Scurvy Crossword: admission fer Pirates only!
Scurvy Crossword: admission fer Pirates only!
Solve t’ crossword and win 2,000 Rubies! Write yer answers below or create a picture with t’ answers, using Paint or fer example.
2. Dreadful monster that protects yer Haven from prying eyes.
5. What be t’ name o’ t’ 22th Adventure?
7. Pirates do it all t’ time. Matey!
8. This building allows ye to recover some Units fer free.
1. If ye discover this ye will be able to build a Sawmill.
3. You cannot Buy, Exchange or Send these items to yer friends.
4. These Items help to improve yer skill tree.
6. Who is William "Wee Eccentric" McCallan?
9. Here ye can bargain Resources and Sketches.
Get yer Scurvy brains working or make them walk t’ plank! Ahoy!