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Reached lvl 50! Rewarded with the ability to spend more money!

Reached lvl 50! Rewarded with the ability to spend more money!

Apr 8, 2019, 10:1904/08/19

Reached lvl 50! Rewarded with the ability to spend more money!

Yay! Finally level 50! Phew. Great milestone. Not quite 60, but a good portion of the way. Oh! And I got rewarded 1 rare skill tome! But most importantly! The ability to spend 40 dollars! Thanks Plarium. You definately know how to reward your players!

Im being sarcastic. This is fucking pathetic, and you should be ashammed of yourself. How you think this is appropriate is BEYOND me. This game is already brimming with overpriced microtransactions, and a pay to win that is magnitudes beyond whats fair. To us players who cant afford spending thousands of dollars on a mobile game, we are already getting effed in the back, while paying players are dominating every aspect of the game. 

And when we stick around anyways, through blood sweat and tears, doing all the hard work? You reward us by asking us to pay YOU for a reward?

If it wasnt because I actually like the game at its core gameplay, and I didnt want to get myself banned, I would kindly have told you to f off. Although this thread is probably enough to get me punished anyways. Worth it.
Apr 8, 2019, 13:2404/08/19
Apr 8, 2019, 13:24(edited)

What's all in the level 50 pack for $40? Frankly, I bought the level 40pack for $50 because it was a good value and I don't mind supporting a game that's provided me hours of gameplay.

You ever go out on the weekend and drink? Play golf? See movies? 

Anyway, I'm approaching 50 and am curious to know. I've by no means spent thousands but if the level 50 pack is anything like the level 40pack, I'm in! 
Apr 8, 2019, 13:2504/08/19

I am with you ZenZombie.

I quit SW after playing it for few years because of all the p2w sh_t players that are demolishing you on siege,RTA and arena fights with 1 monster (champion) because I can't afford to buy runes or 5* monsters (equivalent to legendary champion in RAID). And here is pretty much the same.

Shame, all those companies producing good games but only for the money.

Apr 8, 2019, 17:0604/08/19

Dinged 50 today as well.I think my package is evenly priced...around 35 euros.

What;s funny is the message that pops out...'You've earned it, now claim it'...earned it yes, not gonna claim it.

What pisses me off is not the microtransaction inferno this game delivers(they have to make money) it's the fact that you get ONE RARE skill tome for reaching lvl 50..that;s the big slap on the face for me.

Apr 9, 2019, 17:5304/09/19
No one's going to say what their level 50 pack offer was? 
Apr 10, 2019, 15:0604/10/19

I can't remember what the pack contained to be honest. I hit 50 last week and I know I was severely underwhelmed with the rare skill tome. I do remember thinking the same thing Shakazul "You've earned it; Now claim it!" and seeing a big ole price tag attached. 

It is what it is. It's a mobile game designed to make money. Of course it is going to cater to people who want to spend big. It's not like the company is going to shrug their shoulders and limit or turn away opportunities to increase their revenue. Like most mobile games, it'll cash out big at first, then the f2P people will get phased out leaving no one for the whales to play against only each other and the game will dry out. By then they'll have their money made and ideally another great concept idea panning out. 

Before the official release I used to hang out in Arena Gold IV now I'm on the cusp of Silver IV and Gold I. I play because I like the concept and the art, and I've been around since before Christmas having spent $15 (Canadian) total over 3 micro transactions. I likely won't spend any more and if the power curve continues to grow I'll be out by summer...too bad because a level playing field would make it a great game, but that wouldn't make the company money and that's not a great business model. 
Apr 12, 2019, 18:0904/12/19
Teloch said:

No one's going to say what their level 50 pack offer was? 
I should be reaching level 50 at some point today. Once I do I'll let you know what the offer is. Of course, that's if you haven't reached it already.
Apr 13, 2019, 00:4104/13/19

Here is the pack I got when I reached lvl 50. 

The content is good but the price is unbelievable


Apr 15, 2019, 05:3304/15/19
Apr 15, 2019, 05:35(edited)

This is my level 50 deal. I agree it's kinda lame that they show you this and ask you pay to get it because "You've earned it". Not exactly the way I had in mind to rewards players for their progression.
Apr 18, 2019, 18:4104/18/19
same offer when I reached level 40, with a time limit, it kinda forces u to buy it or lose it
Apr 18, 2019, 20:3904/18/19

That's the best thing about it. I am getting the beginners package and the sacred daily package offered every fkn time I log into the game, but the Level 50 pack ... gone after 24 hrs, although I earned it...

Jan 3, 2020, 21:5901/03/20
I love this game it is fun AF and it is sad that they have to over price shit cause they know people will pay for it. I can't even afford the 10 dollar gem pack. it sucks i found a mobile game i really enjoy and i will be stuck with shity gear and champions until i fork out tons of money. I think it is time to find another game that is not PTW.
Jan 4, 2020, 05:0101/04/20
Jan 4, 2020, 18:14(edited)

Gutts said:

What's all in the level 50 pack for $40? Frankly, I bought the level 40pack for $50 because it was a good value and I don't mind supporting a game that's provided me hours of gameplay.

You ever go out on the weekend and drink? Play golf? See movies? 

Anyway, I'm approaching 50 and am curious to know. I've by no means spent thousands but if the level 50 pack is anything like the level 40pack, I'm in! 

"Good value"?  You're joking me, right?  You realize that it costs $200 in purchases just to max a legendary's skills?  Yes, 7 legendary tomes cost $100 each.  Some legendaries will cost you even more than that.  "Good value," roflmao...

The difference with your comparisons is that you can go to a movie for like $8-12.  With this game, you can easily spend hundreds per month and STILL not be top-tier competitive.  The top gamers in it have spent thousands.  For an APP!  That is literally insane!

It's not that the game costs money to be competitive.  It's *how much* it costs to do so.  You'll see in time, as you level up more and realize that unless you spend thousands on PIXELS, you will NEVER be even close to top-tier.  But, maybe you're one of those mentalities that enjoys an app that is based purely off who spends the most...
Jan 4, 2020, 18:4301/04/20

Lufia said:

This is my level 50 deal. I agree it's kinda lame that they show you this and ask you pay to get it because "You've earned it". Not exactly the way I had in mind to rewards players for their progression.

Yea, "you've earned it, now buy it!!!" is a bit contradictory there, lol.  And the offers aren't even very good relatively speaking.  But, enough people are willing to waste that much money on pixels to where they can get away with it at this point.