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The Stupidity of Healing Skill Upgrades

The Stupidity of Healing Skill Upgrades

Mar 19, 2019, 05:2903/19/19

The Stupidity of Healing Skill Upgrades


        Are the devs fucking retarded?! So I've been trying to figure out how the heal amounts are calculated thinking there must be some kind of a bug on Adriel's heal which I max out AND farmed a full 5* healing set for. I just found that the amount healed is not being significantly increased as the skill description would imply. Yet now searching through this forum I find that the description "Heal +5%" actually means '+5% of 20%' so in reality it's +%1. Hey fucktard devs/english translators I'm asking you honestly, are you fucking stupid?!... Where in 'Heal +%5' can anyone induce that it's actually +%1. I wasted 9 fucking epic skill tomes to find out you guys are fucking clowns. Either fix the skill to what its description clearly states OR reimburse the skill tomes since you guys clearly fucked up on explaining what the upgrade effect is. The fact that this is even an issue is absolutely ridiculous

Thank you,


Mar 19, 2019, 08:4603/19/19


This is there to keep the game balance, additive percentage on healing would require massive changes to other %ages which counter healing. As for the explanation, this will be addressed in the coming updates.

Also, I understand your frustration on ranking up a hero and not getting the desired results, but being civil and using language that's not offensive is one the key forum rules :) Please follow them next time.

We had this discussed in our official forum too.

Stay tuned and happy raiding ;)


Mar 19, 2019, 09:0503/19/19

Thank you zincro for the answer and announcement.

If this is the true and final decision that the "multiplicative % of %" of healing  stays the way it is, please consider resetting the book-status of healers and returning the books to us. That way everybody can reconsider their choice, after being informed what they are buying with those books.

The multiplicative addition was misleading, and is (in my Opinion) not enough to warrent upgrading most healers.

(Especially in relation to the healing lifesteal delivers)

Mar 19, 2019, 21:3003/19/19
Mar 19, 2019, 21:39(edited)

Zincro said:


This is there to keep the game balance, additive percentage on healing would require massive changes to other %ages which counter healing. As for the explanation, this will be addressed in the coming updates.

Also, I understand your frustration on ranking up a hero and not getting the desired results, but being civil and using language that's not offensive is one the key forum rules :) Please follow them next time.

We had this discussed in our official forum too.

Stay tuned and happy raiding ;)



       Listen to me, this isn't a discussion about game mechanics or balancing issues. This is much more simple, the description used in game is undeniably and unarguably misleading. There is no way you can, in good faith and honestly, tell me that the description 'Heal +10%' is in ANY way indicative of the actual effect gained on upgrade. Considering this and knowing the amount of money/time spent to fully upgrade the spells of especially higher rarity heroes. The company has an obligation to rectify the problem. How that is done is up to you guys, however something should be done because if I tell you to pay me $100 for a %60 heal and I take your money but only give you a %25 that is called a scam. I don't think any company wants to go down that road especially when this issue can be resolved easily. Please do get back to me as soon as you can.


Mar 20, 2019, 04:5803/20/19


Thanks for the positive outlook on this issue. I have conveyed this suggestion to the devs about re-visiting the description of healing & shield %ages. This will be worked upon soon now.

Closing this thread :)

Happy Raiding

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