I seen stats this game's made over 3 million so far. they ain't short of cash but what that really represents is people (myself included) are or have been spending money hand over fist.
it's been noted since 1.7 the freezing issues and severe loss of resources so why would they compensate the ones who have been having this issue..over 3 million dollars tells me we are just road kill and unless your duel wielding Visas or a "youtuber" you ain't getn nothing
I have closed my wallet and removed all options for purchase I'd highly recommend others with the same.
it's a slap in the face when you lose ya CB keys energy for doing max level dungeons only to be offered to buy more...no!
personally I wouldn't care about the extreme p2w but seeing as every post is going unaddressed and not once has plarium reached out to those who have this major problem to try get direct feedback and rectify the problem
so I'll continue to be vocal and call it p2w bs
it's not like I hate the game..but it's not fun and it's not fair its just (#@×$) I'll say broken