Personally I am really enjoying faction wars. I’m a big fan of breaking up the meta and requiring us to pick new comps to progress through content.
I believe that the levels will be scaled accordingly, the initial 14+ levels are tweaked way to high, and scaling should be ramped down (the jump from 7-8 for example).
Faction Wars / Champion Storage:
As far as which factions are open, I think a simple solution is to have them all open all the time, and use the keys themselves as the lockout. Let people keep a certain number of keys (say 20) and give out 2x12 per day. This solves the problem simply enough.
Faction wars does bring to light a huge issue with champion storage. Personally I love the collection aspect of this game, and have kept a unique copy of every rare and up since day one. With a 300 champion storage limit, I find myself very strained when it comes to keeping food around. I have 3 possible solutions for this, both I think would work quite well.
Let us convert a champ into a skill tome. This reduces the toll on champ storage, and give us the ability to keep extra tomes around if we need them.
Let us convert champions to chickens. As far as I know, there’s not a limit a chicken storage. Level a common to 3 star, turn it into a chicken, which we can use whenever we like. This would hugely clean up allot of players vaults/pools.
This is my personal favorite as far as organization, but will require some significant work with the current UI. I love the champion index, and feel that it could be better utilized. It’s already broken down by faction so it’s easy to search through.
My suggestion is to give us the ability to lock a champion into the index, thereby removing it from our inventory. Have a tab to swap between your current champ and the max version (love this preview feature also). This frees up every unique champion slot, and fixes the issue of people having issues identifying champions by picture alone in the vault.
This will free up loads of space and potentially even (if used with the chicken converter) reduce issues with the game itself
I realize not everyone is a collector like myself and doesn’t want unique copies of every champ, so when you pull a unique champ for the first time, it’s automatically locked in the index, and can be removed by unlocking (like how epic/legendary champs currently function).
I feel that the cost of gear swapping (which is very costly, therefore not frequently used by many) hurt the players ability to experiment with sets. Having something like equipment sets where you fill up the 6 main slots (you could do accessory sets also) and lock those in, giving an option to name each (full spd, or LS+ACC for ex) that can be temporarily equipped on any champ at not cost.
Think of a FW setup. Pick your champs, pick gear sets if needed and go out and fight.
On the gear note, I think many of the 4 piece sets could easy have effect/procs halved and work as a 2 piece. This would encourage new gameplay choices without being locked into a 4 piece. For example, have the stun set with a 10% proc on 2 piece, and 25% on 4 piece.
Additionally, have set bonuses that provide a buff/debuff would be interesting. A 2 piece for a 15% weaken or an aoe 30% def up would be hugely beneficial, especially with factions that have more limited options (orcs do not have a single champ that give a def up buff).
I enjoy this game tremendously, and look forward to playing for a long time to come. A appreciate all the work being put into this game and look forward to balance and content updates :)