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How rare should legendary champions be?

How rare should legendary champions be?

Sep 19, 2019, 19:3209/19/19

I think the game slows all players down too much. I would vote for a drastic shortcut, like green shards out, all blue stars. Why ? It still needs luck, or money, and at least one week of micromanagement to make one champion reach 4 stars. It gets even more a pest on higher ranking.

I wouldn't mind our elite, the whales aka money-spending players to have their specials. I just think the are smart enough to see they isolate themselves among the comparably smaller customer group of people with big incomes, and should be free to choose, if they want to play with whoever is online, pay to win, or not.

Additionally I think clans are made too useless. Just some chunks of loot. Clans belong to factions, so by faction, rank in clan, and activity one COULD make each clan get a specific bonus set, which not all others just have all the same.

And I remain of the opinion that obstacles, which make new players abandon the game, should be more carefully considered, though I myself was only attracted by the intro video (Yeah, Elhain, each dragon has a weak spot, but so did you!) and the campaign story. 
Nov 19, 2019, 03:4611/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 15:25(edited)

Hiii Everyone It's Me LegendDRoyalty One Of The Newest Current  Player In RAID SHADOW LEGENDS I Honestly & Sincerely Think The Champions Of Each Faction Is Very Very Surprising & Unique In Each An Every Single Way That I Have Seen Since I've Been Playing For The Last 2 1/2 Weeks Now I Am Really Looking Forward To See What Is To Come As I Am Playing Every Single Day I Sincerely Cringe On The Edge Of My  Seat As I Play Consistently & It Gets Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting As I Unlock Champions Even Though I Have A Long Ways To Go In The Game An I'm On Level 28 But I Also Think What Is Really Really Truly important Is When You Play Any Type Of Fantasy Mobile Game You Have To Know From The Start How To Build A Very Very Very Strong Team Period An Also Know How To Use Your Champions Wisely An Know How To Protect Their Weaknesses!!!

Nov 19, 2019, 11:2011/19/19

LegendDRoyalty said:

Hiii Everyone It's Me LegendDRoyalty One Of The Newest Current  Player In RAID SHADOW LEGENDS I Honestly & Sincerely Think The Champions Of Each Faction Is Very Very Surprising & Unique In Each An Every Single Way That I Have Seen Since I've Been Playing For The Last 2 1/2 Weeks Now I Am Really Looking Forward To See What Is To Come As I Am Playing Every Single Day I Sincerely Cringe On The Edge Of My  Seat As I Play Consistently & It Gets Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting As I Unlock Champions Even Though I Have A Long Ways To Go In The Game An I'm On Level 28 But I Also Think What Is Really Really Truly important Is When You Play Any Type Of Fantasy Mobile Game You Have To Know From The Start How To Build A Very Very Very Strong Team Period An Also Know How To Use Your Champions Wisely An Know How To Protect Their Weaknesses!!!

Hi Legend,

have fun with us and stay tunned on our Discord Server for have news about this Game and if you need help we will help you as possible.

For any question feel free to do them.

Have  a nice Day! 
Nov 20, 2019, 05:1911/20/19

I’d b okay with the low Leggo summon rates if ONLY we got more Sacred Shards And Void Shards! Bottom line, we should get 2 Sacred a month- Both from monthly quest! And 1 void a week! That way getting leggos would b a little easier, but still not easy

Nov 20, 2019, 17:3111/20/19
Jan 7, 2020, 17:10(edited)
This is something that I've had a bit of an issue with. I'm currently level 57, and I've pulled two legendary champions throughout the entirety of the time I've played (About 8 months, or so). The first was complete garbage (Warchief), and the second, I got when binge summoning after buying a handful of Ancient Shards. Given that Sacred shards are considered to be valuable (Cheapest pack with a Sacred I've ever seen was $20), you'd think that the odds of getting a legendary from them would be more than freaking below 1/16 as it is now. For Ancients, it seems that the rate on those isn't really a problem, but Void shards should probably have a higher rate for legendary champions as well, considering the overall rarity of them, and assigned value.
Nov 20, 2019, 18:0611/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 18:17(edited)


I’d b okay with the low Leggo summon rates if ONLY we got more Sacred Shards And Void Shards! Bottom line, we should get 2 Sacred a month- Both from monthly quest! And 1 void a week! That way getting leggos would b a little easier, but still not easy

Yep, couldn't agree more.

Since void shards basically provide the same summoning rates as ancient shards, they should be equally available in terms of how often they can be obtained through sheer activity, without being content-blocked, such as through Arena or CB.

If Plarium wants to keep them slightly more rare compared to ancients, fine, they could hand them out on a bi-weekly basis, so 2 per month. E.g. every second week, you can get an ancient + void shard for completing your weekly tasks.

They'd probably need to reduce the event/tournament points for summoning void champions if doing that, but honestly that's something I wouldn't care about at all.

That way, the monthly task of completing all daily tasks 30 times could be used to hand out epic/legendary tomes, which would also be a welcome change. For example, they could alternate between 2 epic tomes and 1 legendary tome.

That way, playing for 1 year would net you 12 epic tomes & 6 legendary tomes maximum, however you would need to log in for 360 days. Those amounts still will let you max only 1 epic champ (if that) and not even max a legendary.

Dec 26, 2019, 12:5612/26/19
These developers must all go to the same seminars, because they think low drop rates will make people spend, but it really shows they don’t care about existing players. They should work as hard or harder to keep current players as getting new ones and upping drop rates would help. If I get a gold shard, I should get something really good, not a low level champion I can get with a green shard. Quit being so stingy, its why I quit War Robots.
Dec 26, 2019, 13:3812/26/19

Just getting a legendary doesn’t mean much. You could get basieleus who is a waste or grohak who is ok for a few dungeons only on the other end (Madame Serris and Venus) If they are maxed you lose period. If your losing arena stop the game log out log in and don’t fight that one. It’s also a sad state when rare and epics beat the other legendaries regularly but just certain legendaries destroy everything while the rest just suck. And don’t even start on the books that’s pretty much robbery. 

So some balance is needed not just for getting them but between them they are so not even remotely close to being equal 

Dec 26, 2019, 17:3512/26/19
If they buff the drop rates this game wont be enjoyable anymore.  The drop rates are fine.  
Dec 27, 2019, 10:3912/27/19
Dec 27, 2019, 10:39(edited)
My BIGGEST issue is the game’s shards. I get the percentages, but they do not increase from rarity, and you can obtain a rare champion from 3 of them! My opinion, is that rare champions are only obtainable from Green and blue shards, purple and gold chards should be way more rewarding since they’re harder to obtain and less likely to be summoned. But at the current stage, there is a 91.5% of obtaining a rare champion in the blue and purple shards, that is ridiculous to me as an epic champion should be higher percentage in the purple shards and legendary should be increased in the sacred chards. I have opened at least 8-10 void shards and received nothing but rare’s and 3 sacred shards and received nothing but epics. The percentages need to be fixed and void shards up should not contain rare champions as they most likely will be used for consumption and no other use. 
Dec 27, 2019, 16:3612/27/19

llamazombies said:

If they buff the drop rates this game wont be enjoyable anymore.  The drop rates are fine.  

Drop rates for shards, and pull rates for opening are NOT fine.  RNG is a harsh mistress that is driving people away from the game.  We've had roughly half our clan quit because they couldn't get champions to continue progressing in either CB, Spider or Dragon.  Quitting because of team composition issues is a problem.

And Plarium should know that once a player pulls a Legendary, said player will invest more time and resources to level, ascend, book, gear and mastery the champion.  Excitement keeps players in the game, and keeps them spending.
Dec 27, 2019, 18:2912/27/19

I see more an issue in the few shards we can collect for free in the game. The drop rates are okay, when you have more shards to open.

Before changing drop rates, there are much more important things to fix in the game. Balancing legendaries, so that no legendary pull can be a big disappointment, increasing max energie limit and deleting the cost to remove gear from a champ, would make this game much more enjoyable to play for f2p and low spender.
Dec 27, 2019, 19:0012/27/19
Dec 27, 2019, 19:02(edited)

I stand by what I said in July.

The Drop Rates are horrible.

The Drop Rates wouldn't be so bad:

  • If the game had a Mercy System
  • If duplicate hero drops were not allowed in shards
  • If players could acquire more Shards over all to counter balance all of the horrible RNG.

The way the system is right now is horrible.

Players can spend 100$ and not get any Legendries.

Players can spend 100$ and get the same hero several times.

Dec 31, 2019, 20:0912/31/19

Drop rates are not great nor bad if your pay to play but even then getting good or top ten legendary sux but really you get more legendaries from blue shards than gold

Free to play drop rates are poor because they want you to buy. Sure you want free to play it’s going to be way tuff even doing missions and stuff will be harder. 

But as a whole it’s not drop rates for shards that’s the problem it the books and those are locked down tight. Like spend 3 full days to get one legendary book doing an event tight and your poor champs need books to perform 

Then you have the top tier legendarys only about 8 are worth all you would spend on them and they are the hardest to get

Some have to be geared right from mastery’s, books to Arnor. If even your epics are not geared right you lose. 

Research and farm get the ones you have right and you will do better but a basil or elenaril ARE NOT Venus and st nik so some more balance is in order for existing legendary and epics. 

If you want higher level champs focus on blue shards never expect a gold shard to render a legendary 

Heck never buy a gold one it’s a waste of money unless you want epics
Jan 1, 2020, 22:5701/01/20

Didn't have time to read all the comments, but the game in its current state has a VERY limited shelf-life.  If they keep going the way they are going, it will be dead within a year.  I have seen it with countless games like this over the years.  Countless content-creators like myself have tried to warn them, but they don't listen.

The biggest issue (which ties directly into what you brought up here in this thread) is the fact that Plarium has made this game 99.9% about who spends the most money.  It has VERY little to do with skill.  It has to do with who bought enough shards and energy to have the champions and artifacts to be the best of the best.

The current dilemma is that there are enough people out there willing to spend hundreds or even thousands per month on this app to the point where Plarium doesn't care about those who won't.  So, they are milking those whales for all they can.  In that process, people like yourself see this, get discouraged, and leave.  This will only last so long until that bubble bursts though...

What is eventually going to happen at some point is that the game will be predominantly whales, the whales will realize this, and they will start to drop like flies when they realize that paying thousands doesn't give them any competitive advantage at all, but is actually simply necessary to be average!!!  When things get to that point, the whales will stop the influx of money, and THEN Plarium will be forced to drop their prices or walk away from the app.  Hopefully, they will drop prices at that point, which will gradually cause new players to stick with the game more and bring retention up.

What kills this game for me more than anything is the fact that "the best" in the game are not "the best" because of skills, but because they were willing to spend thousands on an app when others knew better (no offense, but that is VERY wasteful imo).  After I realized that unless I spend thousands, I can never be a "top-tier player," I immediately cut back my spending.  There's no point.  There's nothing to brag about in the least bit when all you did was waste more money on pixels.  If anything, that should be embarrassing, as you clearly have an addiction at that point.

IF Plarium ever starts paying attention to their retention rather than just gross profits, they'll see the issue they are going to encounter in the near future.  They also seem unable to grasp the concept that they can't treat this app like they treat their casinos.  Sure, rip someone off at a casino, their addiction will drive them back there.  Gamers DO NOT tend to come back after they have been burned.  They should've learned this from the Foli incident, but instead, they did the absolute bare minimum at that point to solve that specific problem, but not the bigger issue that Foli was merely a small piece of.

Time will tell if they are going to ruin this game, or make the changes necessary to save it.  A lot of content creators are moving to other games though because they feel Plarium isn't listening and won't listen to the concerns.  Myself included.

Feb 10, 2020, 18:0602/10/20
I still have not summoned a single good unit and I have 0 legendary units. I have spent $90 on this game and sank quite a few hours into it and I have nothing to show for it. It’s honestly disappointing because I like the game and I want to tell people about it but I can’t do that if it is rigged against the player base like this. If you decide to support the game and give it your money than you should get something back for it... and yet, I haven’t even gotten anything. I’m gonna have to tell all of my subscribers to stay away from this game and tell my friends to forget about it and not waist there time. I honestly wanted to promote this game but I’m gonna need a change of heart. Some kind of compensation for my waisted $90. 
Feb 10, 2020, 21:5802/10/20

I agree with this issue.  I have been playing about 5 months (Level 50), and no matter what shard I get it never gave me a legendary.  Even so, some of the epics and rares I get are also junk (low ratings).  After waiting forever I am afraid the legendaries would be the same situation, doling out junk.  I confess I do not spend money on the game, I understand that the odds to get one do not change by spending money but probably there are many more to get one from.  It seems unfair that many teams in the arena have a full bevy of legendaries.  The legendaries have some amazing skills that are hard to compete against.

As to quitting the game there are many more reasons to be frustrated with how much a ripoff the game is, gobbling up your silver and energy.  When you go 31 tries to go from L15 to 16 on an artifact, you wonder what the heck is going on.

You definitely cannot spend your way to full satisfaction, that is for sure.
Feb 10, 2020, 22:0302/10/20
AscendantGod said:

Didn't have time to read all the comments, but the game in its current state has a VERY limited shelf-life.  If they keep going the way they are going, it will be dead within a year.  I have seen it with countless games like this over the years.  Countless content-creators like myself have tried to warn them, but they don't listen.

The biggest issue (which ties directly into what you brought up here in this thread) is the fact that Plarium has made this game 99.9% about who spends the most money.  It has VERY little to do with skill.  It has to do with who bought enough shards and energy to have the champions and artifacts to be the best of the best.

The current dilemma is that there are enough people out there willing to spend hundreds or even thousands per month on this app to the point where Plarium doesn't care about those who won't.  So, they are milking those whales for all they can.  In that process, people like yourself see this, get discouraged, and leave.  This will only last so long until that bubble bursts though...

What is eventually going to happen at some point is that the game will be predominantly whales, the whales will realize this, and they will start to drop like flies when they realize that paying thousands doesn't give them any competitive advantage at all, but is actually simply necessary to be average!!!  When things get to that point, the whales will stop the influx of money, and THEN Plarium will be forced to drop their prices or walk away from the app.  Hopefully, they will drop prices at that point, which will gradually cause new players to stick with the game more and bring retention up.

What kills this game for me more than anything is the fact that "the best" in the game are not "the best" because of skills, but because they were willing to spend thousands on an app when others knew better (no offense, but that is VERY wasteful imo).  After I realized that unless I spend thousands, I can never be a "top-tier player," I immediately cut back my spending.  There's no point.  There's nothing to brag about in the least bit when all you did was waste more money on pixels.  If anything, that should be embarrassing, as you clearly have an addiction at that point.

IF Plarium ever starts paying attention to their retention rather than just gross profits, they'll see the issue they are going to encounter in the near future.  They also seem unable to grasp the concept that they can't treat this app like they treat their casinos.  Sure, rip someone off at a casino, their addiction will drive them back there.  Gamers DO NOT tend to come back after they have been burned.  They should've learned this from the Foli incident, but instead, they did the absolute bare minimum at that point to solve that specific problem, but not the bigger issue that Foli was merely a small piece of.

Time will tell if they are going to ruin this game, or make the changes necessary to save it.  A lot of content creators are moving to other games though because they feel Plarium isn't listening and won't listen to the concerns.  Myself included.

I see that many players are leaving the game because the arena is getting harder and harder.  Many of the better players that built a good arena team have abandoned the game, so their good teams that remain are sinking lower and lower in the scores.  I used to be able to manage a score of 1500 to 1600, but with the increased team power at lower levels I can barely hit 1200.
Feb 21, 2020, 16:1602/21/20
It's been a month and I still don't have a single legendary... This is getting ridiculous :(
Jun 5, 2020, 10:0406/05/20
i Also support this.. As a F2p player, i find it very hard to get a legendary. but on one side i find it ok as there are some good epics and rares a well. But once in a while after u play for some time u want to have a legendary champ.. i am level 37, 1 month in the game.. have a bunch of epics but not a single legendary