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Idea Proposal In Effort To Help Support Plarium Employees of UKRAINE.Idea Proposal In Effort To Help Support Plarium Employees of UKRAINE.

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Idea Proposal In Effort To Help Support Plarium Employees of UKRAINE.

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Mar 12, 2022, 05:2703/12/22

Idea Proposal In Effort To Help Support Plarium Employees of UKRAINE.

The result of quick research shows that there are 4 Plarium Studios in the Ukraine; Odesa, Lviv, Kyiv, and Kharkiv, with approximately 750 or so employees. Now, I don't know how current that information is and I would assume that with the war, many were forced to leave their jobs and flee their homes for safety, so it's likely that number is drastically reduced. It's my understanding that two of these cities have already been attacked and armed forces are currently advancing on the other two cities, as well as other areas of Ukraine. 

These unjust attacks are devestating. Although I am sure it is nice for the Ukraine citizens to hear our heartfelt words, it's not enough. Perhaps, Plarium has already sent their Ukrainian employees some extra financial assistance, I do not know and that is not my business, but even if so, I can't help but to feel there must be something more that could be offered to the Ukrainian victims of the horrific attacks and those still in danger of becoming victims. Perhaps, something that those of us who spend money on the game can even contribute to....

Sitting here watching the news with my game open but no gaming going on, I had an idea. Plarium makes money from their games, largely in part from selling goods they create out of "thin air"; Plarium makes money by selling items that don't actually exist, items that cost them nothing to generate. Am I right?? So, my thought is: 

Offer a special game package across all games on the Plarium platform that is dedicated specifically to donating money to the victims of war in Ukraine, where 100% of the proceeds gets divided and forwarded to these Ukrainian employees. Even offering $5 packages, surely we would see thousands of gamers across the world unite in the sense of supporting the Ukrainian employees of Plarium by buying these packages. Across all the Plarium games and severs, surely this must mean a potentially incredible relief effort that both Plarium and Plarium gamers can contribute to as a REAL show of our support and how much we care and believe in their right for freedom, democracy, safety, and security as every human should have the right to. 

I do realize that this is just a game forum but I am using this platform as a base to essentially create a petition to put this plan in action. So, please, if you are reading this and agree, hit the "Thumbs Up" button and comment bellow that you agree and support this idea. Beyond that, go into your game and tell all of your friends about this, spread the word and the link to this thread, and let's see if we can make this happen. 

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My heart goes out to the children, women, and men in Ukraine. I am only one small American someone, but know that I am watching every day the developments and I will do as I can as a small someone with not much to give to give all I can in any way I can. On Monday, I have an appointment with my town Mayor where I will organize a local rally in my small town in effort to help raise a little more money and helpful resources for Ukrainian refugees. I think this is something every town and city should try. If you are reading this and want to do more to help, try this same thing. You don't necessarily need to be into local politics to do it.

Mar 12, 2022, 05:4603/12/22

My great grandparents emigrated to the USA from Кременчук -- a Ukrainian town -- over 100 years ago.  

My heart aches over what is happening.  

I know that many people are willing to help but are not sure how.  

If some of my dollars could help someone in distress in Ukraine eat, survive, fight, or escape, that would be far more valuable than a million imaginary pirate ships.  To help make a real impact, I would give.  

Mar 12, 2022, 07:0903/12/22

A brilliant Idea. We have many Ukrainian families in Yorkshire who moved here after WW2 and locally we are organising aid collections which Polish trucks are taking to help the refugees as they arrive in Poland. Our prayers are with all the Ukrainian People.

Mar 12, 2022, 08:1503/12/22

Thumb up for all the above. If this goes through I pledge to contribute. I may not agree with all of your ideas LUNA but this one makes the good list. 

Mar 12, 2022, 12:2603/12/22

Like others, I'm horrified at what is happening.  If this could be made to work by Plarium I'd spend some money supporting this type of activiy.

Mar 12, 2022, 12:5103/12/22
Mar 12, 2022, 12:51(edited)

Sadly, I am not so sure I would/could trust Plarium.

Mar 12, 2022, 13:1203/12/22
Mar 12, 2022, 16:53(edited)

Plarium is doing a lot supporting their employees. Those who had to flee can work remotely, those still fleeing or hiding in shelters are not sacked for "not working",... From what I hear, Plarium is doing right by them, and I would trust them to continue doing so.

I like RUNA's suggestion. I'll pass it on and we'll see if it catches on.

If it doesn't, there are other ways to donate, like local charities (I went with CARE and, through the company I work for, British Red Cross; to the best of my knowledge, both are highly reputable). For those preferring a more direct approach, Airbnb might be a way to do so (I haven't tried that myself).

Mar 12, 2022, 16:4503/12/22

I like RUNA's suggestion too but I hope she can also consider the other Ukrainians that are suffering over there besides the Plarium's staff.

Plarium is an Australian gaming machine manufacturer and its revenue in 2019 was AUD 4.397 billion. Although they are helping their employees over there, I hope they can do a lot more since they are such a big company.

I was hoping that Plarium can use the money donated to bring relief and aid to the people over there instead. I am sure they have the connections to help the locals over there. I mean giving money to Ukrainians now is of not much help to them. I have read in the news that certain towns are without food and water.

Mar 12, 2022, 16:5503/12/22

sent to my crew in Vets, hope they support the idea, i would support buying a package to help ukraine civillians 

think it would be nice if plaruim does three different types of packages of various prices, at least low income players can at least buy a package to show support to ukraine and others players can choose a higher package if they would like to buy

Mar 12, 2022, 18:0303/12/22

great idea and will pass to all my friends and hope that is well become a reality...

Mar 12, 2022, 20:1103/12/22
Mar 12, 2022, 20:12(edited)

Thank you all who support this idea for the unity of Plarium and Plarium gamers to band together in a way that could give back to the Ukrainians employed by Plarium. I do realize there are many different organizations taking donations for the victims of this war, but I was just trying to create an extra way that was directly a special gift of support from Plarium AND the gamers of Plarium. I thought that action in itself might reach out and touch the hearts and uplift the minds of those suffering in this difficult time even more than what Plarium is already doing for them and the rest of us just passing on kind words. 

I'd like to nicely point out to the cute blue Monster eating a Cookie, that I do consider ALL Ukrainians in this time. Outside of this game I am also working towards support of Ukraine. As I mentioned in my last paragraph  of my initial post, I am only a small someone, a regular Jane if you will, but I have reached out to my Mayor and will hold a discussion with him on Monday to see what we can pull together as a small town in effort to help the refugees of Ukraine. Beyond that, I have already donated 35% of my weekly income a few days ago to support the refugees, which is only one of many donations I plan to make. Cookie Monster, if you know of a way that I can send food, water, and basic care items directly to the Ukrainians inside the war itself, then you have my full attention, but at this time, I don't know where to start with that aside from talking to my Mayor and some local organizations that help with disasters. Beyond that, perhaps you could read Crowbar's comment abve yours about how Plarium has been supportive to their Ukrainian employees and know that Plarium is making some good effort to help.

It's good to see how many people are behind Ukraine in defending their human rights. Let's keep united in the real world to do what is right, to fight for what is right, and to shut down the wrong. This is what makes a better world for our future generations. Peace and Love must prevail. 

Mar 13, 2022, 21:0803/13/22

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine.  I will share this with my bh and pirate  friends.  Our help is needed in whatever way we can give.

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Mar 14, 2022, 16:1603/14/22

Words can't express how much we appreciate your support, Captains.

Plarium always stands with its employees and does its utmost and even more in order to help us in these difficult times.

Our volunteers in Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Lviv provide us with shelter, supplies, and direct aid.

In Poland, the special team is assisting with reception, border crossings, visas, and housing, and we have established telephone hotlines operated by employee volunteers to provide physical and emotional support to our employees and their families.

You can support the people of Ukraine by making donations to the following services:

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society 

Direct Relief  

Voices of Children 

We try to be strong and to fight for our country.

It is so important for us to know that you are on our side. Your support gives us strength and power💪 

Mar 15, 2022, 13:4203/15/22

A bit of a followup... I asked specifically about the ruby pack(s) proposed by Runa. Plarium did consider it, but they currently cannot implement it. I don't know why (could be legal issues?), nor do I think it matters much. What matters is that it was consider and that they provided us with alternative means of helping out.

If you can and want to help, please use any of the resources provided by Anastasia above.