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Brotherhood Brawl Has Been Updated

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Brotherhood Brawl Has Been Updated

Ahoy Captain!

We've implemented some changes to the Brotherhood Brawl.

The Rewards for winning against your Opponent Brotherhood have been modified, so be sure to fight hard and grab them when you can.

Progression through the Stages has also been updated, so keep an eye out as you advance through the Brawl.

Fists up and eyes forward, Cap!

Piratically yers,
Captain "Bonnie" Anne O'Malley 

Apr 19, 2023, 12:1404/19/23
Apr 19, 2023, 18:2704/19/23
Apr 19, 2023, 18:43(edited)

WOW, last weeks change with the new levels - we needed to score 4,5 M points more to get T12 in Diamond league but at least we where getting some 45 % more off power - 

now with this new update we need to score 7,5 M points to get about the same amount of off power like it used to be when there where only 10 tiers and 3 M points needed

Where is the "improvement" on that ???

I'm not against the need to get more points for the maximum, but at least there should be some gain in profits when you score that much points and do that amount of effort

But what we get now is absolutely worthless

In my opinion, plarium will need to do better if they want to keep this game worth playing

Apr 20, 2023, 13:1004/20/23

Thank you for the feedback! I'm sure you will find the best strategy and approach to the updated tournament's balance, and the reward will be worth the losses.😉 

Apr 20, 2023, 13:5604/20/23

why should we continue to waste our time or units on the brawl, when you either refuse to get rid of the Russian bots or prefer them to the real players?  Everyone still in the game can see the bot and how much they've grown in numbers.  They can run 24 hrs and have already become top ten in almost every category every week.  Grow a set and get rid of the Russian bots, Please.

Apr 20, 2023, 15:0504/20/23

ПРошлый раз награды были хоть немного более менее приемлимые, а теперь   эти награды за этапы курам насмех. Усилий много , а выхлопа ноль . Где улучшения , по факту только хуже....

Apr 20, 2023, 15:0704/20/23

Thank you for the feedback! I'm sure you will find the best strategy and approach to the updated tournament's balance, and the reward will be worth the losses.😉 

Стратегия одна на маяке цели , и грабежи остравов это самые большие очки . Все остальное кот наплакал.....

Apr 20, 2023, 16:3804/20/23

Thank you for the feedback! I'm sure you will find the best strategy and approach to the updated tournament's balance, and the reward will be worth the losses.😉 

Best strategy at this point is just leaving the game, because week after week it is getting less atractive

Apr 21, 2023, 02:5504/21/23
Juul Kabas

Best strategy at this point is just leaving the game, because week after week it is getting less atractive

Тоже хорошая стратегия...

Apr 28, 2023, 12:2204/28/23

" the reward will be worth the losses."

Late April Fool's joke? You almost got me on that one!

Apr 28, 2023, 12:4204/28/23

I see nothing wrong with that statement.

If you do Prizes instead of PvP, you get the resource-equivalent of the lost troops back. Any reward beyond that is "worth the losses", since there really are no losses. And if your Prizes troops get replaced with res instead of other troops, then you're doing the Prizes wrongly