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Does 6 Star Artefact and Legendary Artefact exists with in the game?

Does 6 Star Artefact and Legendary Artefact exists with in the game?

Mar 28, 2019, 12:0503/28/19

Does 6 Star Artefact and Legendary Artefact exists with in the game?

Does 6* Artefact and Legendary Artefact exists with in the game? 

If yes, where do they drop, 2 days of farming Stage 15 and I have not see legend nor have I seen a 6*?

Am I just unlucky?

If they dont exists.. why do the devs misguide us by adding their pictures on loading screen? why make me waste my resources on something I can never get? 

Btw, I am a youtuber and a Twitch Streaming by the name of MathsPlusGames. Would be great to get some answers because I am not the only one confused. account age is around 9 days old. but I am the highest arena rank atm. and cam farm almost everything at stage 15.

I still consider myself a noob..

whats disturbing to me btw, is that i can already clear everything with common artefacts... 

Mar 29, 2019, 13:1203/29/19
Hey, Math. There are no 6* Artifacts in the game yet, but the will be added later. On the matter of YouTube and Twitch, I would suggest contacting RangerMur on our official Discord server (he is there, just DM him with the questions). The progress you say you've made does sound super impressive, though I am almost afraid to ask what Champions you have to be clearing the last stages of Dungeons and winning in Tier IV Gold with only Common Artifacts :D
Mar 29, 2019, 17:0803/29/19
I'd be very interested in your champs and what common gear you are clearing all stage 15s with. And 9 days lol your a super saiyan god lol. If your clearing 15 then why are you using common gear also
Mar 29, 2019, 20:0403/29/19
I can even clear it using just 3 monsters lol.. I stopped clearing it when i realised 6* artifices dont drop, that why I have not gotten anything but a few common artefacts 
Mar 29, 2019, 20:0903/29/19
MATH said:

I can even clear it using just 3 monsters lol.. I stopped clearing it when i realised 6* artifices dont drop, that why I have not gotten anything but a few common artefacts 
Stage 15 in dungeons doesn't drop common gear, and your story is so damn hard to believe. You'd probably be the only player in the entire game that can clear all lvl 15 stages after only playing for 9 days, only using common gear and 3 monsters. Let me guess the common gear is only lvl 4 as well? And your champs are commons as well? 
Mar 29, 2019, 20:2803/29/19
Are u f2p, p2w or just really lucky? What champs u got? 9 days lol u would of been using an auto clicker to get anywhere that fast or do u not sleep 
Mar 29, 2019, 20:3903/29/19
Mar 29, 2019, 20:40(edited)
sk8rchick4lifendeath said:

MATH said:

I can even clear it using just 3 monsters lol.. I stopped clearing it when i realised 6* artifices dont drop, that why I have not gotten anything but a few common artefacts 
Stage 15 in dungeons doesn't drop common gear, and your story is so damn hard to believe. You'd probably be the only player in the entire game that can clear all lvl 15 stages after only playing for 9 days, only using common gear and 3 monsters. Let me guess the common gear is only lvl 4 as well? And your champs are commons as well? 
The champs he was using was rank 2 rank 6 Rae, Rank 6 ColdHeart, Rank 5 Gorb and rank 6 skullcrown 
Mar 29, 2019, 20:4603/29/19

sk8rchick4lifendeath said:

MATH said:

I can even clear it using just 3 monsters lol.. I stopped clearing it when i realised 6* artifices dont drop, that why I have not gotten anything but a few common artefacts 
Stage 15 in dungeons doesn't drop common gear, and your story is so damn hard to believe. You'd probably be the only player in the entire game that can clear all lvl 15 stages after only playing for 9 days, only using common gear and 3 monsters. Let me guess the common gear is only lvl 4 as well? And your champs are commons as well? 

All my progression was done live on twitch :)

Thank you for the compliment, and perhaps I was lucky? but no amount of luck should make this game this easy. 

you dont seem to understand my point.. I am not here to brag, I am here to point out an error in dungeon difficulty. I think it should be at least 10x harder

I think even if I have every single nat5 in game fully skilled up, with common 5 star gear I should max be able to do stage-9.. Do you disagree ?
Mar 30, 2019, 21:0103/30/19
So no answer, u obviously p2w then.. and four 6☆ champs in 9 days lol.. u either dropped so much cash u ate everyone or u use auto clicker.. what a joke... play the game without paying or auto click and tell us where u are in 9 days 
Mar 30, 2019, 22:0903/30/19

I would like to know more about 6star and elendary gear too, why would you write it like that? 

I'm not judging (i don't care) but you payed for progress and now you are suprised it is easy?  When you payed for it? Comeon

If you want it to be harder, try it as a f2p 

I would like to see your progress then in 9 days

Apr 5, 2019, 21:5804/05/19

Marius said:

Hey, Math. There are no 6* Artifacts in the game yet, but the will be added later. On the matter of YouTube and Twitch, I would suggest contacting RangerMur on our official Discord server (he is there, just DM him with the questions). The progress you say you've made does sound super impressive, though I am almost afraid to ask what Champions you have to be clearing the last stages of Dungeons and winning in Tier IV Gold with only Common Artifacts :D

Hi Marius.

I don't care how the OP got how strong he is, more power to him.

But maybe you need to make this more clear. I know of a lot of players trying to farm 6 star gear, because the dragon dungeon says it drops 6 star gear. It's a massive waste of time and effort. 

This post isn't easy to find, and there is nothing  in the guides or new or announcements about the fact that dragon DOESNT drop 6 star gear. Or at least not that I could find.

Maybe an announcement/post/warning/disclaimer  so people stop wasting time.

Apr 9, 2019, 13:1304/09/19
gremlinboi said:

Hi Marius.

I don't care how the OP got how strong he is, more power to him.

But maybe you need to make this more clear. I know of a lot of players trying to farm 6 star gear, because the dragon dungeon says it drops 6 star gear. It's a massive waste of time and effort. 

This post isn't easy to find, and there is nothing  in the guides or new or announcements about the fact that dragon DOESNT drop 6 star gear. Or at least not that I could find.

Maybe an announcement/post/warning/disclaimer  so people stop wasting time.

Hey there! I've already passed my request to the Dev Team, they are going to make the adjustment and make the matter clearer until Rank 6 Artifacts are introduced.
Apr 16, 2019, 00:0104/16/19

Marius said:

gremlinboi said:

Hi Marius.

I don't care how the OP got how strong he is, more power to him.

But maybe you need to make this more clear. I know of a lot of players trying to farm 6 star gear, because the dragon dungeon says it drops 6 star gear. It's a massive waste of time and effort. 

This post isn't easy to find, and there is nothing  in the guides or new or announcements about the fact that dragon DOESNT drop 6 star gear. Or at least not that I could find.

Maybe an announcement/post/warning/disclaimer  so people stop wasting time.

Hey there! I've already passed my request to the Dev Team, they are going to make the adjustment and make the matter clearer until Rank 6 Artifacts are introduced.

Cheers!! :D

So great to have active communicative mods
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