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Divine Artifact Sets Bug Update

Divine Artifact Sets Bug Update

Jan 14, 2019, 14:0501/14/19

Divine Artifact Sets Bug Update

Greetings, everyone!

Some of you likely noticed that at the moment Divine Artifact Sets that drop from the Arena Chests are marked as Set (4) rather than Set (2). That is an error in the server data, one that has to be looked into and fixed. We are planning to do that as soon as we can. 

Another important bug has come up as well, which is the Shield effects from these Artifact Sets not stacking with one another. I.e., if you have 3 Divine Sets equipped, you will only get 15% of HP Shield at the moment. We are aware of the situation and are working to fix that as soon as possible as well. 

While it is doubtful many, if any, players managed to receive 4 Divine Artifacts of the same Set in just one reward drop, we felt it important to relay the message. Rest assured, we will be working on the bugfixes and rolling them out ASAP.

Приветствую всех.

Как некоторые из вас уже заметили, Артефакты, дающиеся в награду за Арену, на данный момент нужно использовать в количестве 4х для получения бонуса. Это ошибка на сервере, кол-во Артефактов в сете - 2. Наши специалисты уже работают над решением этой проблемы.

Мы также обнаружили второй баг - эффекты Щит не будут складываться, если экипировать одного героя в 2 или 3 сета Артефактов. Хотя на данный момент маловероятно, что у многих игроков набралось столько Артефактов, чтобы столкнуться с этой проблемой, считаем необходимым сообщить об этом заранее. Баг также будет решен как можно быстрее.

Jun 18, 2019, 17:3006/18/19

Hello Marius,

Is there an expected ETA on when the bug that prevents the stacking of shields from Diving items will be fixed?  Or if this will just be set so that only one shield can be used instead of stacking?  I currently have a champion with 3 Divine item sets on them and am only receiving the single 15% shield on them.

Thanks in advance!
Jun 19, 2019, 08:4606/19/19
blacksnace3 said:

Hello Marius,

Is there an expected ETA on when the bug that prevents the stacking of shields from Diving items will be fixed?  Or if this will just be set so that only one shield can be used instead of stacking?  I currently have a champion with 3 Divine item sets on them and am only receiving the single 15% shield on them.

Thanks in advance!
Hey there. This bug has been fixed very soon after it was discovered. At this point, everything is working as intended and the Shield should stack. If you are absolutely certain your Champion's having an issue, best report it to Support via a ticket or the Bug Report Forum/Discord channel. I'll close this thread as it's quite old and was buried deep in the Announcements.
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