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Nov 2, 2016, 12:1411/02/16

Lighthouse-event tip

This is just a tip, i use this method when such events come around

one it helps me, i kill scrap troops to fill the banking plus get a reward when it's over

First is, i go after my biggest prizes i yellow bar them, i do not kill the prize

you don't have to kill good troops, 9smaller players that don't have troops yet do to discoveries

use pirates and mercs ..

this strategy normally works best when your prizes are in the 50's and 60's but can be done at any level just works best when they are in the 50's when yellow baring,

Now that plarium had changed the prizes to be allowed to gain tournament points when not fully taking a prize, this is a bonus for you ....

Now all i killed was Pirate and merc troops got lil over 1k tournament points

filled up a lil more of the banking for a future hit

and will be gaining a sweet reward for playing it safe 

You don't have to win the prize to gain points

just hit small gain points, and at the end love your reward 

Nov 2, 2016, 17:0311/02/16

good tip when your BH make 200.000 point...only then you don't need to make more than 100 points to win ''sweet rewards''

if we join RuAl we all can win sweet rewards from those tournaments with minimal efforts  LOL

Nov 2, 2016, 17:0711/02/16
Nov 2, 2016, 17:08(edited)

the point is you don't have to lose lot to gain something better....

Nov 2, 2016, 17:5611/02/16
the point is that your BH made 95% of those points/ just collected them with minimal loses....
Nov 2, 2016, 18:1811/02/16

The point is the end of the needle actually guys!  Uh but thanks very helpful stuff Blas

Nov 2, 2016, 18:2311/02/16
Any other people that have solved the prize algorithm around and care to share their secrets?
Nov 2, 2016, 18:5111/02/16
Not i, im tired of being hit with sarcasm,  some people just aren't happy unless they have something to complain about..... 
Nov 2, 2016, 21:5511/02/16
Nov 2, 2016, 22:01(edited)

Everybody's complaining nowadays. Ignore them and play. Be happy. That's what i'm doing.

Can i join your BH? :D
Nov 2, 2016, 22:1111/02/16
sure lol i gave you the bh name privately 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 3, 2016, 11:1311/03/16
Moved to game Tutorials. Good tips, Blas!
Nov 4, 2016, 01:1611/04/16
Here's a useful tip when you're bank is extraordinarily high. use the yellow bar method. It stops any payouts especially resources. Resources do count against your bank. Also pay attention to what you're sending in to fill your bank. Its important to keep track  so you know when to stop yellow barring prizes.
Nov 17, 2016, 20:0011/17/16
Icy said:

Here's a useful tip when you're bank is extraordinarily high. use the yellow bar method. It stops any payouts especially resources. Resources do count against your bank. Also pay attention to what you're sending in to fill your bank. Its important to keep track  so you know when to stop yellow barring prizes.
Okay, so I keep track of how much is being banked but still don't know when to stop yellow barring. I don't think anyone has mentioned how you know when you have 'enough' banked points.
Nov 17, 2016, 20:5411/17/16

you can google a prize calculator, there is a few free ones out there

they keep track of the troops and resources you killed and gained... 
Nov 11, 2020, 11:0211/11/20


Nov 11, 2020, 11:0211/11/20



Dec 30, 2020, 11:3812/30/20
Icy said:

Here's a useful tip when you're bank is extraordinarily high. use the yellow bar method. It stops any payouts especially resources. Resources do count against your bank. Also pay attention to what you're sending in to fill your bank. Its important to keep track  so you know when to stop yellow barring prizes.
Okay, so I keep track of how much is being banked but still don't know when to stop yellow barring. I don't think anyone has mentioned how you know when you have 'enough' banked points.

I really don't have time to keep track of my bank, I had rather play the game. The method I use is:  After a month or two of yellow lining:  I will enhanse, off and def by 20%, activate the relics with the higest % of increse in deff and off. Then take the Higest prize level and substract the lowest prize level from it, and attack the median level prize.  Example:  Lowest level 20 prize - higest prize 100 = 80,. Send a test raid at the level 40 prize, if it has a hight pay off then hit the level 100 def prize, and then the  highest level off prize. If then median pirze don't have a high pay off, then waite untill it does. send all all pirats first, then the other groups seprately.