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Upgrade Etchings for the poor

Upgrade Etchings for the poor

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Apr 27, 2016, 16:2704/27/16

Upgrade Etchings for the poor

It would be very nice to make Upgrade Etchings attainable with resources and tournament rewards rather than just rubies.  This game is already pay to win so why add one more advantage to those throwing piles of money at it.  There are a majority of us playing that need what upgrade etchings provide in order to stay competitive and can't afford to waste our rubies on anything other than units.

Upgrade Etchings for the poor!!!
Apr 27, 2016, 16:5304/27/16
good idea, maybe the game devs will add this to the game later on 
Apr 27, 2016, 18:5904/27/16

Blasphemy said:

good idea, maybe the game devs will add this to the game later on 
Or at least include them in offers, & maybe give discount on them but not 20 or 50%, It should be 70-80%
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 28, 2016, 08:5604/28/16
At this moment we are not planning to add them to the rewards or make them cheaper.
Jun 5, 2016, 13:2706/05/16
I don't buy them, I don't think it's neecessary to upgrade past 20, even if my rum consumption goes down, It's not worth all the rubies etchings cost just to upgrade an additional level. I can't afford it, as many can't. This game is already a cash cow, the ones that throw money at it are the huge havens with junk everywhere. There will always be those but the the average joe like myself, etchings are just too much. Everywhere you go in the game, it's rubies for this and that, now the bastions are brought in, and to get anywhere with them, you have to buy codexes, and blocks. I've never seen a game so intent on forcing people to spend money. I mean the game is suppose to be here to have fun, I'm sure there are people in this game going broke because of the obsession. Just too many things in this game that are too costly. If everyone would just not buy them, and they  become a nuisance for plarium to have them they would think this through. 
Jun 5, 2016, 18:4006/05/16
Dunno my past 8 upgrades to knowledge where with all codexes that we won not bought.
Jun 5, 2016, 18:5306/05/16

i also won some handsome numbers but still i agree with Linda

The more the merer
Jun 29, 2016, 05:0306/29/16

I would like to add.. that if you do purchase Sketches.. they should be yours.. you paid for them.. with rubies..  that you bought .. more likely than won..  So they should not disappear..  they should be around  to share with other members of the BH..  

I have noticed  since I shared about 15 Sketches.. now when I start a new discovery, that all of my sketches disappear..  even the ones I paid for..  That just does not seem right.  If you bought them you should own them.. to do as you want with them..

jmv.. jmo.

Capt Fletcher
Jun 29, 2016, 14:4206/29/16

Go to your Observatory in your haven this will show you all your sketches you hold..

sketches are never deleted 

Jun 29, 2016, 15:1806/29/16
Jun 29, 2016, 15:19(edited)
This topic has taken a turn from Upgrade Etchings to Sketches.  To get back on track, I understand not getting them as rewards and keeping the price the same but how about including them in the Wheel of Fortune?  I'm sure you could limit what their discount could be, like 40 or 50%, as it seems like some others only get a smaller discount while some get 70% off.  Some discount is better than none.
Jun 29, 2016, 19:0806/29/16

Fletcher , i think blas got little wrong on the sketches thing

Sketches are gone after research and you can't have them back since you consumed them in a research. No matter if it is purchased or not.

Reasons are following: 

1-- Alts account will get benefit from this thing

2-- if this was the case only like a 1000 player would have need sketches initially and than they will spread it out to the next one and it will be repeated in the loop, in which case all the fun/wait would end in researches.

3-- In old times sketches/map were a rare resource same like uranium now a days. Additionally they couldn't be copied so we need to live in the pirates world.

@Ash: i forgot the other thread and couldn't find the link in their we had a detailed (Disappointing) reply form Plarium side, in which it was stated that they are not planning to offer any discount, or add them in rewards or in special offers in near future.

Though we were told at one stage that this would be the case, but sadly i think it was turned down later on.

I agree with your suggestion and also it would be good if Plarium could attach them with special offers or introduce one offer specifically for etchings which would be available to members once a month on a discount. or maybe a discount (just like we currently have 70% on the barrels)

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 30, 2016, 09:1606/30/16
ASH said:

This topic has taken a turn from Upgrade Etchings to Sketches.  To get back on track, I understand not getting them as rewards and keeping the price the same but how about including them in the Wheel of Fortune?  I'm sure you could limit what their discount could be, like 40 or 50%, as it seems like some others only get a smaller discount while some get 70% off.  Some discount is better than none.
We don't have such plans for now. Unfortunately, we cannot affect our developers' decision on this matter.' 
Jul 19, 2016, 01:3807/19/16
Maybe to make us all happy upgrade etchings get added to the wheel of fortune.  Something else about the wheel of fortune that should be adjusted. For instance I have all 4 carpenters yet I still get discounts to buy a carpenter, how does that help me.?  I'm sure other players see this one as well. Maybe the wheel should already know this. Another thing about the wheel is barrels and sketches on the wheel in multiple spots(thinking about it as if its an actual wheel) Bc I see those 2 more often than any other discounts
Sep 23, 2016, 18:1609/23/16

Wot reason upgride market and House Navigation to max lv???I buy and upgraide,now can carry 52500(+bylding moor) by trading galeons ,but cant send moor than cant gat moor than 100k res in 1 ride anyway...if you made theas changes than mby can rise limit on res for rides olso?othervise its 1 moor usless upgride for suck from us moor cash for nothing...waiting for answer whay plarium made upgrides wot cant use in game???its only to gat from us moor cash for nothing or thear is som real use of galeons abowe 50k for big ruby cost???

Sep 26, 2016, 03:4709/26/16
Sep 26, 2016, 03:56(edited)

Earn, Burn Grow..
 I earn rubies from raids for fame,  blockades for fame,
careful participation in events for equitable rewards

burn earned rubies on etchings & build troops for free to grow

it is up to each to set your priorities.. you buy troops with rubies and they can die..
you buy etchings and you add to your permanent status.. 

and keep an eye out there was a sale on etchings one day..
40% off !! ONCE for 1 day was it from my wheel of fortune??  sorry I forget.

all I know is one day all day only..I could have bought 1000 for 6000 rubies
 I should have bought those .. I already went through 2000 etchings.. 

2000 got me L-22 market
L-21 nav house,
3X   L-21 & 3X   L-22 distillies 

that's plenty for now.. will earn more rubies soon..

Yarr Harr.. don't let the Kraken get ya

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 26, 2016, 13:1509/26/16

Icy said:

Maybe to make us all happy upgrade etchings get added to the wheel of fortune.  
Maybe. We have already added them to the discounts.