeze them. Or maybe put heal gear on him for added survivability, or just stick with plain h.p. gear and speed as I have him set up now, possibly remove the second hp gear and swap in a acc set so provoke can hit more. Anyone who has this team, your advice, experience, and info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and any advice given. Have a good day. 