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Where are the devs?

Where are the devs?

Apr 5, 2019, 01:2804/05/19

Where are the devs?

So Leg fusion is gone, April is upon us and absolutely NOTHING from the devs? This is the mobile genre, you could lose 90% of your player base by next week! Get smart pls.
Apr 5, 2019, 14:1704/05/19
smatz like u are
Apr 5, 2019, 14:2504/05/19


Apr 5, 2019, 14:4004/05/19

i'm personaly suprised with this lack of comunication, with the events, new content, units and even fusion is problem

i thought it was fine during beta, i thought that they were working and would actually use the "NEWS" panel in game after actual release ... well, i was wrong
Apr 5, 2019, 17:3804/05/19
ambhpb said:

So Leg fusion is gone, April is upon us and absolutely NOTHING from the devs? Wake the fuck up and start communicating. We know you are busy rolling dubs and making paper airplanes out of dolla dolla bills after the summon event, but that shit will dry up if you go MIA. This is the mobile genre, you could lose 90% of your player base by next week! Get smart pls.
Whole lot of crying in one post.
Apr 5, 2019, 19:5604/05/19
Apr 5, 2019, 19:59(edited)

Klova said:

i'm personaly suprised with this lack of comunication, with the events, new content, units and even fusion is problem

i thought it was fine during beta, i thought that they were working and would actually use the "NEWS" panel in game after actual release ... well, i was wrong

I've noticed the same. Devs, TS and CM had great rapport with Beta-testers. It actually felt like they are listenning and wanting the players/testers to be involved in game-developing process.

Since the release, forum is going dead. To report a bug you actually  have to convince TS you are not a novice and  you know what you are talking about (they just send auto-reply without even looking at spint-screens). And no real news or updates on plans, bug fixing etc. 

It is very sad that the commutiny feel of the game is wearing off.

Apr 9, 2019, 12:4604/09/19

Hey, guys. First things first, I can understand being frustrated but that does not justify breaking forum rules, throwing insults and obscenities at the Devs or anyone else. Doing so will result in appropriate penalties - as per Forum Rules. The original post has been edited to remove the offending part and the poster has been warned. Further infractions will result in a temporary ban, and that applies to anyone who is found breaking the rules.

On to the matter at hand.

Things are indeed not as simple as I would have liked when it comes to keeping in touch with the Community at the moment. I check Forums and other platforms regularly and respond where I can, but there is no time to show up in every thread. On the bright side, this is due to the fact Raid had a very successful launch. Activity on the forum alone increased more than ten times in March, and the same can be said about other platforms. I can’t really emphasize how awesome this is, but it also means that work processes will need to update - and that is not something that can be done immediately. Nonetheless, we are working towards that goal and I am still as dedicated as ever to the idea of holding as open communication with players as possible.

I can guarantee that your feedback is still being reported on to the Dev Team, and it’s being taken into account. As a single example, Artifact Challenges that require you to get a specific Artifact (Gloves with ATK% and so on) from a specific Campaign Stage on Normal difficulty will be changed in the near future, along with other things.

There are, however, things that will not be changed for the foreseeable future or at all. I am planning to compile a list of suggestions that will not be accepted in the coming weeks, and give a brief explanation as to why they are not accepted in the thread.

On the Dev-side of things, there are multiple major features that are being worked on. But there are also some challenges that arise and require both time and resources to tackle - such as spammers, bots, and so on. Raid is only at the very start of its path, and there is so much more in store. So worry not, we have absolutely no plans to abandon the game and just use it as a “money siphon” as some players said.

All in all, I am well aware of the issues that were raised and will do whatever possible to fix or at least minimize them. Sadly, the same level of communication as during beta will not be possible simply because our playerbase has increased a thousandfold and there are only so many things Community Managers can reply to :D But we have some ideas and plans, and we’ll be working towards implementing them. The Dev Team cares deeply about Raid as well, it is their creation and they treat it with all due deference rather than just a money grab. I am absolutely certain that once the initial chaos of a mass influx of players is handled, it will be smooth sailing from there on.

Finally, I just want to say that I, personally, and we as a Team are grateful both to the veteran players who’ve been sticking with us through thick and thin, and to the new players who care enough about the game to provide us with an insane volume of feedback - all of it is valuable to us and helps us improve the game in the long run.

Stay tuned, I’ll be dropping by more often soon enough. And good hunting out there!

Apr 9, 2019, 13:2404/09/19


Thank you for the answer. It is rather reassuring. 

It might be userful to copy-paste it to the News section, so more forum users could see it.

Apr 10, 2019, 00:1104/10/19

Thanks for the feedback but every time I read something about your company or as you just stated it seem like all you guys care about is the PLARIUM site. I'm not being negative or trying to downplay what a wonderful gaming community you've built, but it will never be a reddit or Discord. We players are mainly there, not here.

You can easily post in announcements in discord or sticky in reddit. I will not be checking this site to get in contact or find out info about the game. I only came her to see if my thoughts above were true and as I see, they are.

An influx of players should have nothing to do with community managers and devs communicating with their players. If there are infrastructure problems that you're dealing with and can't move forward as quickly on future content than tell us. What is in store, what roadmap do you have for six months to a year. From the Devs: what would you like to see added in raid? What are the number one things you'd like to fix and work on?

Openly honest this is the most silent company I've see in my ten years of app games, especially for a new release.

Apr 10, 2019, 07:1504/10/19

I've always been a big fan of forums, and I like how active this one is. However, discord and reddit are much more populated and versatile. I came from another game that had great discord communication, and you could feel how welcoming the discord server was, also there were weekly updates on what is happening in the news section. Here most of what I see is "XXX has joined" and then silence.

Apr 10, 2019, 07:5104/10/19
Apr 10, 2019, 07:55(edited)

stewartireland said:

Thanks for the feedback but every time I read something about your company or as you just stated it seem like all you guys care about is the PLARIUM site. I'm not being negative or trying to downplay what a wonderful gaming community you've built, but it will never be a reddit or Discord. We players are mainly there, not here.

You can easily post in announcements in discord or sticky in reddit. I will not be checking this site to get in contact or find out info about the game. I only came her to see if my thoughts above were true and as I see, they are.

An influx of players should have nothing to do with community managers and devs communicating with their players. If there are infrastructure problems that you're dealing with and can't move forward as quickly on future content than tell us. What is in store, what roadmap do you have for six months to a year. From the Devs: what would you like to see added in raid? What are the number one things you'd like to fix and work on?

I do enjoy both Discord and Reddit in my spare time, but they are not an ideal platform for what we have in mind. Granted, we are currently working on the workflow for Discord and it's going to see heavier use in the near future. It is very convenient for real-time communication, but, at the same time, finding older logs is much harder than it is on the forum. So feedback, suggestions, etc. can easily get lost. You can, of course, copy it into separate documents - which is what I do when I gather feedback from the Discord servers - but it is not an ideal "default" solution. 

And Reddit is a whole different beast. We are happy to see that players use it, and even AMAs are possible in the future, but we are not planning to make it into an official community platform with a constant company presence there. It's just not what Reddit is meant to be. 

On the matter of influx of players impacting communication. The connection is pretty straightforward, if before we had a small active community that made between one and two hundred posts per month (very easy to cover) to well over 1,5k posts in March alone, and that number is rising. As you can imagine, it is no longer possible to cover every single thread and take the time to give a detailed response. The reason is simple as well - Community Managers are not just the people who are talking to players the entire duration of their work day. We have a plethora of other matters to deal with and that's not going anywhere. 

On the Dev side of things, the influx of players raises certain challenges that cannot be ignored and need to take precedence over what we had planned. For example, the team's working on rather significant adjustments to Arena matchmaking right now as that was a matter brought up to no end. Player feedback can also shift the priorities of features that were already planned. So while I would be more than happy to present a road map to you guys, it has to be one that is absolutely solid - and that might take a bit more time. 

Apr 10, 2019, 10:1604/10/19
When is the next update coming? Within days or more like weeks or a month or sg...?
Apr 10, 2019, 12:4704/10/19
mr.jozsa said:

When is the next update coming? Within days or more like weeks or a month or sg...?
Unless something drastic happens, tomorrow. And the next update after that ought to be less of a wait.
Apr 10, 2019, 17:5704/10/19
Users are different in their use of platforms...I don't use neither Discord nor Reddit, just Facebook and this forum to get the latest infos on Raid.
Apr 10, 2019, 20:2404/10/19

addmeister said:

Users are different in their use of platforms...I don't use neither Discord nor Reddit, just Facebook and this forum to get the latest infos on Raid.

Agreed, while I use Discord and Reddit for somethings for my mobile games I find it's best to go to the websites forum. To me Discord and Reddit are more for video games with larger population and most likely on a platform or pc. Reddit can be a catchall but why go through discord or reddit when you can get foot traffic on your own website. Everyone is complaining about not getting access of the information on Discord or Reddit, but at the end of the day they're still a company. This is not their only game and while it's a new popular game if they want to keep the lights on they need to get people interested in ALL of their products. Going to Discord or Reddit doesn't do that. If you know that this is where the information is and you aren't coming here for it, that's on you as a consumer. It's not the companies job to go out to every place and post the same information. It's their job to let you know about the game and inform you on where you can find the information... here.

As for the other stuff, I agree there are some changes that need to be made and some are "major" but all of them are quality of life. The P2W system can be hard at times but that's a part of the game it's partially p2w but it's also just p2ff... Pay to fast forward. As for frequency of communication. I'm sure they didn't expect this game to blow up like it did. A company that had most likely a couple handfuls of people working on this game is now having to handle an overflux of new people causing new problems. I'm sure they're worried about the server load and they probably had that planned for 6 months to a year from now but it pushed so quickly if they don't work and focus on that new players can't join which is a bigger problem.

TLDR quit complaining and enjoy the game they've provided, understand that it's not as easy as posting on a forum, discord, or reddit to update the game. There has to be actual work done, it's a semi-small publisher so the people talking to the community are working on other things at the same time. They can't please everyone and everything they do will be liked by some and hated by others.

Marius thanks for your continued communication, some of us understand that Rome wasn't built in a day. And some of us understand if you put on a 6month or 1year plan and things obviously will change people will complain in 8 months when they say you said this would be done in month 7 and obviously things became more important then clan wars or something...

Apr 11, 2019, 06:0904/11/19

@ Maruis

"I can guarantee that your feedback is still being reported on to the Dev Team, and it’s being taken into account. As a single example, Artifact Challenges that require you to get a specific Artifact (Gloves with ATK% and so on) from a specific Campaign Stage on Normal difficulty will be changed in the near future, along with other things."

with the state of pvp at the moment how are any new or lower level players going to be able to obtain the rank gold and medals ect required by the now ingame missions, 

its impossible! 

this was able to be achieved with some difficulty and invested time but gain now its just a paywall of destruction and very disheartening for the 

newer player base.

will this be addressed?  
Apr 11, 2019, 08:4804/11/19
roberthollindale said:

@ Maruis

"I can guarantee that your feedback is still being reported on to the Dev Team, and it’s being taken into account. As a single example, Artifact Challenges that require you to get a specific Artifact (Gloves with ATK% and so on) from a specific Campaign Stage on Normal difficulty will be changed in the near future, along with other things."

with the state of pvp at the moment how are any new or lower level players going to be able to obtain the rank gold and medals ect required by the now ingame missions, 

its impossible! 

this was able to be achieved with some difficulty and invested time but gain now its just a paywall of destruction and very disheartening for the 

newer player base.

will this be addressed?  
Yep! We are currently working on Arena matchmaking adjustments.
Apr 11, 2019, 11:2804/11/19
Marius said:

roberthollindale said:

@ Maruis

"I can guarantee that your feedback is still being reported on to the Dev Team, and it’s being taken into account. As a single example, Artifact Challenges that require you to get a specific Artifact (Gloves with ATK% and so on) from a specific Campaign Stage on Normal difficulty will be changed in the near future, along with other things."

with the state of pvp at the moment how are any new or lower level players going to be able to obtain the rank gold and medals ect required by the now ingame missions, 

its impossible! 

this was able to be achieved with some difficulty and invested time but gain now its just a paywall of destruction and very disheartening for the 

newer player base.

will this be addressed?  
Yep! We are currently working on Arena matchmaking adjustments.
Thats wonderful news. The arena is one of the most frustrating aspect of the game right now. The launch really messed it up, and the p2w side of the playerbase started dominating furiously. Keep up the good work.
Apr 18, 2019, 04:3604/18/19


After reading the responses you made it is clear there is no real direction to maintain good communication.  Forums are an archaic means of communication and no top rated SUCCESSFUL games uses it as primary communication nor a crutch to not have communication on other platforms.  

You guys made an Official Discord server yet disregard the use and hide behind the excuse its too hard to use.  You have 2 CM logged into Discord for the day (I see them daily 6am to 4pm Pacific time daily), yet it's too hard to actually communicate simple news?  

The game releasing with a not very deep or thought out PvP system.  Released stating in ALL dungeons we can acquire 6* gear but it's not in game?  Yet people have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get gems for refills to farm gear that isn't in the game?  

Let's not talk about gauging players by making those of us who paid into the game to support it have to pay more then you guys feign ignorance this is happenning?  

The community already has a growing sense that the only thing you care about is short term monetary gain and not the long term health of it or the people.  Just a fair warning, there was another company a few years ago who did this.  The game wasn't the only thing that shut down in the after math.

It's simple.  Catch up, or people will leave.