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Where did the piece of gold go?  Riddle challenge

Where did the piece of gold go? Riddle challenge

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Jul 5, 2015, 18:3607/05/15

Where did the piece of gold go? Riddle challenge

Last night, I sat down with a captain and a friend of theirs for a meal to discuss matters of Pirates, and the bill was 25 gold pieces (GP)

We each paid 10GP, which the host gave to the pirate motel we were eating at

The pirate motel gave 5GP back to the host

The host couldn’t split 5GP three ways, so we elected to give the host 2GP as a tip and each of us get a 1GP refund

I’m no smart pirate like my Tinker, but I know when I feel that I’m getting cheated

We each paid 10GP and got 1GP back. 10 - 1 = 9GP

There were three of us. 3 X 9 = 27GP

We paid 27GP and the host kept 2GP. 27+2=29GP

So where did the last piece of gold go?  We paid 30GP but can only account for 29 of them

Ten Captains smarter than me who sort this out get 20k gold each

The competition lasts 7 days.  All responses will be hidden to prevent “copy cat”, yet will be made public after the competition is complete

GL.  May the greatest minds prevail

Jul 6, 2015, 13:4907/06/15
Jul 13, 2015, 00:10(edited)

The Bill is 25 GP's


We each paid 10GP and got 1GP back. 10 - 1 = 9GP

There were three of us. 3 X 9 = 27GP

We paid 27GP and the host kept 2GP. 27+2=29GP

So where did the last piece of gold go?  We paid 30GP but can only account for 29 of them

Ten Captains smarter than me who sort this out get 20k gold each


The Bill is 25 GP's


each paid 10 GP's

the three pirates get each get + 1GP's back

so the host got 2 GP's for the top


pirates each get 1 GP's = 3

host gets  2 GP's   =2

total = 5 GP's



so looks as if it was all accounted for

Jul 13, 2015, 00:2707/13/15
Jul 13, 2015, 00:28(edited)

Well done Captains!  You can spot trickery even if it is beyond the horizon.  Congratulations to the winners


Solution text that I prescribe to

Jul 15, 2015, 07:4307/15/15
Aug 17, 2015, 13:21(edited)

Ahoy Captains! I recommend that ye visit the Smuggler's Den in order to find yer Gold.

Me Congratulations!

Gut, I must admit that it was a riddle fer real Pirates. I hope to see more scurvy riddles and puzzles from ye. Aye aye I am not only drinking Rum all the day long but also using my little grey cells to solve yer riddles.