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Legendary Tomes for Tormin

Legendary Tomes for Tormin

Dec 30, 2019, 11:5112/30/19

Legendary Tomes for Tormin

Hello everyone! 

Guys, we have sent 2 Legendary Tomes, as promised, to the players that fused Tormin. 

We are still working on readjusting his Skills a bit, but since we do want to keep him strong and be very careful with the re-balance, this will take a little more time. We will keep you updated. Please re log in to find the Tomes in your Inboxes.

Happy holidays to you and your families!

Dec 30, 2019, 12:0512/30/19
Do your magic, you need to tone him/her/it down with the freeze, it´s hillarious... just the hero itself is a guarantee win in arena up to platinum where everybody has Tormin, extremely annoying.
Dec 30, 2019, 14:2612/30/19
Dec 30, 2019, 14:27(edited)
He is bugged in his Current form right? Even when another champ hits me all my champs can get frozen even though Im not using, healing/turn increase or any buffs. Imo thats Whats most Annoying with having him in opponents team. Thx for the leg books though.
Dec 30, 2019, 19:1612/30/19
rediculous. Hes easily beaten if you just dont stand on you universal one-team-kills-all, one-stat arena team. God forbid you might actually have to think about who you are fighting. 
Dec 30, 2019, 21:2912/30/19
I have no issues  beating Tormin - don't know what people are complaining about?  Just increase your resist.
Jan 4, 2020, 15:1601/04/20
Tormin is a case of players not wanting to change META, Tormin came in and totally disrupted the systematic play, i think it was a good thing, and left players shocked and not knowing what to do about it.
Jan 6, 2020, 18:1401/06/20

why are people who got hi with a shard not getting the skill tomes???

if you are nerfing one of my 2 legendaries i have invested in to bring him up i am also affected by the nerf.

therefore we should also get compensation
Jan 10, 2020, 13:3901/10/20
Jan 10, 2020, 13:40(edited)

Hi guys! Of course, we intended Tormin to be a meta-changer for the Arena, and that is what he will remain. We will only slightly adjust his Passive Skill, most likely, since it is a bit over the board right now. We certainly do not want to totally change or break him. 

You are also correct about possible ways to defeat hit in opponents' teams - you just need to apply strategies that are different from the traditional speed-oriented ones. We are not saying that he is impossible to beat, but we still need to balance him a little.

As for the question about why we are not giving the 2 Legendary Tomes to the players that summoned him is that this is different from the recent Fusion, which required a lot of resources, time and energy. This kind of effort calls for compensation.

Mar 4, 2020, 11:5603/04/20
I am sorry bur i think he should nerfed again... it is too anoying to play against those teams! Everybody just skips teams with tormin cause they dont want prolonged freeze chance battle!
Mar 15, 2020, 21:3903/15/20
Mar 15, 2020, 21:40(edited)

nesone45 said:

I am sorry bur i think he should nerfed again... it is too anoying to play against those teams! Everybody just skips teams with tormin 

Personally, I don't feel Tormin is an issue. Teams with Siphi, Rotos and Lilitu are the ones to watch out for. 

But I will forward your feedback, thank you for it.