anyone explain how HP BURN works?
Unless I'm missing something, there's no specifics anywhere, skills just say " chance of placing HP Burn debuff"
Seems to be similar to poison, except poison says it's a specific % amount
Rumor has it that Burn > Psn.
Anyone have more details on this?
(copied from community managers post)
When a Champion is affected by the HP Burn debuff, their entire team suffers damage equivalent to 3% of their MAX HP (3% for each active Burn effect). This is sort of like Poison, just AoE. And keep in mind, a single Champion can only have one HP Burn debuff at a time.
Insult2Injury said:
So if I have 2 hp burn champions, the second champions effect over writes the previous lingering turn effect or the 2nd champion just can't use that skill?
will replace and can be change damage too. For example you have juliana epic wich put Hp burn and after come one rare champions with Hp Burn debuff will rewrite turns and damage.
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