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Upgrading gear to lvl 16

Upgrading gear to lvl 16

Aug 20, 2018, 07:3008/20/18

Upgrading gear to lvl 16

So im trying to get the qst done to upgrade a piece of gear to lvl 16 however ive tried 20 times for 20 fails and am stuck at lvl 13

is this common or what? cause that's bloody exe =/ 
Aug 20, 2018, 07:4508/20/18
Dec 29, 2018, 17:02(edited)
Once i tried 39 times for enchant from +15 to +16
Aug 20, 2018, 08:2408/20/18
That final upgrade can be quite difficult to get indeed, but it is meant to be as it gives a significant Stat increase. 
Aug 20, 2018, 10:2508/20/18
Oct 3, 2018, 22:22(edited)
yea 30 times in a row now is too much for me 3 days of play for the $ilver for 100% failure isn't fair. 
Aug 20, 2018, 10:4708/20/18

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

Aug 22, 2018, 16:2408/22/18
Marius said:

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

Really? We are not playing casino here. I understand that the RNG system is there to make the game interesting but someone getting 39 failures to upgrade an artifact from lvl 15 to lvl 16 is not justifiable by blaming it on RNG. You guys need to increase the success rate and also the drop rate. You guys have a decent game compared to what's available in the market, but that doesn't mean something new and better wont come along the way, so make sure the player that have joined are happy and enjoying the game, it will bring your devs more money in the long run. Anyway I just thought I would share my opinion, cause I like the game and I want it to succeed.
Aug 22, 2018, 17:2408/22/18
Aug 22, 2018, 17:25(edited)

I think it wouldnt be interesting to play if we could get everything and immediately ..)

WardenC said:

Marius said:

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

Really? We are not playing casino here. I understand that the RNG system is there to make the game interesting but someone getting 39 failures to upgrade an artifact from lvl 15 to lvl 16 is not justifiable by blaming it on RNG. You guys need to increase the success rate and also the drop rate. You guys have a decent game compared to what's available in the market, but that doesn't mean something new and better wont come along the way, so make sure the player that have joined are happy and enjoying the game, it will bring your devs more money in the long run. Anyway I just thought I would share my opinion, cause I like the game and I want it to succeed.

Aug 22, 2018, 21:5808/22/18
I've noticed many people in game having this same problem, myself included. One person told me they spent 1.2 mill to get two items to 16; that seems extremely expensive for what it is, just so we can finish the quest. Although the RNG method seems annoying, it also saves the game from being pay-to-win, because then someone could just pay to upgrade everything. However, I do also agree that the drop rate (for everything, not just level 16 artifact upgrades) seems to be too low. But I understand that at this point in time the devs have a lot to work on, and I'm sure they'll make changes to these things. For now, we should find solace that we're still very ahead because we've joined during the soft-launch.
Aug 23, 2018, 01:3708/23/18
I think you missunderstood what I said, I don't want to get things immediately but I don't want to spend silvers that took me 3 days to farm and then spend all of it without getting anything, cause then it goes from interesting to annoying. As I said in my earlier post, RNG makes the game interesting and as MELKA mentioned it also makes sure that the game dosen't become Pay-To-Win, so I am not against RNG but the drop rates should be in a fair level so that it complements the players who are spending a big chunk of their leisure time on this game.

Сайбер said:

I think it wouldnt be interesting to play if we could get everything and immediately ..)

WardenC said:

Marius said:

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

Really? We are not playing casino here. I understand that the RNG system is there to make the game interesting but someone getting 39 failures to upgrade an artifact from lvl 15 to lvl 16 is not justifiable by blaming it on RNG. You guys need to increase the success rate and also the drop rate. You guys have a decent game compared to what's available in the market, but that doesn't mean something new and better wont come along the way, so make sure the player that have joined are happy and enjoying the game, it will bring your devs more money in the long run. Anyway I just thought I would share my opinion, cause I like the game and I want it to succeed.

Aug 23, 2018, 10:0608/23/18

WardenC said:

I think you missunderstood what I said, I don't want to get things immediately but I don't want to spend silvers that took me 3 days to farm and then spend all of it without getting anything, cause then it goes from interesting to annoying. As I said in my earlier post, RNG makes the game interesting and as MELKA mentioned it also makes sure that the game dosen't become Pay-To-Win, so I am not against RNG but the drop rates should be in a fair level so that it complements the players who are spending a big chunk of their leisure time on this game.

Just wanted to drop by and clarify that although I may be explaining why this feature or that works the way it does and why it might not be changed, I do gather all your feedback into a neat little document, which I use to present feedback to the Devs. I can definitely get where you are coming from, having spent 1,5 million Silver in the first month to upgrade two Artifacts and get the Monthly question done. Those moments can definitely be annoying to deal with. Then the other day I had an Artifact upgraded from Level 15 to Level 16 from the first try too, which was nice... though I have a sneaking suspicion I won't see any Legendary Champions for a while now since my luck reserves must have been depleted by that.

Bottomline, it's awesome to see you guys giving feedback and I'll be passing this to the Devs regardless of debating certain points. 
Oct 8, 2018, 10:2810/08/18
Have the chances of upgrading decreased in recent patches? I used to find 1-8 a breeze and not too pricey but now get large number of fails at 8.  The silvers received from a full day's energy go in seconds
Oct 8, 2018, 14:3110/08/18
Hey, Joan. We've not made any changes to the Artifact Upgrade chances. I've seen something similar when upgrading them myself, but then I had a smooth run between level 10 and level 14 without a single fail on one Artifact. RNG Gods are fickle as always!
Oct 12, 2018, 22:0310/12/18

I dont mind it being hard to upgrade. 1-8 is easy and cheap, 9-12 is always a bit more expensive but to be expected and getting up to 16 takes work but it gives a huge bonus. At times I have spent over a week working on several lvl15 artifacts with no reward and burnt millions of silver then suddenly 2 or 3 will suceed in a day or 2. Nothing wrong with a bit of hard work to get the reward.

Oct 19, 2018, 14:0610/19/18
I played a game where there was some people myself included, that we tried 60+ times to get 1 rune to 15 from 14. This doesnt seem as bad as that game lol
Nov 14, 2018, 23:5211/14/18
Seems fair enough. 1-2mil for a lvl16 is the norm I've found. If it was easy then where is the feeling of accomplishment when successful??
Apr 22, 2019, 14:3604/22/19
Apr 22, 2019, 14:38(edited)

Hi there,

I also look at this gear upgrading system as annoying and totally build against the player. I agree with developers that game must have different difficulties for players to keep them interested and willing to go further and to keep playing and upgrading. But this is totally against fun and joy! I believe that many of you had played “Art of Conquest “. In the beginning it was stunning game, real refreshing and somehow reminding on Heroes III. Later in the game people realized that game is build to take all and give nothing back. You can enjoy the game in early stage but later on if you want to survive you must become games slave! Live to progress! That is not game and that is not fun! But they have several good solutions and one of them is when player is buying “hero chests”. Player is getting lots of different upgrades by spending coins and possibility to win a hero from that chest. Pretty similar “luck” rating as to upgrade equipment from 15-16 here. But! Good thing is that they have limited that “luck” gambling torture to chest 22 in which they guarantee you will get a hero. So I think that is far to give us at least aiming distance here.
Apr 22, 2019, 23:5204/22/19
In my experience it generally costs between 200k - 800k on avarage for me. But hey, sometimes I try once and it pops to 16. Once you get to farm brutal for exp, and sell the artifacts, you start earning a lot of money and getting an artifact to 16 is not an issue. 
May 14, 2019, 17:2105/14/19

I'm sorry but it's a bit ridiculous.

I'm on bed rest which means i have an insane amount of time to grind away at this... I understand the RNG thing and yeah it adds mystery to the game. But 16 hours a day 3 days and I still can't get a lvl 13? I have to get two lvl 16s? I can't so much else but it is so incredibly frustrating to waste so much time for nothing. Been playing for a week and I'm ready to drop the game just because of the upgrade RNG. I would be even more upset if I bought a whole bunch of silver and got nothing from it... 

I have to really enjoy a game to spend money on it, and at this point I probably won't. I mean its a great game (aside from this one issue) and y'all deserve to be paid for the work y'all have put into it, but I'm probably going to stop playing if you don't adjust the upgrade chances. 

P.s. I personally think the drop rates are fine. 

May 14, 2019, 17:3105/14/19

sierrajj1775 said:

I'm sorry but it's a bit ridiculous.

I'm on bed rest which means i have an insane amount of time to grind away at this... I understand the RNG thing and yeah it adds mystery to the game. But 16 hours a day 3 days and I still can't get a lvl 13? I have to get two lvl 16s? I can't so much else but it is so incredibly frustrating to waste so much time for nothing. Been playing for a week and I'm ready to drop the game just because of the upgrade RNG. I would be even more upset if I bought a whole bunch of silver and got nothing from it... 

I have to really enjoy a game to spend money on it, and at this point I probably won't. I mean its a great game (aside from this one issue) and y'all deserve to be paid for the work y'all have put into it, but I'm probably going to stop playing if you don't adjust the upgrade chances. 

P.s. I personally think the drop rates are fine. 

Do you grind brutal for exp? If so, you start earning to much money that getting to 16 isnt a big issue. It can still be frustrating, but you earn enough to pull it off.

In my opinion, the biggest culprit is the way it upgrades. It's slow, and makes you take in every single failure. Basically a slow slap in the face everytime. I tend to click 10x and mute the game, so i dont have to hear it. I would like them to make the upgrade a lot faster and/or change the interface.
Jul 31, 2019, 20:2207/31/19
I have spent over 1 million in silver to go from 15-16 and it didn’t happen. I’ve been spending real $ as well over 60 bucks in two days. I’m to the point of rage quitting. Opened probably 100 void shards and many sacred shards and only one yes ONE legendary. I love his game but it’s about time to rage quit. The odds for upgrading artifacts and the chances for epic and especially legendary characters is just ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. Devs do something quick as many forums and players have all but had enough. I love this game but it seems to strictly be a way to scam you out of money. 10 void shards at once and literally 3 of the same uncommon and two of the same. So 5 of 10 shards had basically all the same crappy characters.  We’re shouting from the top of our lungs devs. PLEASE do something or you’re gonna see a mass migration of players to other games
Jul 31, 2019, 21:1007/31/19
Marius said:

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

It can cost and take whatever, but can you somehow speed up the process of upgrading? If i want to upgrade 4 gears pices to 16 it can take forever. 
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