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Support to Alina and other Ukrainian civilians <3Support to Alina and other Ukrainian civilians <3

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Support to Alina and other Ukrainian civilians <3

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Feb 25, 2022, 13:2102/25/22

Support to Alina and other Ukrainian civilians <3

Some of you may have been in touch with our former Ukranian Plarium community manager, Alina. 

I was one being lucky enough to benefit from her devotion to help out when there were technical issues in the game. 

It is heartbreaking what's happening to Ukraine, her country, these days.

Her city is under bombardment.

Crowbar forwards messages to her - and says it really means a lot to her to see tokens of support.  If something as small as this can mean something against the cruelty she and her countrymen are facing these days - then please; show her, and the rest of the Ukranians, you care. Show we don't agree with Putin's demonic slaughter of a democratic, neighbour country.  

------------------------------------ &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 -----------------------------

"Know our prayers are with you. Stay safe - and stay strong against the unjust invasion of your country."


The whole of Plarium is in Ukraine. Alina is no longer a CM, but I am in touch with her. She and the family are ok at the moment, albeit understandably shaken, and she thanks you for your kind words.


Thank you for that update, Crowbar. I hope we will see more than just sanctions against Putin and his evil crime against humanity and the souvereignity of Ukraine. This whole situations is worse than any words can describe. If not too much to ask, please update and keep on sending all our love to Alina and the rest of the Plarium community in Ukraine. 

I was looking at my grandfather's album from WW2 - one of the main parole's they were working under to beat Hitler back then was: 



Thank you for your words of support. Here is directly from Alina:


Feb 25, 2022, 15:1602/25/22

Lizzie, thank you for your kind words. The last info I have from Alina is that her and family are alright, in a basement like everyone else, listening to explosions outside. I have no info on the rest of Plarium.

This might be a good opportunity to explain who CMs (community managers) are and where the gratitude comes from.

My help to players fits in two categories: the answers I can provide myself, and help that has to go beyond that. The latter includes answering questions I don't know the answer to, "poking" Support when they are delayed in responding, reporting bugs, unbanning people wrongly banned by algorithms, notifying Plarium when game or forum experience technical difficulties, etc. The second category is when I contact the CM.

For the past few years, this was Alina. Many of those interventions took her going above and beyond duty, including interventions outside of working hours (weekends included) and pushing for resolution of things that bothered players.

I won't go into details of internal communications, but if you got help here or you felt improvements in the game with some updates or other Plarium actions, there is a good chance that our CMs had their hands in it. Just an example: Alina was very invested in the recent revival of units lost in that botched tournament, trying really hard to get the best possible solution for the affected players.

This is not just about her. Over the years, we were really lucky to have had many amazing CMs. We tend to say that "this is just a game", but many of us take it seriously and we appreciate the wonderful people who try hard to make it a joyful experience for us, even though it's "just a job" for them.

So, to Alina and all other CMs, past and current, I truly hope that you and your families are as safe as possible, and that this horror is soon in your rear view. We're thinking of you!

Feb 27, 2022, 20:5202/27/22

Hello my friends. My prayers and thoughts go out to all the people involved in this conflict. I had offered Crowbar to extend my offer to put up Alina and her family in a hotel for a few weeks but he relayed that leaving at this time is not an option. If there is anything else that I can do then please let me know. I don't know what is permitted or what can be done but if there is anything then please let us know and the Phoenix Brotherhood will do what we can to make it happen. I never had the pleasure of dealing with Alina directly but can say that I would not have the friends that I have today without the hard work of people like Alina that supported the game that we play every day. Thank you for everything and I hope this conflict is over soon and you can return to a normal and safe life. 

Feb 27, 2022, 23:5802/27/22
Feb 28, 2022, 00:07(edited)

Hello to you Alina and your family and all Plarium personel and their families in this conflict, dreamt up by a foolish so called leader who just feels the need to show he's a man.  I do offer you all my hopes and prayers for you safety and a rapid end to this conflict.  I wish I could offer more then words for you all, but I can give you my thanks for all the hard works you all have been doing in this game that we love.  Please be sure you keep safe. 

Mar 1, 2022, 19:4503/01/22

Alina's reaction to this topic:

Thank you! 🙏
It’s incredible to see this kind of support ❤️

I've heard from her and our new CM, Kitana, earlier today. They are both alive and well.