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Fixes And Improvements

Ahoy Captain!

We've made some fixes and improvements so you can enjoy a smoother experience:

- "Booty" area of Piracy Reports improved to make numbers under icons easier to read
- Brotherhood Bastion window tweaked for Bastions at Level 30 to remove the text "Reinforce your Bastion to repel attackers and hold onto your Bonuses!", as Bastions at Level 30 cannot be downgraded
- Offense and Defense +50% Item improved so that you will now see a confirmation window before applying one
- Counselors window improved so there is now a "Settings" button which allows you to tweak which Shipmates Reports you receive (Only for Plarium Play servers 2 and 3)
- Removed the "Send a Friend Reinforcements" Quest from the game because it could not be completed
- Fixed the "Reinforce yer Brotherhood Bastion!" Quest so it can now be completed. Any players who previously attempted this Quest must follow its steps again in order to complete it.

Now, lift your anchors. Smooth sailin', Captain!

Piratically yers,
Captain "Bonnie" Anne O'Malley 

Feb 6, 2023, 15:3202/06/23
Feb 13, 2023, 00:1402/13/23

my friends list became jumbled 4 days after the fix and my  parleys  lost the green frame showing them as such.  




now i cant find my brotherhood members the friends list is all mixed up

please reply

lady diana prince 

Feb 13, 2023, 23:3902/13/23

Sorry for the late reply. I had a bit of trouble accessing the forum earlier.

I'll ping Plarium about this. Thanks.

Feb 14, 2023, 11:4002/14/23

@Lady Diana Prince , please send me your ID (the string that you can copy by clicking it in the bottom left corner of the Help window, then paste it to me). You can do so here or in a private message to me. If the latter, write here that you sent me, because the notifications for DMs don't work very well to me.

Further, I remember the green thumbnails, but I never bothered to find out what they were. Was it the same BH members (with everyone else being brown as they are all now), or what else was the meaning of the green ones?

Feb 22, 2023, 02:1802/22/23

no the green thumbnails were who was in your breathern which you had a max of 20 members    that is now gone  it needs to come back 

Feb 22, 2023, 05:5902/22/23

Доброе утро!

Feb 22, 2023, 10:2202/22/23
Lady Diana Prince

no the green thumbnails were who was in your breathern which you had a max of 20 members    that is now gone  it needs to come back 

"In [my] brethren"? You mean "in [my] Brethren court", as in "[my] Shipmates"?

Feb 25, 2023, 07:2002/25/23
Feb 25, 2023, 07:22(edited)

Crowbar is there any way we can get these automated Brother Hood BUG FIXED. like maybe call an exterminator from Plarium the co ords are on the screenshots.... This is on The Pirates Bay server... The entire Brotherhoods were made on the same day..

Feb 25, 2023, 09:4402/25/23

Plarium is aware of the problem, although I'm not sure if they are aware how many players are unhappy about it (and how unhappy they are). You guys posting on the forum helps get the message across, but please keep it to the topics that are already about bots. This one is about an update that has nothing to do with bots.

Mar 27, 2023, 02:0703/27/23
Mar 27, 2023, 02:08(edited)

EVEYONE is unhappy about the problem reported by Lady Diana Prince.

EVERONE is unhappy about ALL of the bugs on ALL of the servers ... some have around for MANY years.

Instead of offering existing, long-time players oooh aaaah micro gifts why not get the devs to focus on making the game work correctly - that would attractive and KEEP new players.

Don't understand? Looky looky ...

Mar 27, 2023, 08:1203/27/23

I can pass on only what is reported. Lady Diana Prince was the only one to report this specific problem. "Everyone" else stayed quiet and I myself never cared about that colour, so how is Plarium to know that "everyone" cares if "everyone" doesn't write to the Support or here?

Bugs can be reported here, on the forum (each in its own topic, please) or submitted directly to the Support here, but they do need to be talked about if you want Plarium to know which ones the players care about.