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Сomplete disbalance in dungeons

Сomplete disbalance in dungeons

Aug 15, 2018, 14:3608/15/18

Сomplete disbalance in dungeons

Every dungeon is broken. How can you development game? where does the director see the game?

I pay to your company for what?

Red Boss 15 stage. Are you kidding me?

13 stage Dragon. 3 attacts - shard green 2 attaks - rare 4*

Agent HelenTechnical Support
Aug 16, 2018, 08:1208/16/18
Hi, you can receive various rewards from the dungeons. Sometimes you receive good rewards and sometimes not, it is normal and it is not a bug. I understand how important this question is to you that's why I have moved your topic to Game Discussion, so you can discuss it with other players.
Aug 16, 2018, 08:3208/16/18

Agent Helen said:

Hi, you can receive various rewards from the dungeons. Sometimes you receive good rewards and sometimes not, it is normal and it is not a bug. I understand how important this question is to you that's why I have moved your topic to Game Discussion, so you can discuss it with other players.

Ok, I understood. This is all, what can this game. It's sadly. Ok, I go to play summon wars! GG

Aug 16, 2018, 09:4708/16/18
Dec 29, 2018, 16:43(edited)

But in fact, in fact ..

Now it's easier to farm 7 stage for 10 energy and get the same loot as on stages 13-15. 

What then is the meaning of their farming?

For what we farm dungeons 10+ stage right now?  

There is more costly in energy and get nothing in drop. 

Right now it's big problem with drop in high lvl dungeons.
Aug 17, 2018, 11:2808/17/18
I too think the game dev needs to rethink how these reward system goes when you are getting lowest tier potions at highest tier dungeons. Its like killing a dragon and getting a common grey weapon/armor.
Aug 17, 2018, 12:2608/17/18
If the drop rates are low, then why are the energy lvs so high! its really not worth the effort when we need so much xp in order to lv up and build our lists for 6* characters!