Advice on first 5-star rank up
Hi all,
I'm fairly new to the game (2 weeks so far) and I've been farming away working up green and grey heroes as food and now, today, I should be able to rank up one of my 4* heroes to 5* for the first time! So I'm looking for advice on which hero to choose. I've finished the campaign on normal but I haven't 3-starred the last 3 full zones yet. I'm also up to about the 8th area on hard-mode and haven't 3-starred anything on hard-mode yet. So I guess I my focus for this first 5* hero would be someone who can help me in the campaign, especially if it is someone who can help me 3* the rest of the normal campaign and any of the hard campaign.
Here is my list of 4* heroes that I can upgrade to 5*:
I also have quite a few blue 3* heroes that I could easily push to 4* and in a day or so have them ready for 5*. Most of the above heroes don't have too many skill upgrades except Elhain who is almost maxed on her skills. Executioner has a few skill ups done but still has many to go, though I don't mind farming stage 11 to work on those.
My original plan was Executioner because I've seen a lot online that says he can solo most of the campaign when fully ranked and leveled but then I just got Sinesha yesterday and I'm loving her. Also, Elhain has been my go-to since I started playing so there's reason to make her my first 5* as well.
Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance.