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Feb 1, 2019, 20:5102/01/19


Today hundreds of players received 420$ worth of in-game store goods. Including, 30 void shards, 6k gems, 2k energy and millions of gp free. Do not be victim of unfair gameplay. 

Feb 1, 2019, 23:1502/01/19
Feb 1, 2019, 23:21(edited)
So what is plarium gonna do about thos who have to pay 140 for the packs? I miss out and can't help but feel unfairly treated... We will see what happens 
Feb 2, 2019, 09:5402/02/19
I payed to get 3 packs... WTF free?? I want my money back!
Feb 2, 2019, 12:4402/02/19

There's a big post about this in bugs feedback oh btw here's their response

"Oleg (Plarium Support Center | Mobile Games)

Feb 2, 12:48 EET


We are sorry that the free packs were released unexpectedly. Still, the packs were available in the game for several minutes. Only a small percentage of the players have managed to get them.

We will not withdraw the content of the packs from the accounts that have received the packs. Also, we do not plan to enable these free packs again.

Based on this experience, we will do our best to avoid such situations when the game gets officially released worldwide.

Once again, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this situation might have caused.


Customer Support Team"

They don't give a shit bout the community or the unfair advantage give to many players as an error. The argument of its just a beta can also be used as an argument to just give everyone 3 of the packs to make it fair. We will see, I doubt anything will be done and it'll fade away, when more whales join the game post worldwide release. 

Feb 2, 2019, 16:3102/02/19

I got same reply.  I was hoping they would be different and care about community.  It would not be difficult or very costly just just send out some sort of even minor compensation for the unfair advantage/mistake .  This would make everyone happy and see they actually care about the players base.  

Instead they send out a cold copy and paste response to everyone with a middle finger saying "you should have just been on the get the free packs...too bad" 
Feb 2, 2019, 21:4402/02/19
Feb 2, 2019, 21:49(edited)

Technically people have used a bug for your grown, they might be banned.

If you exploit a bug, you'll go against some kind of violation of tos.

Unfortunately this can't be compensated because the bug didn't prevented or changed our gameplay or access to the game.

This deal hurts only soul of the people, spending money on the game like me, who cry for mine 10€ Void Huntress.

I remember at the beginning of the Monster super league a similar thing happened and, after public apologies, because the game began to lose korean playerbase, the next day the game gifted eggs (like shards) and increased drop rate of nat 5. Each people summoning obtained a nat 5. Still now I remember my Water Persephone and Wind Valkyria. xD

Today the game is still open and played, 2 years od anniversary and that event is a far past.

Feb 2, 2019, 21:5002/02/19
Wow, Such kind and generous people, the least they could have done was give out the pack to all players to even the field. It's clear this company cares nothing about the players. They don't give a rats tail about what we think.
Feb 2, 2019, 22:1402/02/19
Feb 2, 2019, 22:17(edited)

There is something plarium can drastically do.

Since the game is not yet released globally, he could consider this a phase of testing and he could erase all game data, because a test.

When the game officially will be released, all people will begin again and people who spent will receive into the shop packs they have regularly boughts during the test phase.

Something similar is done when a game close and companies refund cashes bought in others game of the same companies.

Feb 3, 2019, 03:0202/03/19

A lot would stay quit if they did that. I don’t know that their is a way to solve it that makes everyone happy and keeps then spending going. Guaranteed this will reduce spending for those that missed it. For how long is the question though. And if they stand to make more after release fro, others then there is no reason to give a damn about the ones no longer spending. That said. Half or 1/3 of what some were able to get given to the rest of the eligible players should smooth things over. 

I can’t fault people for taking the free packs because in a freemium game when a window pops up that says free you take free thing. I mean I would have.  So I don’t think banning them will help (likely result in charge backs even though those are heavily abused these days). Which leads to charge backs might not be so prevalent if devs were a little more generous and transparent and such to their players. But it is a capitalistic society....

Feb 4, 2019, 10:2802/04/19

Hey, everyone. I've read through the thread and feel several clarifications are required for a number of points that were raised:

1) There will be no data wipe at the global launch, we have confirmed this in the past and it has not changed. 

2) It was not a free pack that everyone could get, nor did hundreds upon hundreds of players get it. The offer was randomized, and a small fraction of people received it - even fewer were online at the time to get it. And with the pack purchase limit in place, they are not going to get any bigger advantage than someone who would have purchased the packs even without the price bug in place.

The players that did get the pack will not be banned, strictly speaking, it is not their fault this error happened. Nor will any freebies be given to everyone else, in light of the points above.

However, we are taking the situation very seriously and are taking measures to avoid such issues in the future. Due to the game still being in the polishing stages, certain debacles are, sadly, unavoidable. 

Feb 4, 2019, 10:3802/04/19

That's pathetic, and then u ban us for refunding the packs cos others got them free?

U say a small amount but it was actually quite a few this is a complete insult to those who actually pay money in this game. 
Feb 4, 2019, 11:1902/04/19
Jij29 said:

then u ban us for refunding the packs cos others got them free?

The game bans you automatically for several refunds, especially if the items purchased were used already. This is something Support looks into, and I am sure a suitable resolution to each case like this will be found.
Feb 4, 2019, 12:1602/04/19
Awesome looks like I'll refund everything then, faulty product is faulty.
Feb 5, 2019, 19:0802/05/19

Marius said:

Hey, everyone. I've read through the thread and feel several clarifications are required for a number of points that were raised:

1) There will be no data wipe at the global launch, we have confirmed this in the past and it has not changed. 

2) It was not a free pack that everyone could get, nor did hundreds upon hundreds of players get it. The offer was randomized, and a small fraction of people received it - even fewer were online at the time to get it. And with the pack purchase limit in place, they are not going to get any bigger advantage than someone who would have purchased the packs even without the price bug in place.

The players that did get the pack will not be banned, strictly speaking, it is not their fault this error happened. Nor will any freebies be given to everyone else, in light of the points above.

However, we are taking the situation very seriously and are taking measures to avoid such issues in the future. Due to the game still being in the polishing stages, certain debacles are, sadly, unavoidable.

Keep up the good work guys, game's relatively fresh and we expect some bugs here and there, don't worry.

Players comes and goes, those couple guys who received extra packs may not be playing tomorrow or week after, just chill and play chaps without looking at the others.

Feb 5, 2019, 20:0402/05/19

Agreed about your answer Marius concerning the free packs error, it’s not the players fault.

I did not receive any items free but I’d be very upset if someone punish me for something that is not my fault.

Also, we get one free sacred and void shards every month if we are active enough, not many games gives free stuffs, when you think about this you can shallow the little pill better:)

Feb 6, 2019, 14:5002/06/19

Absolutely incorrect Marius.

Marius said:

Jij29 said:

then u ban us for refunding the packs cos others got them free?

The game bans you automatically for several refunds, especially if the items purchased were used already. This is something Support looks into, and I am sure a suitable resolution to each case like this will be found.
There is no suitable resolution when the company lies and misrepresents information, yes I have proof, by supports own admission, I got banned for refund, my friend got banned after customer support told him to request refund from google. I have forwarded this information to support no responses. A spade is a spade sir! And companies the act in bad faith are truely asking for a class action lawsuit to be filed.
Feb 7, 2019, 09:1002/07/19
Unknown_Ranger said:

There is no suitable resolution when the company lies and misrepresents information, yes I have proof, by supports own admission, I got banned for refund, my friend got banned after customer support told him to request refund from google. I have forwarded this information to support no responses. A spade is a spade sir! And companies the act in bad faith are truely asking for a class action lawsuit to be filed.

I am unsure what exactly you refer to as being absolutely incorrect here. If it is the fact the game bans you automatically, then what you say only proves the point. If you are talking about Support handling the matter, they will as well - but the response rate may get slower due to different factors, such as the volume of tickets.
Feb 7, 2019, 12:1002/07/19
Allow me to take the time to explain myself.  The you're incorrect stems from the "looking into the matter." I have the documents that state devs responses on all these matters. Including advising players to request refunds without advising of the penalty ban your game implements. Also once requesting a fix of the ban, CSupport states we have no way of lifting the ban or taking removing items from any accounts" another lie as I have documents and photos of your developers doing it. There is a reason the severe in trending over 2 days from 5-10. I dont ask companies to be in foulable but I expect them to be accountable.
Feb 12, 2019, 15:2602/12/19
This is a response from plarium after asking a refund


In order to prevent the abuse of refunds, we have the automated ban system which suspends the accounts of players who refund their purchases.

The reason why we issue bans is that it isn't possible to remove the Champions that a player received from the purchased items after the refund and some players can take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, it won't be possible to lift a ban or refund the remaining purchases and I would appreciate your understanding.

In case there is anything else that we can do for you, please let me know!


Customer Support Team

Feb 12, 2019, 21:4802/12/19

While I may not completely agree with their stance as if they gave a damn they could figure out how to remove items I do understand the banning for asking refunds. As a player this basically means don’t spend unless you are sure. And don’t ask for a refund unless you have a bloody good reason and can get everything you spent back. I mean they obviously want you to spend money and be able to keep it. 

I admittedly have a very hard time spending x amount of money on something I saw people get for free. Even a couple here’s 3 void shards cause we are kind and we know we screwed up goes a long ways. 

You may want to figure out how to remove items from accounts before launch of the game. Because this blanket ban behaviour with no recourse may very well turn people away if it becomes well known. Especially if they buy an item as advertised even if advertising is a mistake (case of 500 refreshes which I totally would have paid for if I was around then). My sentiment may stem from perceived overpricing/value from spent money on the game though so take that for what it’s worth.

Feb 14, 2019, 23:2602/14/19
it's likely that the bots are run by the devs
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