vularoApr 16, 2019, 15:2404/16/1903/16/193Hidden crit cap?My elhain has 77% crit chance baseline. She can get another 30% buff ja killing Stuff. So i sit at 107%, but sometimes she does NOT crit. Some advice?
PlagueApr 16, 2019, 16:5804/16/1912/23/1863Sorry, bro, but I must criticise your math :)Buff isn`t additive. And in most cases it affects only basic stat. Basic is 15%. So in fact you get only 4,5% crit from the buff. It hurts, yeah.
KlovaApr 16, 2019, 16:5904/16/1903/16/19173when you hit someone of stronger element, you can get weak hit that can't be criticalor do you hit same/weaker element and get no crit?
Fresh ProduceApr 16, 2019, 20:4604/16/1903/09/1940Attacking enemies with elemental disadvantage gives reduced acc and crit rate. Probably crit damage too.
vularoApr 17, 2019, 15:5904/17/1903/16/193So okay, thx för all Input. Hand i hit same/weaker element.