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Arena Tiers Not Working Correctly?

Arena Tiers Not Working Correctly?

Feb 23, 2019, 21:1202/23/19

Arena Tiers Not Working Correctly?

Hi Marius & Raid Team:

Wasn't sure if I should post this in the Bugs forum but here goes...

For the past week or so the Gold IV tier in Arena has been filled with lower level players and weak teams, rendering this tier meaningless in terms of achievement & status. On the upside it has provided fertile ground for easy medal farming.

I understand there's been a large influx of new players to RAID which has been cited as a possible reason for the dilution of power in the upper tiers of Arena. To me that still doesn't tell the whole story. Even if the newer players are only battling amongst each other, allowing the strongest among the newbies to advance up the ladder, that means the matchmaking system has bracketed this population of players correctly.

But the same does not appear to be happening for veteran players, who should also be bracketed according to their cohort. In other words, a Level 60 player who's been playing since 2018 should be matching against players of a similar age and experience level.

I am not sure how the game is assembling opponents for any given player but something in the backend has changed very drastically. 

Are you able to put out a statement to explain any recent changes to Arena matchmaking? Are there plans to introduce more tiers to Gold or perhaps even a Platinum tier to address the increased pooling of players in Gold IV?

Thanks in advance!

Feb 25, 2019, 12:1802/25/19

Hey, Maclintok.

It's not a bug, but we had a massive influx of players that was somewhat not expected, as the game is not even properly advertised yet. These new players push through the Arena and fight each other, so they get to stay in higher Tiers despite veterans knocking at their heads from above. We're looking into possibilities to counter that, however. In the meanwhile, enjoy free medals!