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Gem and energy Income as F2P

Gem and energy Income as F2P

Mar 23, 2019, 03:3403/23/19

Gem and energy Income as F2P

So ive been playing a week or so now and have run out of energy and crystals, as the game progresses i was wondering what energy and gem income is like and where it comes from so i can play more a few minutes a day then need to wait for energy to regen :/ and if ur gonna say max the mine, how... i have no gem income.
Mar 23, 2019, 09:0003/23/19

Unknown_Ranger said:

So ive been playing a week or so now and have run out of energy and crystals, as the game progresses i was wondering what energy and gem income is like and where it comes from so i can play more a few minutes a day then need to wait for energy to regen :/ and if ur gonna say max the mine, how... i have no gem income.

Dear Raider!

Check your missions and challanges and try to complate. They give more energy than your max in default. 

Mar 23, 2019, 09:5403/23/19

i think the energy is ok ... you get 2 full refills per day for free

when we start talking about gems ... well, as any other company, they have to make money somehow :D
Mar 23, 2019, 14:2103/23/19

buy the mine

Mar 23, 2019, 23:5903/23/19
Sounds like you should have maxed the mine while you still had gem income.
Mar 24, 2019, 01:0703/24/19
ive never had gem income, im lvl 30 and got basicly none
Mar 24, 2019, 13:4503/24/19

The mobile game as perusual hook player with us having fun with the game only to stop us at it's track with something...

Try your best complete all the Challenge and Quest. Also check on the event menu on right side and collect the reward.

( I actually don't know I need to click the reward in the event menu and end up losing much of the reward hopefully other player don't suffer like me. )

The shop usually put item or Champion you might want or most case ignore. Silver is needed to upgrade selected champion artifact after all.

( Crazy RNG to level up, loss much silver just to maxed out the artifact. That doesn't include removing it. Yikes! )

Sparring pit is good if you keep on checking the game often in a day for your champion to level up without you work them on Campaign map.

Gem usually being use to replenish Energy in my case when I have lot of free time and want to play the game more.

Other than what being told...I guess this is the only way to get gem to maxed out the mine.

Mar 25, 2019, 00:1803/25/19
I'm ftp, haven't spent a dollar yet, and I maxed out my gem mine by level 35, and now have over 1k gems sitting, its definitely doable.
Aug 28, 2019, 21:0308/28/19

Someone mentioned getting two refills a day for free... where is that located?


I am Victorious!!!
Jan 28, 2020, 06:0601/28/20
Mohsin said:

buy the mine

The mine is a horrible deal. Do the math. It'll take 50 days just to make up the purchase cost.
Jan 28, 2020, 11:0601/28/20
kazymandias said:

Mohsin said:

buy the mine

The mine is a horrible deal. Do the math. It'll take 50 days just to make up the purchase cost.
The mine is the best investment if you want to play for a long time. 
Jan 28, 2020, 20:5301/28/20

Hey Hey

Energy and gems, 

1. Daily provides 2 refills (1 through the missions and the second by spending time on the game)

2. Missions, Quest and challenges, I would suggest looking at these, as you progress this can easily pay off the mine completely, though this is a long term strategy)

3. Events, its very common these come at a reward earlier on, so even if you choose not to participate completely, it's worth farming dragon, for example, getting some good gear and then reimburse some of the energy when you have farmed it, though yes you may invest more to get that back, the catch is you got a bunch of gear hopefully to be worth the exchange

4. Clan boss, daily chance of rewarding gems (this one doesn't provide energy).

5. Clan loot chest on reset, this can reward gems or energy, among other things.

I have to mention here that arena chest can reward you with gems among other things, this is only once a week.

Hope this helps

Good luck and have fun.

Jan 28, 2020, 23:5401/28/20
kazymandias said:

Mohsin said:

buy the mine

The mine is a horrible deal. Do the math. It'll take 50 days just to make up the purchase cost.
Bad advice.  I've been playing close to 300 days.  Do the math.
Jul 15, 2020, 20:3407/15/20

Unknown_Ranger said:

So ive been playing a week or so now and have run out of energy and crystals, as the game progresses i was wondering what energy and gem income is like and where it comes from so i can play more a few minutes a day then need to wait for energy to regen :/ and if ur gonna say max the mine, how... i have no gem income.

Unfortunately energy seems to become even less scarce when you get to higher levels. early on you will get energy from leveling up but that stops occurring as frequently once you have leveled up.

The gem mine is okay but I have it maxed and it only nets you 15 gems a day so you can only use them to get an energy refill every three days. So yeah not too much help there.

As others have stated you can get an energy refill by fighting in the arena five times and you get another refill simply by letting the game timer run long enough - after 60 minutes of game time I think.

Unfortunately, and I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you'll have to buy gems to get more energy refills.

There is a daily gem pack for $9.99 which is one of the few items in the shop that is actually worth the price. You will get 250 gems on the first day and then a different amount each day for a month totaling something like 2,140 gems. You will always get at least 50 gems a day which is more than needed for an energy refill.

Unfortunately that looks like your best bet.

On a side note: I wish that they would add a daily energy refill to the raid cards then those might actually be worth the money. Currently I don't see the use for them, I mean what good are +70 multi-battle attempts daily if I have no energy to use them...

If I am wrong about how raid cards work someone please let me know but it says that it gives you +70 multi-battle attempts but does not mention the energy to use them.

Has anyone bought one of those who knows?

Jul 15, 2020, 21:0707/15/20

Allucanizza said:

On a side note: I wish that they would add a daily energy refill to the raid cards then those might actually be worth the money. Currently I don't see the use for them, I mean what good are +70 multi-battle attempts daily if I have no energy to use them...

If I am wrong about how raid cards work someone please let me know but it says that it gives you +70 multi-battle attempts but does not mention the energy to use them.

Has anyone bought one of those who knows?

No, that's how they work - extra attempts, no extra energy. It depends of course what you're using your attempts on - if it's nightmare campaign or high level dungeons at 16 energy per run, then yeah, you wouldn't be able to use too much more than 30 attempts anyway. But if you're just farming campaign, it's easy enough to get spend 50 or more attempts on a normal day. And on days when you get extra energy from weekly/monthly rewards, login rewards, event rewards etc, I often finish the 100 attempts, or close, without spending any gems on more energy. 

Plus of course 20 percent extra HP and silver in campaign, which also adds up over time. 
Jul 15, 2020, 21:5707/15/20
Unknown_Ranger said:

So ive been playing a week or so now and have run out of energy and crystals, as the game progresses i was wondering what energy and gem income is like and where it comes from so i can play more a few minutes a day then need to wait for energy to regen :/ and if ur gonna say max the mine, how... i have no gem income.
i'm sorry to say that, but you trial is over, now if you wanna play you must pay or just play those few minutes per day LUL
Jul 15, 2020, 22:1507/15/20
If you are running out of energy & gems in the first week you are doing things very wrong... You shouldn't need to use gems at all with the free energy you get every level up.  Yes, of course it is a "trap" to get you hooked... no, they don't want you to stay F2P.  LOL.  But, unless you want to play for hours every day the energy is sufficient even once you get into late game.  Between FW, CB, and arena it is almost too much time.
Jul 16, 2020, 03:3707/16/20

If you play this game more than 2 hours a day... Buy a console!

Get a switch if you want something on the go...