The Chimera is a Clan Boss fight available only to Clan Members. The Chimera can be found on the Clan Bosses Map after selecting the “Clan Bosses” Game Mode.
Note: The Chimera unlocks at Level 33.
Chimera Battles
Similar to the Demon Lord and Hydra, Chimera battles are a fight for your team to survive as long as possible and deal as much damage as you can along the way. For this fight, you’ll take 5 Champions into battle against a metamorphic monster with 4 Forms: Ultimate, Ram, Lion, and Viper. Chimera battles will last exactly 65 turns.
Chimera Forms
The Chimera has 4 Forms: Ultimate, Ram, Lion, and Viper. You will fight against each of these Forms in turn. Each Form has unique skills that directly relate to the animal that it represents. The Ram will lock horns with a specific Champion, the Lion will shred through its prey, and the Viper will inflict Poison upon your team. The Chimera will change Forms every 5 turns.
The battle will always start with the Chimera in its Ultimate Form. It will then change to either the Ram, Lion, or Viper Form before changing back to its Ultimate Form.
- U - Ultimate Form
- R - Ram Form
- L - Lion Form
- V - Viper Form
You will fight the Ram, Lion, and Viper Forms each twice during a single Chimera battle. You will fight the Ultimate Form seven times.
Monthly Rotations
The Chimera has four Rotations, with each Rotation lasting for 28 days. Each Rotation will change the Affinity of the Forms. During each Rotation, the Ram, Lion, and Viper Forms will all have the same Affinity, and the Ultimate Form will have a different Affinity.
Weekly Cycles
Players can fight the Chimera each week to get Chests. After each battle, players will also get additional reward for completing Trials during the battle. The Chimera will reset weekly between Thursday, 11:30 UTC and Friday, 11:30 UTC. During this time, you will not be able to fight the Chimera.
Each Chimera battle requires 1 Chimera Key. You will receive 2 Chimera Keys per week. You’ll be given your 2 Keys once a new Weekly Cycle has started after the reset. The number of Chimera Chests that each player receives depends on the outcome of that week’s Chimera battles.
- If the Chimera is damaged but survives, each contributing Clan Member will receive one Chimera Chest according to the damage they dealt individually.
- If a Clan defeats the Chimera (by fully depleting its HP), each contributing Clan Member will receive two Chimera Chests according to the damage they dealt.
The number of additional rewards that you can earn from completing Trials during Chimera battles will depend on the number of Trials completed.
Pro tip: You can experiment with different team builds and strategies without using a Chimera Key. When in battle, hit pause and select the “Free Regroup” option to head straight back to the Team Selection screen. Exiting a battle this way won’t keep your score from the current battle, and you’ll be able to immediately try again with a completely different team.
Clan Members must work together to deal damage to the Chimera. Each Clan Member fights individually, but their damage scores are added together to wear down the Chimera’s HP. The more damage each Clan Member deals, the better the Chimera Chest they will receive at the end of the week.
Once the Chimera’s HP has been fully depleted on any given difficulty, the next difficulty will be unlocked. Players can only fight the Chimera on higher difficulties if their Clan successfully defeats the Boss on the previous difficulty.
Once a new difficulty is unlocked, it is permanently unlocked for that Clan. There are currently 6 difficulties available:
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Brutal
- Nightmare
- Ultra-Nightmare.
In each battle, you will have the opportunity to complete certain tasks, in-battle Trials and receive an additional reward, once you use a Chimera Key and finish the battle. The Trials are unique for each Form and have three levels of difficulty:
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard.
Each Form has 3 Trials at 3 levels of difficulty, with 9 Trials in total for each Form. Trials at higher difficulty levels are only unlocked when a Trial at the previous difficulty has been completed. The additional rewards that can be earned by completing Trials will depend on the difficulty of the Chimera and the Trial itself.
Throughout the duration of a single Chimera battle, you will be able to complete all 27 Trials and receive all rewards. Additional rewards are earned immediately and can be used after a battle without needing to wait for the weekly reset. However, you must use a Chimera Key. You cannot enter battle, complete a Trial, earn rewards, and use the “Free Regroup” option.
Please note: the Chimera’s Ultimate Form will not have any Trials. However, the more Trials you complete, the more powerful the Chimera’s Ultimate Form becomes in battle.
Please note: rewards for in-battle Trials will change each week. However, the Trials themselves will always remain the same.
Chimera Chests
Attacking the Chimera gets you Chimera Chests. Chimera Chests are given out to players at the end of the Chimera reset. The more damage you dealt to the Chimera that week and the harder the difficulty, the more valuable the rewards in your Chimera Chest.
Chimera Chests contain some Clan resources such as Clan Gold and Clan XP, as well as Circular Gemstones for Relics, Starstones, Basalt, and unique Ocular Masses to craft Relics in the Forge.
Chimera Clash
Similar to the Hydra Clash, the Chimera Clash is a competition where 5 Clans compete to deal the most damage to the Chimera. If a player’s Clan finishes in one of the top 3 positions and the player has earned at least 220M Clash Points, they’ll receive powerful rewards. If they earn less Points, they can still earn Milestone Rewards by accumulating Clash Points across various Chimera Clashes. Players earn Clash Points by damaging the Chimera. The Chimera Clash is held every week.
Participation Requirements
To participate in the Chimera Clash, a Clan must have at least 10 players who are Level 33 or above. It must also have earned at least 50 Clan Activity Stars during the 7 days prior to the start of the upcoming Chimera Clash.
Players who want to take part in the Chimera Clash must be in a Clan that has met these requirements, and also have reached Level 33. If a player and their Clan have met these requirements, they will be able to take part in the next Chimera Clash.
‘Ineligible’ Status
Players who are part of a Clan but have not met all of the above requirements will be ineligible for the Chimera Clash, as shown by the word “Ineligible” next to their name. Players who meet the participation requirements after a Chimera Clash has started will remain ineligible to earn Clash Points for the current Chimera Clash. They will be able to take part in the next Chimera Clash.
Each Chimera Clash lasts for 6 days, resetting at the same time as the Chimera’s weekly cycles. Before the start of the Chimera Clash, Clans are matched up against 4 other Clans.
Clash Points
Players earn Clash Points by damaging the Chimera. The number of Clash Points earned depends on the following:
- the amount of damage dealt to the Chimera
- the difficulty of the Chimera battle
- the number of Trials completed during the battle
For the Clash Points you earn during the battle, there will be a multiplier applied. You can increase the Clash Points multiplier during the battle by completing Trial. Each completed Trial will increase the multiplier by a specific amount.
Please note: If you want to earn as many Clash Points as possible, you need to complete Trials quickly. The increase to the multiplier that you gain by completing a Trial will only apply to the damage dealt after completing that Trial.
You don’t need to make any calculations: the multiplier changes and the number of Clash Points you have earned are displayed in battle.
The total number of Clash Points earned is updated on the Chimera Clash tab every 30 seconds.
Please note that the amount of damage you dealt and the Clash Points you earned, which are displayed in the Chimera Clash interface, are rounded up. Rewards are given based on the total number of Clash Points. The full number for the damage you dealt and the Clash Points you earned in a battle can be seen in a special tooltip in the Battle Results window.
If a player earned more than 220M Clash Points and their Clan finished in one of the top 3 positions, they will earn rewards from Chimera Clash Chests. These can include Clan Gold, Clan XP and Basalt, as well as Triangular, Square, Diamond, and Pentagonal Gemstones.
Different Chimera Clash Chests are available depending on which position a Clan finishes in. The final Chest awarded to a player depends on how much damage they personally dealt to the Chimera. The table below shows how many Clash Points are needed to get a certain Chimera Clash Chest depending on a Clan’s position:
When the Chimera Clash ends, players will be able to claim the rewards that they have earned. The Chimera Clash tab will not refresh until a player has claimed their rewards. If a player leaves their Clan or is removed while they have an unclaimed reward, it will be automatically sent to the player’s Inbox.
Chimera Form Mechanics
Each Form of the Chimera, except for the Ultimate Form, brings a unique mechanic to the battle.
Ram Form - Duel
The Duel effect is placed on the producer and their target. When the Duel effect is active, the producer can use any skill against the target, while the target is limited to only using their default skill against the producer, similar to the Provoke debuff.
The producer deals 50% more damage to the target under the Duel effect. Champions not under the Duel effect deal 50% less damage to targets who are in a 'duel'.
To end the 'duel', Champions must deplete the producer's Duel bar. This bar is equal to 1% of the producer's MAX HP. Once the requisite damage is dealt, the Duel effect is removed from all Champions. If the producer or their target dies while under the Duel effect, it is also removed.
The Duel effect has priority over Taunt, Veil, and Perfect Veil buffs. For example, the producer of the Duel effect will always target the enemy under the Duel effect, rather than a Champion under a Taunt buff. If the target of a Duel effect is under a Veil or Perfect Veil buff, they will still be targeted by the effect's producer.
The Duel effect is placed irrespective of the number of the debuffs currently on a target Champion. The Duel effect is guaranteed, and cannot be removed, resisted, stolen, spread, or blocked.
Lion Form - Hunter’s Gaze
Damage dealt to a Champion under the Hunter's Gaze debuff cannot be decreased, blocked, redirected, or transferred. This only applies to damage dealt directly by skills, and not from debuffs, passives, Masteries, or Blessings.
Damage dealt to a Champion under the Hunter's Gaze debuff will ignore Unkillable, Block Damage, Increase DEF, Strengthen, Ally Protection, Veil, Perfect Veil, and Shield buffs. Champions can still Evade damage while under the Hunter's Gaze debuff.
Viper Form - Necrosis
When an enemy Champion dies, a single Necrosis stack is placed on all other alive enemies. When another Champion dies, an additional Necrosis stack will be placed on all other alive enemies and so on. Each Necrosis stack deals damage equal to 5% of a Champion's MAX HP at the beginning of their turn. For example, if a Champion has 3 Necrosis stacks, damage equal to 15% of their MAX HP will be dealt to them at the beginning of their turn.
Necrosis stacks do not decrease upon activation at the beginning of a Champion's turn, and Necrosis is placed on a Champion irrespective of the number of debuffs that are currently on them. Damage dealt by Necrosis cannot be increased by other effects, and placement of a Stone Skin buff will remove Necrosis. If there are any dead enemy Champions in the battle after a Stone Skin buff expires, Necrosis stacks equal to the number of dead enemy Champions will be reapplied.
When a dead enemy Champion is revived, a single Necrosis stack is removed from alive enemies. If multiple Champions are revived, Necrosis stacks will be removed equal to the number of Champions revived.