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Guide: Artifact ForgeGuide: Artifact Forge

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Guide: Artifact Forge

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Aug 11, 2021, 10:5708/11/21

Guide: Artifact Forge

Artifact Forge


The Forge lets you craft Artifacts using Materials you collect as you play.

You`ll get Materials from a variety of in-game activities - like Arena Battles, Faction Wars, Doom Tower, Events, Tournaments, and the Forge Pass. 


Please note that the number you see next to the Forge icon indicates the number of Artifacts you can craft at the moment, not the amount of resources you have in the Forge.


This number depends on the availability of:
- Magisteel
- Bloodstone and Willstone
- Corehammer (only for Swift Parry and Deflection Sets)
- Doom Tower Materials

The number of craftable Artifacts is updated in real-time, so you can see how many can still be created.

Please note that Magisteel is used to craft Artifacts from every set available in the Forge. Therefore, these counters can change for each Artifact set when crafting an Artifact. 

Crafting Artifacts

The Artifact Forge lets you choose which Set your Artifact belongs to, but the actual Artifact you get will be random. 

The process is simple: select the Rank Range you want, choose your desired Artifact Set, and make sure you have enough Materials to craft it. After that, hit the button at the bottom and you’ll get a random Artifact from your chosen Set.

You can craft Rare, Epic and Legendary Artifacts. Rarer or higher Rank Artifacts just need more (or better) Materials. You can hold up to 10,000 of each Material at any given time - anything over that limit will be lost.



Charms let you narrow down which exact Artifact you’re going to get. Charms can increase your chances of getting a specific type of Artifact - like Boots or Gauntlets - or even boost your chances of getting specific Substats.

There are 4 types of Charms:

  • Rank Charms increase your chance of getting the highest Rank available in your selected Rank Range
  • Rarity Charms increase your chance of getting higher Rarities
  • Mythical Charms give you a chance of crafting Mythical Artifacts.
    Pro tip: You can combine Mythical and Rarity Charms together for a higher chance of crafting Mythical Artifacts
  • Type Charms increase your chance of getting a specific type of Artifact (Weapon, Boots etc.)
  • Substat Charms increase your chance of getting an Artifact with a specific substat

You can get Charms in Advanced Quests, Tournaments, Events and Offers.

If you want to craft multiple Artifacts in one go, you can hit "Craft x10". This will craft 10 of your chosen Artifacts at once. This can be done even if you do not have enough Charms to be used for all 10 Artifacts. All 10 Artifacts will be crafted, but only some of them will benefit from the use of Charms - depending on how many Charms you have available. 


Available Artifact Sets


Resilience (2) - HP +10%. DEF +10%. Increases both HP and DEF.

A well-balanced second Set to give your Champions some extra staying power.

Perception (2) - ACC +40. SPD +5%.

Increases Accuracy and Speed. Lets you go first and land your most important debuffs.


Deflection (4) - HP +20%. DEF +20%. 25% chance to deflect 1 debuff onto attacker.

The Deflection Set will make your enemies regret ever attacking you. Whenever an enemy tries to place a debuff on the Set's wearer, there is a 25% chance of deflecting it back onto the attacker instead. It also increases HP and DEF.

Swift Parry (4) - SPD +18%. C. DMG +30%. 50% chance of Unkillable when hit with fatal hit. Occurs once per Round.

The Swift Parry Set is an excellent hybrid Set. It boosts Speed and Critical Damage, and also gives the wearer a chance of getting an Unkillable buff and surviving an attack that would have otherwise killed them.


Fatal (2) - ATK +15%. C. RATE +5%.

The perfect second Set to give your attackers an extra stat boost.

Affinitybreaker (4) - C. DMG +30%. 20% chance to change weak hit into critical hit.

Helps negate the risk when taking a Champion into a fight against a stronger Affinity. One of the strongest and most unique Sets around.


Frostbite (2) - 15% chance to block Freeze debuffs. 10% chance to place Freeze debuff on attacker.

Can prevent a Champion from getting frozen and has a chance to place a [Freeze] debuff on the attacker whenever they hit the wearer. Makes the opponent think twice about attacking you.

Untouchable (4) - Immunity for 2 turns. RESIST +40.

Gives the wearer 2-turn immunity to debuffs with a [Block Debuffs] buff, as well as making it harder for the enemy team to remove the buff with a handy RES boost. Useful everywhere, especially in the Arena.


Guardian (4) - Wearer absorbs 10% of all damage dealt to ally Champions. Heals by 10% every turn.

This Set acts like a passive Ally Protection buff, while also healing the wearer - so make sure to equip your strongest tanks with it.

Bloodthirst (4) - C. RATE +12%. Heals by 30% of damage dealt.

Increases the wearer's Critical Rate by 12%. The wearer also heals by 30% of the damage they deal on every hit.

A new take on the all-time favorite Lifesteal set.

Bloodthirst healing effects won't work with damage dealt by [Poison] debuffs.

However, if the wearer already has a Skill that heals based on the damage inflicted, both effects will work, increasing the amount of HP recovered. 


Lethal (4) - C. RATE +10%. Ignores 25% of enemy DEF.

Increases the wearer's Critical Rate by 10%. The wearer will also ignore 25% of the enemy's Defense.

Lethal lives up to its name, turning your Champions into deadly weapons.

Fortitude (2) - RES +40. DEF +10%.

Increases the wearer's Resistance by 40 and Defense by 10%.

The perfect way to take your tanks to the next level. 


Instinct (4) - SPD +12%. Ignores 20% of enemy DEF.

This set gives your Champions a speed boost, while making each of their attacks ignore 20% of their target's DEF. Incredibly powerful in the right hands. 


Bolster (4) - Protected 30% HP Ally Shield for 3 Turns. Heals wearer by 10% every turn.

Only available from the Forge Pass. This set places a protected Shield buff on you and your allies, meaning it cannot be stolen or removed in any way. You'll have to get rid of the Shield by either damaging it, or waiting for it to expire. Also, it heals the wearer by 10% of their MAX HP each turn - talk about bolstering your defenses! 


Defiant (2) - DEF +10%. -15% Damage taken from enemy AoE attacks.

Only available from the Forge Pass. This tanky set increases your Champion’s Defense by 10% and decreases the damage they take from AoE attacks by a whole 15%. Think of it like the Stalwart (4) and Defense (2) Sets smashed together into one! 


Righteous (2) - SPD +10%, RESIST +40.

Only available from the Forge Pass or when a RAID: Call of the Arbiter episode reaches a set number of views on YouTube. A perfect set for those who want to simultaneously speed up their Champions and increase their ability to resist debuffs. 

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