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Guide: Forge PassGuide: Forge Pass

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Guide: Forge Pass

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Aug 11, 2021, 09:2108/11/21

Guide: Forge Pass


The Forge Pass gives you a special series of Challenges where you can earn Forge Pass Points and claim amazing, unique rewards. 


Forge Pass Seasons

Forge Passes are only active for a limited period of time - called Seasons. Each Season will bring its own Challenges and rewards, and you’ll only be able to get your hands on those rewards while a Season is live.

Forge Pass Rewards


As you complete Forge Pass Challenges, you’ll earn Forge Pass Points and increase your Forge Pass Level.

As you reach new Forge Pass levels, you’ll unlock new Rewards - including Chaos Ore, Forge Materials, an exclusive Artifact Set, and much more.

There are two different sets of Rewards available from the Forge Pass - Core and Gold.

Core vs Gold Forge Pass


There are two layers of rewards and Challenges in the Forge Pass - Core and Gold.

The Core Forge Pass is available to all players automatically. With the Core Forge Pass, you can take part in Daily Challenges to earn Forge Pass Points and unlock Core Forge Pass Rewards. With the Core Pass alone, you cannot get rewards for Weekly Challenges or claim Gold Forge Pass rewards.

The Gold Forge Pass allows you to do everything the Core Pass does, but also allows you to complete Weekly Challenges and win the awesome Gold Forge Pass Rewards. On top of that, it also gives you a special Season-long RAID Boost that gives you extra Silver and XP from all Battles. The Level 50 Reward, an exclusive Artifact Set, is only available for those who purchased the Gold Pass.

Note: The Gold Pass can be purchased only once per Season. You cannot buy it again if you have canceled it and got a refund. You will have to wait until the next Season starts.

Daily Challenges


Daily Challenges are open to everybody. You get 4 fresh Challenges every day (though one Challenge will always be the same!). Challenges reset at 00:00 UTC and are replaced by new ones - regardless of whether you completed them or not.

Complete Daily Challenges to earn Forge Pass Points and win Core Pass Rewards.

Weekly Challenges


Get the Gold Pass to unlock Weekly Challenges.

Weekly Challenges give you the chance to earn even more Forge Pass Points and win even better rewards. You’ll even get an extra reward if you manage to complete all the Weekly Challenges.

Remember - you can only collect Weekly Challenge Rewards if you have the Gold Pass!

New Weekly Challenges unlock every week, and you can still complete any previous week’s Challenges while the Season is live. All Weekly Challenges can be completed in any order once available. 

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