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How rare should legendary champions be?

How rare should legendary champions be?

Mar 28, 2019, 22:0203/28/19

How rare should legendary champions be?


Id like to ask the community here about something Ive been thinking about. That has to do with legendary champions.

I personally got EXTREMELY lucky, and obtained a legendary from a blue shard, fairly early on. I got myself Valkyrie. A champion considered to be fairly good. I was very excited, and got blood on my teeth, wanting more. Ever since then, whenever I open good shards, and don't get anything good, I remember how lucky I got, and think to myself how I should be happy with that.

I read in the in game chat earlier this week, that someone had reached I think level 57, and still haven't obtained one. Now it's hard to say how long it took this individual to reach level 57, since we all have different time spent on the game, but reaching that level takes a while. He expressed how he almost wanted to quit because of it, and quite frankly, I don't blame him.

I don't think legendaries should flow like water, so don't get me wrong. But we have a big, healthy roster of them, so getting a couple after a while, would spike the excitement and motivation to push forward. And being able to play the game for months and months without the possibility of getting one at a fair rate, can be very disheartening.

Don't forget the game is currently flooded with p2w players, obtaining full teams of legendaries in no time. In the competitive side of the game (arena specificly), it has become a plague. The f2p players of RAID, is at a serious disadvantage. So increasing the possible gain of legendaries among players in general, would probably make the game more fair as a whole.

The Sacred shard has a 6% chance of granting a legendary. Not 50%, not 25%, not 10%. But 6 freaking percentage. And you get 1 a month.

It's a fact that one point, everyone is going to quit the game. That goes for all games. But are they going to leave the game happy or unhappy? Are they going to feel rewarded and wanting to stay longer? Are they going to remember how fun and rewarding the game was, and come back earlier? Or are they going to remember how stingy the game is and how unfair to f2p the game is, and stay the hell away?

Quite frankly, I want legendaries to be more available. It's not like a 20 or 30% chance on sacred, would make it possible for us to even get half the roster anyways. Unless we play for 10 years. Plus I assume more will be added later on as well. I know I would feel more excited about getting my monthly sacred, if I knew I had a decent chance to get a legendary. Knowing I probably got my one and only legendary while I play the game, is hardly motivating me to keep playing. Not saying I'm quiting, but the exclusivity of legendaries among p2w players is ridiculous.

If you disagree with me, Id love to know why. 
Mar 28, 2019, 23:0003/28/19

i'm personaly fine with rates themselfs, for epics/ legendaries from ancient/void/sacred summons

my biggest problem is that we rly don't get that much to summon and how to actually get to summons

if you are done will all the begginers chalanges, missions, ... what's left? 

1 sacred + 1 void per 1 month

2 ancients (weekly shop and quest)

but that's about it ... (it was more then 3 weeks since i got blue in market and from dungeon, so i don't even know, if they still drop)

sure, we have events, but let's be real, how many of the shards did you get?

there are shard packs, sure, but how often do you buy them? once in 2 months? we don't get that much gems

i personaly think (and hope) they should (will) work on better reward system and make it actually obtainable

i'm not saying we should get 1k gems every week, but i don't think this situation is ideal either and even though i understand this is company who wants to profit, i'm not sure how long they can keep this p2p x f2p imbalance
Mar 30, 2019, 17:0003/30/19

I agree.  I am  4 weeks in, at level 40, have opened close to 50 blues, 10 voids. Have used $40.

So far I have 5 epics including the 2 free ones shamon/jizoh, and a bunch of rares.  I am still using my 3 rares and 1 epic only in arena and losing regularly and cannot get past silver 3 rank.  I do not have much patience left.

I try to be as efficient as possible with energy with leveling and not chasing too many missions that I cannot complete.  Couple of my rares are maxed and I am just now playing the waiting game for that legendary to come by.  Game is becoming boring quite fast as I cannot progress any more without legendaries or better epics.  

I will not spend any more money on this game, just logging in to do my dailies and waiting for that legendary to pop up.   Pretty boring only after 4 weeks in, cannot imagine going long term like summoners war or others. 

Apr 30, 2019, 13:3704/30/19
Apr 30, 2019, 14:30(edited)

I was just now reading your thread the first time, ZenZombie. I am wondering why so few players were answering to your issue. In fact, everything you wrote is almost the chat topic number one every day. I do not have a legendary champ so far, though I am lvl 50 already, but have at least some decent epics and some of them have still to get skilled (e.g. Tayrel or Crimson Helm).

On top of what you wrote I have one more thing to tell: even if you spend money you have got no guarantee that you will draw legendary champs out of shards. Combined with low lvl players stuffed with top legendary champs this game is definately a soon ending story for many players. There are even low lvl players who know how to get leg champs, and I am not talking about those spam bots.

Apr 30, 2019, 14:2604/30/19

I agree with you. RNG is a poor excuse for low drop rates. It could be 1% chance and people would still troll saying that's a good drop rate. And Devs would just say RNG needs to be in your favor.

people are just sitting around expecting a change but nothing will be done if people are just sitting around not pushing the issues.

Apr 30, 2019, 15:2004/30/19
Thanks for your encouragement, mate. Hopefully many others will push that issue so that Plarium will probably work on it whatever will be the result.
Apr 30, 2019, 21:4404/30/19

I don't have a problem with the current drop rates - I have spent probably about $200 and only have 1 legendary. Its more important to me that balance be found and preserved as a general theme so that no class of champion or buff combos become insta-win.

To offset bad luck I would love to see a feature like an investment account - where you can sacrifice heroes, and once you hit 100 of a certain rarity it spits out a random hero of the next highest rarity. So 100 rares = 1 epic, 100 epics = 1 legendary etc so that in the long run you are not stuck NEVER having one.
May 1, 2019, 01:5605/01/19

 Rates seem to be on par with most other hero / monster collection games. I see a few of the epics that are on par with or even better than some legends. I guess this will make the people here angry but the shard rates don't and should not change. The game has started and people have spent various amounts of money. If the rates were changed then the P2P players would need compensation for the money put in with a lower rate. That would end the game. 

 Now if the dev team added a few more obtainable shards for everyone that would be fine. Rotate the weekly so one week its blue the next its void. Add a few quest types or such, I believe that the faction wars will give good stuff. Remember the game is still in the early phase and with the mass of players it seems to be building it will likely only get better.
May 12, 2019, 04:5105/12/19
Hi everyone, new to the forum, old in the game, I´m lvl 48 at the moments, mine full lvl, all pits unlocked, toms of farm, toms of gems, not a single legendary, I tought I was the only one with that bad luck, started to think about quitting the game, when in arena, I see teams of full legendary, I really don´t understand, I´m really sad about. Already a long way in the game, maxed 6 stars heroes with full max 5* equips, but 0 legendary! Sorry for the bad english, I´m from Brazil.
May 12, 2019, 08:3605/12/19

I Have opened 7 orange shards(from monthly, progress missions, campaign all done), about 200 blue shards and no legendary. I have 3x epics at level 60. Im gold IV in arena.

U just have to play smart. Don't use your epic Tomes on 1st epic champ U Get. 

I got my 1st epic - i read skills, i don't like What skills do, i don't feel it being Strong champ. I keep focusing on rare. But i don't make rares to lv60, Just wait for good epic. Even if U Get legendary - don't focus on it just because hes legendary, not all legendary are good. 

U just have to think What U are doing. This game is really strategy game where and u have to be smart. Imo this game is not for someone Who Reads guides and asks for advices. 

May 12, 2019, 11:4105/12/19

1. Idea: increasing chances on every shard after certain amount of draws:

Normal rates: 0.5% ancients , 0,4% voids, 6% sacreds

After 100draws without a leg ur chances go up x2: 1%, 1% 12%

After 150 they double again: 2% 2% 24%

Until you get a leg, then they go b to normal.

2 idea: A bar that fills up with every shard u open:

U need 1000pts to get a free leg or a sacred shard with 50% chance for a leg

Every blue shard adds 5-7 points

Every void adds 25 points

Every sacred adds 75 points

Reaching 1000 points resets the bar.

I excluded green shards and chances to get epic heroes in my examples in my examples.

May 12, 2019, 14:2105/12/19

I think the drop chances would be fine IF shards were more plentiful and much, much cheaper than they are now. It's around $2 per ancient shard draw if you're not waiting for special offers, which I don't see how people are getting tons of legendaries on special offers only. I've bought regular store packs a few times and it's way too expensive for the amount of draws you get. If you see people with a ton of legendaries, just know they are paying the $2 per ancient shard price to get them. 

With the rarity of getting them for free, and the high prices they charge, I think rates should be improved, or prices lowered/more free shards. You're never going to stop mega whales from getting a ton of them, or China and other countries with lower prices due to regional prices. They probably don't want to anyway. Hopefully they care enough about the small spenders and F2P players to make the situation better at the lower end of the spectrum. 
May 12, 2019, 17:4405/12/19

This probably won't be a popular opinion on this thread, but I don't want them to increase our ability to get legendaries.  I actually think that raising the % rate will just piss people off more, because they will get upset when their 20-30% *doesn't* give them a legendary.  The legendaries should be very rare from shards to the point people shouldn't be expecting them.  That way, when they do summon one, it's exciting!

Also, keep in mind there are crappy legendaries, and many many epics that are more useful in many situations.  I got lucky to summon a legenary relatively early on, but he bad, in fact, that they posted a "fix" in the recent update.  I still don't think he's amazing though.  I use all epics/rares in every situation in game still.

The point is, legendaries should be there for the excitement level.  The reason we want to get/find another shard.  The reason to play for that extra month for another sacred shard.  The reason, I hate to say it, to spend money.

And if you don't want to spend money (like me), then don't.  I have only spent a little and it hasn't gotten me anything other than a few gems to use getting more xp and a few rares (probably 1 or 2 extra epics from them too) to use as food.

What I do wish...which may line up with your thoughts, is that there was a guaranteed way for players to get at *least* 1 legendary fairly within 4-6 weeks of play.

They did just add the Arbiter, which kind of annoys me, honestly.  She's so damn good that everyone will be using her.  But,'s a legendary for everyone!  Play the game and eventually you get a guaranteed yellow.

Again...I hate to say this, but I really like how they've done it.  I want legendaries to be rrraraarreeeee.  If people want to give them $10,000 to rack up legendaries, let them.  There will always be someone who is spending more.  Playing more.  And getting luckier.  It's exactly how things are in life.  I like this, because my account is unique.  I never gave so many other collectible games a chance because they were too giving.  Everyone always talked about what heroes were best to use, because everyone had the same heroes.  Pffff.

Good luck with all your summons.  I hope you get a legendary soon.

May 13, 2019, 08:1205/13/19
Me neither, I have already acquired 3 and everyone else in Gold 4 has tons of them...actually they feel much less special than they should be.
May 13, 2019, 10:3105/13/19
May 13, 2019, 10:38(edited)

addmeister said:

Me neither, I have already acquired 3 and everyone else in Gold 4 has tons of them...actually they feel much less special than they should be.

That's because you have 3. For the majority of the playerbase they are unlikely to ever be obtained with only 1 sacred a month. I dont know how you managed to get 3, but I can guarantee you that most players get 1 or none. And when legendaries are such a golden part of the game, making them unobtainable for most players will burn people out, and they will leave the game with a bitter taste in their mouth.

Also, this game is p2w. Meaning you can buy game progressing features. Including sacred shards. Im not striving to make those people obtain more legendaries than they are already. But more of a focus in the f2p community.

A great example of this very problem is Anthem. I know they are 2 different games and all, but there is a similarity here. The loot in Anthem isnt common enough. The community is pleading for them to make loot for available. But the developers wont do that because they are afraid players will obtain things faster and leave the game.

Well, people will leave the game regardless. Do you want them to leave the game fullfilled and more likely to come back? Or keep important aspects of the game out of reach, and have them bitter and unlikely to come back?

Of course legendaries should remain the hardest to get. And right now, they are. Magnitudes more than all the other tiers of champions. Improving that aspect so legendaries arent out of reach for more people, will not change that. They will STILL be the hardest champions to get in the game. 

So then the question remains, how rare SHOULD they be? It's a balance act to keep players happy and fullfilled, and not ruining the very point of legendaries. However with the p2w community having access to so many legendaries, I think its unfair for the f2p community, to leave the exclusivity of legendaries as it is.
May 13, 2019, 11:0305/13/19

Good epics are better than most rares, just look at them as champs and value them because of their skills and stats and you will realize that this legendary whine is useless.

I would even trade my three legends for Sinesha, seeker and gorgorab.
May 13, 2019, 11:2905/13/19
May 13, 2019, 11:33(edited)

addmeister said:

Good epics are better than most rares, just look at them as champs and value them because of their skills and stats and you will realize that this legendary whine is useless.

I would even trade my three legends for Sinesha, seeker and gorgorab.

"whine"? Its called constructive criticism. I never argued that you cant do well in the game without legendaries. Not all legendaries are viable, which makes it all the much worse when you finally get one, and its crap.

There are certain legendaries out there that are absolute beasts. Besides, these types of games are also about collecting and filling your roster with as many champions as possible. If thats not important to you, thats fine. But we all have different values. And the whole reason why people "whine" as you so arogantly put it, is because people care about this problem in the first place.

Also you didnt really address any of my point either.
May 13, 2019, 11:4405/13/19

Hello all! I like Danny's comment :) Legendaries should remain cherished and longed for. We see to it that every single players sooner or later summons at least one Legendary (and where there is one, the second one usually shouldn't take long to appear to keep the former company). Our game designers revise the list of all Legendaries (especially those reported by players for some reason) to make sure that they are just as how they are expected to be as a  Legendary.

It is also quite possible that we will update the RNG algorithm that is at work when you summon a champion in the future.
May 13, 2019, 11:4805/13/19

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but calling it constructive criticism is beyond me.

You know the odds for getting a legendary, so how can you complain if you dont get any? The odds are slim (to say the least) so getting a legendary is extremely hard - thats how the game designers created it and if you dont like it you can of course complain, but there are soooo many people complaining that it really gets on my nerves (not necessarily you, but the choir of mourners). 

I only run into teams of 2-4 legends in arena and so legends dont feel very special which I think is very sad.
May 13, 2019, 12:0305/13/19

addmeister said:

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but calling it constructive criticism is beyond me.

You know the odds for getting a legendary, so how can you complain if you dont get any? The odds are slim (to say the least) so getting a legendary is extremely hard - thats how the game designers created it and if you dont like it you can of course complain, but there are soooo many people complaining that it really gets on my nerves (not necessarily you, but the choir of mourners). 

I only run into teams of 2-4 legends in arena and so legends dont feel very special which I think is very sad.

It's a mobile game with a lot of spenders. I bet most those people are big spenders. At 1 shard per month, with 6%, how likely do you honestly think it is for the avarage player to get 2-4 legendaries? Seeing a lot of legendaries around overall, says nothing about the individual player. It only means there are a lot of spenders on the game, and they tend to have easier access to legendaries.

Again. 1 shard per MONTH, 6% chance.

Maybe you don't feel they are special, but right now, they are so special, that some people reach level 55-60 without seeing any whatsoever. How do you think it feels to reach that 1 month reward, time and time again, only to see the same crap as always? it becomes exhausting, and people lose the motivation to keep trying. 

May 13, 2019, 12:1005/13/19

Cirilla said:

Hello all! I like Danny's comment :) Legendaries should remain cherished and longed for. We see to it that every single players sooner or later summons at least one Legendary (and where there is one, the second one usually shouldn't take long to appear to keep the former company). Our game designers revise the list of all Legendaries (especially those reported by players for some reason) to make sure that they are just as how they are expected to be as a  Legendary.

It is also quite possible that we will update the RNG algorithm that is at work when you summon a champion in the future.

Can you elaborate on the RNG algorithm? 

I remain steadfast on legendaries should remain cherished and longed for as well. But the roster becomes bigger and bigger, and we still only get 1 shard per month. The legendary reward from missions is a fantastic addition to the game. Although some people, me included, are concerned about how powerful she is. While that is a great step in the right direction, it still does not solve the motivation crushing feeling, of opening a monthly legendary shard, only to get a blue or sometimes purple. Especially knowing you wont get another for 30 whole days. And then you will most likely get the same.

I believe it's possible to fix that while keeping legendaries rare for the individual player. Right now, as some may say, they look "common" on the community as a whole. But I honestly think thats a misrepresentation for the individual players experience. Especially if they are not big spenders. It creates an uneven playingfield and experience. A gap that to me, is way too big right now.

I posted a suggestion thread about sacred shards, and I think my favorite idea, was to double the chance for legendaries, for every monthly sacrd opened, up til 48%. It rewards persistance. 6-12-24-48, thats 4 months. Thats a long time to play a mobile game. And still less than 50% chance.