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How rare should legendary champions be?

How rare should legendary champions be?

May 13, 2019, 21:5105/13/19

Cirilla said:

Hello all! I like Danny's comment :) Legendaries should remain cherished and longed for. We see to it that every single players sooner or later summons at least one Legendary (and where there is one, the second one usually shouldn't take long to appear to keep the former company). Our game designers revise the list of all Legendaries (especially those reported by players for some reason) to make sure that they are just as how they are expected to be as a  Legendary.

It is also quite possible that we will update the RNG algorithm that is at work when you summon a champion in the future.

When u play 3+ months, have opened 7 orange shards, 200 + blue shards and no legendary...

There should be 100% chance to get legendary after certain amount of Summons. 
May 13, 2019, 22:1105/13/19

TurboLv said:

Cirilla said:

Hello all! I like Danny's comment :) Legendaries should remain cherished and longed for. We see to it that every single players sooner or later summons at least one Legendary (and where there is one, the second one usually shouldn't take long to appear to keep the former company). Our game designers revise the list of all Legendaries (especially those reported by players for some reason) to make sure that they are just as how they are expected to be as a  Legendary.

It is also quite possible that we will update the RNG algorithm that is at work when you summon a champion in the future.

When u play 3+ months, have opened 7 orange shards, 200 + blue shards and no legendary...

There should be 100% chance to get legendary after certain amount of Summons. 


I personally think the drop rates of legendaries is fine.

I've played this game for over 8 months, most of my friends that play the game with me for that period of time have been a lot luckier than me,  though I was lucky enough to get a legendary when I started, I then had 6-7 months of no legendaries and I was buying packs, just unlucky(got a lot of fodder to 6 star all my favorites so no real loss), though as of recent I was really lucky and got 2 and wow I appreciate getting them, it feels so rewarding when you do get them.

It felt so rewarding because of the lead-up and it been surprising.  

With that said I was able to build a full epic team that causes havoc in gold 4 arena, and I have some really strong champions, my legendaries aren't what makes my teams but they are the chocolate topping.

my 2 cents as a player

May 13, 2019, 22:2405/13/19

Cirilla said:

Hello all! I like Danny's comment :) Legendaries should remain cherished and longed for. We see to it that every single players sooner or later summons at least one Legendary (and where there is one, the second one usually shouldn't take long to appear to keep the former company). Our game designers revise the list of all Legendaries (especially those reported by players for some reason) to make sure that they are just as how they are expected to be as a  Legendary.

It is also quite possible that we will update the RNG algorithm that is at work when you summon a champion in the future.

When did they revise the list of all legendaries? Many are still bad.
May 14, 2019, 06:3705/14/19

Again changing the rates could not be done. If you change the rates now what of all the people that spent money prior with lower rates. It can’t be done only viable solution would be to make shards slightly more obtainable. Like the tournament and getting the sacred. 

Frustration is understood but the backlash of giving higher odds would not be good. More shards same rates seems a compromise. Quests, tournaments, events and such
May 14, 2019, 06:4005/14/19
May 14, 2019, 06:42(edited)

Exterminans said:

To offset bad luck I would love to see a feature like an investment account - where you can sacrifice heroes, and once you hit 100 of a certain rarity it spits out a random hero of the next highest rarity. So 100 rares = 1 epic, 100 epics = 1 legendary etc so that in the long run you are not stuck NEVER having one.

That could be done via fusion, however not in its current state. If they would have not just one sorry Relic Keeper, not one legendary fusion per quarter, but a monthly changing pool of like 20 heroes - we would have (a) something to work on, (b) greater satisfaction from getting what we want from the time invested, (c) incentive to check back in a month in case if we "decided to take a break".

May 28, 2019, 08:3005/28/19
May 28, 2019, 08:36(edited)

Legendary champs should bei legendary, agreed, though would they really be legendary, no one ever would have one, right? ;-)

By the way, have you ever played against a fully well done Sir Nicolas?

Supporting the developers could be done in a much more fair and longer lasting way. But that's not what an app game is made for, right? The whole RAID cash concept is pretty sophisticated, sometimes you get in-game offers when you're frustated the most. Probably it's random, but sometimes I am wondering what's going on. On top of everything: selling items/artefacts you cannot use for cash is everything else but fair.

Sorry for being off-topic. Cannot write more here, 'cause of performance problems.

Jul 28, 2019, 05:4307/28/19
Jul 28, 2019, 05:46(edited)

UncleNibs said:

 Rates seem to be on par with most other hero / monster collection games. I see a few of the epics that are on par with or even better than some legends. I guess this will make the people here angry but the shard rates don't and should not change. The game has started and people have spent various amounts of money. If the rates were changed then the P2P players would need compensation for the money put in with a lower rate. That would end the game. 

 Now if the dev team added a few more obtainable shards for everyone that would be fine. Rotate the weekly so one week its blue the next its void. Add a few quest types or such, I believe that the faction wars will give good stuff. Remember the game is still in the early phase and with the mass of players it seems to be building it will likely only get better.”
As for the pay to play comment I’m a new player and have spent over $100 already and have not got 1 legendary yet and that is so frustrating. It’s like at a carnival being teased with a prize and you keep spending money and you feel ripped off... honestly if I could get the money back and quit I would at this point that’s too much money I’ve spent and am none the better

Jul 29, 2019, 00:5307/29/19
Jul 29, 2019, 00:55(edited)


I have a question for the mods, can u look at stats like above lvl 55 how many people don't have a legendary (have summoned a legendary)? please post it here. that will silence most of the people i believe. 

im lvl 57

*in a good clan that kills nightmare boss every day.

i myself am not a whale. but after half a year of playing i also put in some euro's.

probably 200 or so. (not so much on shards tho)

but i have 5 legendaries including foli. i bought a void pack in the double chance period hoping for a cruetraxa, didn't get one offcourse but i got the towering titan haha. and i didnt pay to win for that event but still got him later on. also got 2 legendaries from sacreds.

i bought the mine from my first shards, have 2 training spots and use the rest of my gems to buy 11 blue shard packs. or sometimes the 3 shards pack to use it all. i've opened a shit ton of blues, probably 100 voids and maybe 10 sacreds? i think the odds are fine!

i know im a "lucky one" and i see alot of god tier characters rares epics and legendaries.

i fight in gold IV with a mix match team 2 epics 2 legendaries. seeker, bad-el kazar, rhazin scarhide/roshcard the tower, skullcrusher

use defence aura and still win 60/40 it's epic to topple 4legendaries teams so i try and win sometimes, ect.

BTW: fuse rhazin scarhide!!!! he is god tier! for almost anywhere.

i know i cried back a month ago on the referrals not working and i'm totally fine now because they don't play anymore.

but I dont really feel being wronged or such anymore.

the game is in a wierd state. and still young. have some faith and stop complaining about common sense missing. because everybody knows that common sense is gone a few years now.

good luck !! :)
Jul 29, 2019, 01:0107/29/19

* this is just trolling *


*actually true about not having 1 spirit champion that is good.
Jul 29, 2019, 08:4307/29/19
4 pages of spam. really? it isn't fixed yet? hahaha back on top!
Jul 29, 2019, 10:5007/29/19
Jul 29, 2019, 10:52(edited)

Derpa666-SPA said:


I have a question for the mods, can u look at stats like above lvl 55 how many people don't have a legendary (have summoned a legendary)? please post it here. that will silence most of the people i believe. 

im lvl 57

*in a good clan that kills nightmare boss every day.

i myself am not a whale. but after half a year of playing i also put in some euro's.

probably 200 or so. (not so much on shards tho)

but i have 5 legendaries including foli. i bought a void pack in the double chance period hoping for a cruetraxa, didn't get one offcourse but i got the towering titan haha. and i didnt pay to win for that event but still got him later on. also got 2 legendaries from sacreds.

i bought the mine from my first shards, have 2 training spots and use the rest of my gems to buy 11 blue shard packs. or sometimes the 3 shards pack to use it all. i've opened a shit ton of blues, probably 100 voids and maybe 10 sacreds? i think the odds are fine!

i know im a "lucky one" and i see alot of god tier characters rares epics and legendaries.

i fight in gold IV with a mix match team 2 epics 2 legendaries. seeker, bad-el kazar, rhazin scarhide/roshcard the tower, skullcrusher

use defence aura and still win 60/40 it's epic to topple 4legendaries teams so i try and win sometimes, ect.

BTW: fuse rhazin scarhide!!!! he is god tier! for almost anywhere.

i know i cried back a month ago on the referrals not working and i'm totally fine now because they don't play anymore.

but I dont really feel being wronged or such anymore.

the game is in a wierd state. and still young. have some faith and stop complaining about common sense missing. because everybody knows that common sense is gone a few years now.

good luck !! :)

I'm lv60. Have put in game about 300$. Have opened ~500 ancients, ~100 voids, ~15 sacred - still no legendary, and u think that's normal? Drop rates are normal, really?

Ofcourse i fused foli, but thats another story. Opening so much shards there should be guaranteed reward that we get legendary. System like that is in other games i have played - every time u open shard there is progress bar, opening shards x times there is guaranteed reward.

Only someone from Plarium can say that it's fine.

P.s I have said myself that after my 20th sacred if no legendary - i quit.

Jul 30, 2019, 02:0107/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 02:05(edited)

fuse rhazin or die trying xD

 but if you feel like that u should listnen to your gut feeling.

i hope u find a good way :)

that said, i played many games. not so much mobile games. but rng is rng.

if you are 60 and have not summoned 1 legendary u should try your luck elsewere.

because in fact u are very lucky. u beat the odds xD but in this case that means no legendary.

ps: not affiliated in any way.

edit: i post here also because talking about it helps alot :) maybe if the odds were better i get more legendaries :)
Jul 30, 2019, 09:5407/30/19
llamazombies said:

Drop rates are fine. Please dont change the rates. There will always be people crying about how they dont have legendaries in every game.  The whole point of legendaries is they should be extremely hard to pull so WHEN (not if, cause every single one of you will eventually pull one) you pull it it feels awesome.  If plarium starts making it easier to obtain legendaries the game will fizzle out.
You don't get the point, sry.
Jul 30, 2019, 19:1507/30/19
ZenZombie said:


The Sacred shard has a 6% chance of granting a legendary. Not 50%, not 25%, not 10%. But 6 freaking percentage. And you get 1 a month.

well ya but u forget there's a 0.5% chance to get them from blue shards, and while that's abysmal, you get them like once a week, and can even get them from the market.
Jul 30, 2019, 20:5807/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 20:59(edited)

probably 10 ancients for free every month. 4 from market, daily login, weekly rewards. dungeons. clannbos could give u 10 each week.. soo yeahh,.. more then enough :D

but i hope for more epic or legendary books and void and sacred shards
Jul 30, 2019, 21:0107/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 21:06(edited)

The difference between this and other Gacha games is that the summons have tiers...but the tiers are extremely misleading and rude.

The arena is 100% pay to win, but that's not much different from other Gacha money-grabs.

I'm having enough fun that I spent roughly $30 so far (lvl 40 and starter packs) and justify it as a regular game purchase. But the deeper into the game I get, the more I realize just how crazy it is.


There's an accepted player suggestions thread in the announcements area from late 2018, and none of them have been implemented. They make darn sure to find new scam events every week though. Also the player suggestion thread has been essentially ignored lately.

It's pretty obvious they don't really care anymore and just want to ride this gravy-train with minimal effort to bank as much profit as they can before it dies. 

Jul 30, 2019, 21:2807/30/19

my arena team has no gear from deals and no champs from paying. i got them from free rewards. all my pay to open shards yielded me food and some good void rares such as veteran (but i have tyrael) and 1 decent epic warden. sadly no legendary cruetraxa, or a second or third coldheart... huuuuu.

soooo arena without speed aura is not pay to win in gold IV :)

btw when u focus and think hard maybe you can do it too
Jul 31, 2019, 04:0507/31/19
Jul 31, 2019, 04:06(edited)

llamazombies said:

Drop rates are fine. Please dont change the rates. There will always be people crying about how they dont have legendaries in every game.  The whole point of legendaries is they should be extremely hard to pull so WHEN (not if, cause every single one of you will eventually pull one) you pull it it feels awesome.  If plarium starts making it easier to obtain legendaries the game will fizzle out.

Drop rates are not even close to fine. I think this is 1st game where i have opened so much shards ~500 ancients, ~100 voids, ~ 15 sacred and play so long even putting in game ~300$ and still don't have legendary when there in game are 60+(and more to come) legendary champions. And there is a lot peoples at lv60(max level in game) which doesn't have legendary - thats not even close to fine. If we at level 60 had like 5 legendarys - legendarys would still be very rare.

U sounds like kid with daddy credit card who have pulled  a lot of legendarys and don't want that others will get some legendary.
Jul 31, 2019, 05:1607/31/19
Jul 31, 2019, 05:18(edited)

llamazombies said:

Yikes, your whole post is a train wreck bud :).  I have one legendary. Everyone just focus on the mobs you do have. Is your pk, apoth and kael maxed and full mastery yet?  What about your doom priest, royal guard, etc etc.  The drop rates are fine.  

So u just started playing and got lucky with pull and now say drop rates are fine? Come back after half year, open 500+ shards with out legendary and we will see if u still think that drop rates are fine.

P.s we are talking about legendary drop rates not average rares or epics.
Jul 31, 2019, 05:3207/31/19
Jul 31, 2019, 05:34(edited)

I agree with TurboLV!

400 heroes in the game

100 or so are Legendary.

Level 50+ players with no Legendary pulls.

Have to rely on Fusion Heroes.

The game is bugged.

The drop rates are horrible.