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How do Haven Defense Bonus Points rate in actual defense effectiveness?

How do Haven Defense Bonus Points rate in actual defense effectiveness?

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Jun 25, 2017, 11:5906/25/17

How do Haven Defense Bonus Points rate in actual defense effectiveness?

For example, I have gotten myself up to just past 10,000 Haven Defense Points recently, but how does that stack up against other havens defenses and against big firepower raids?  Is there any way you can find out the HDF for an enemy haven?  What levels are truly outstanding in terms of effectiveness?


Jun 25, 2017, 13:4706/25/17

NavigatorNY said:

For example, I have gotten myself up to just past 10,000 Haven Defense Points recently, but how does that stack up against other havens defenses and against big firepower raids?  Is there any way you can find out the HDF for an enemy haven?  What levels are truly outstanding in terms of effectiveness?

We all have enemies, so don't expect many people to reveal their numbers. I won't reveal mine.

You can try to estimate haven's defence bonus, but that's hard and boring for highly improved havens (and not very useful for unimproved ones). You can try duping them into revealing the info, maybe by getting them to brag or give you a screenshot or something. Other than that, not even their BH/friends/shipmates can get that info.

Your 10k means extra 100% (added to the base defence). Not bad, but also not too intimidating, IMO.
Jun 25, 2017, 18:2706/25/17
Jun 25, 2017, 19:07(edited)

NavigatorNY said:

For example, I have gotten myself up to just past 10,000 Haven Defense Points recently, but how does that stack up against other havens defenses and against big firepower raids?

A full set of level 5 walls, towers and gates gives me 14,300 defense bonus, but I consider this to be a total waste of rubies because I rarely get attacked .... and even if I did it would probably be at a time when offline, so my haven has minimal defense .... or send fake raids followed by fireships, which are immune to our castle walls (ripoff)

We are told that 100 points gives 1% bonus, but we have never seen any official confirmation whether this is added to base defense or full defense, and there are many who believe it is added to full defense (ask biohazard?)

About time we got an answer?

Big firepower raids are usually sent by pvp coiners, who only care about pvp points - they dont care how many units they lose because they just run to the Surgeon to buy them all back again.

I have always said that the best defense is an empty haven

Jun 26, 2017, 02:1106/26/17

Nicely said Snow, I do get it that u just let them "eat the sand on your beach on your haven" by hiding in the Harbor.  But how sad and pathetic a play is that? How about luring the stupid enemy in with some spoils, and then hitting him with overwhelming power back to back with extra map boosts??!  Think outside the box, and be bold, and be king!


I navigate but I kill for fun

Jun 26, 2017, 17:0706/26/17
Jun 26, 2017, 17:16(edited)

NavigatorNY said:

Nicely said Snow, I do get it that u just let them "eat the sand on your beach on your haven" by hiding in the Harbor.  But how sad and pathetic a play is that? How about luring the stupid enemy in with some spoils, and then hitting him with overwhelming power back to back with extra map boosts??!  Think outside the box, and be bold, and be king!


I navigate but I kill for fun

We enjoy splat parties in Iron Pirates BH

Never defend alone - If any member has incoming then we all send defense, usually killing 98% of attackers with very little loss to ourselves
But this also gives very low pvp points, except to the heaviest defenders.

Plarium took all the fun out of following an enemy fleet back to their own haven when they added boosts
I have killed many offense units by this method which is no longer possible - also level 32 juggernauts have much improved defense stats now

Truth is that there have been so many rule changes since 2013 that strategy and tactics have been removed from the game
All that matters now is the size of your credit card, which is very sad

Jun 26, 2017, 18:5506/26/17
Snowgoon said:

Truth is that there have been so many rule changes since 2013 that strategy and tactics have been removed from the game

All that matters now is the size of your credit card, which is very sad

That's what I've been telling everyone complaining about strategic elements in the game. This is not a strategic game. Whirlpools and charts rendered defending a haven almost useless, Fireships replaced proper hits with risk-free ones, boosts made it impossible to capture returning units,... No strategy left whatsoever.
Aug 5, 2017, 22:5308/05/17
Navigator I have never seen a true confirmation of what defensive point amounts on your haven contribute towards an incoming offensive attack. with that being said, there is an enormous difference between hitting a haven with level 5 walls vs zero walls comparing the same troop counts. Truly though if you were looking for pvp and have a semi considerable force it would be better to attack them as they do not have nearly as much of protection and can be massed attack. Brotherhoods with multiple presidios especially many at level 1 or with very few members despite the level are even more vulnerable. If you looking to maximize your defense i would recommend level 5 walls as well as purchasing 20 percent defense increase on your troops and haven. Your prestige rating also has a small impact. For all the newer players i would recommend leveling your units to a minimum of level 20, and 32 for units you have much more of. The best defense of all is troop count mixed with all the factors above. Large troop sizes can really only b acquired by playing the lighthouse prizes, You can also purchase them but you are looking about 30,000 u.s. dollars for a good fleet. Another important factor is rum consumption to always be mindful of course while building defensive units to protect your resources.
Aug 12, 2017, 16:4508/12/17
Aug 12, 2017, 16:48(edited)

Shadow D.A. said:

 there is an enormous difference between hitting a haven with level 5 walls vs zero walls comparing the same troop counts.

I dont see any advantage in spending rubies to build massive walls, and we can expect level 10 walls soon which would cost 204k rubies

Walls do not protect our defense, they just add extra casualties to both players

Total Defense divided by (Offense plus Defense) only means that haven walls and improvement will add to battle size so both players suffer

and there is no way that we can defend against sneak attacks from level 92 coiners, so leave your units in the harbor and give them nothing
There are many ways to get pvp points without wiping out your entire defense

Aug 13, 2017, 14:3608/13/17

Stiletto said:

I dont see any advantage in spending rubies to build massive walls, and we can expect level 10 walls soon which would cost 204k rubies

Source of that information, please?

Stiletto said:

Walls do not protect our defense, they just add extra casualties to both players
Total Defense divided by (Offense plus Defense) only means that haven walls and improvement will add to battle size so both players suffer

No, walls add to your def strength, in a way that is exactly the same as upgrading your discoveries (except that discoveries also work outside your haven). Do you keep all your discoveries at level 1 because it would "just add extra casualties to both players"?

Walls add to offender's casualties and reduce defenders', and can easily reverse the outcome of a battle. I experienced it firsthand, more than once.

Stiletto said:

and there is no way that we can defend against sneak attacks from level 92 coiners, so leave your units in the harbor and give them nothing

This is true. The only defence that makes sense is when you unturtle (recall from harbour) seconds before the hit, and turtle back right after it. Everything else is a waste of def and will remain that as long as there is no efficient def against Fireships, or at least until bonuses start being applied against Fireships, as they are in all other battles.

And being there when an attack happens is a matter of luck with a very slim chance to actually happen, due to teleporting devices like Whirlpools and charts.

Jun 27, 2018, 21:1806/27/18

If you plan on defending I would say it is a must.

Defense is already at the disadvantage.  With HDB it can overcome the 2:1 handicap and even reverse it.  Defending without it means you are losing 2 bonnies for every 1 marauder hitting you.

Crowbar already stated the important stuffs.

As for rubies spent.  It's a game.  Some do some don't.  Would you buy a picture for your wall?  How about movie night, gambling, tobacco, or booze?  We all find sources of entertainment in life to spend money on.  Not always a necessity but then again sometimes a luxury is needed to make all the toil and muck in life a bit more worth the effort.  If I'm going to spend 3-10 hours a day playing a game I may as well enjoy it a little more.  imo.
Sep 5, 2018, 21:5509/05/18

Does Patrick Graff agree you publish that?

I don't think so..

Any admin awakaned around there?
Sep 6, 2018, 06:0909/06/18

Phill said:

Does Patrick Graff agree you publish that?

I don't think so..

Any admin awakaned around there?

That policy has changed to "You should ask Patrick before posting, and he has the right to ask for it to be removed". I'm not a fan of that approach, but I'm not the one making the rules.

Anyway, for a year old post, I don't think it matters anymore.